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CNN.com / MSNBC: Shootings, multiple deaths reported at Fort Hood (MET; Merged)


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I dont think that was his actual cousin. Did you hear how abruptly he ended the interview? Also that guy that said that he worked with him at Ft. Hood seemed a little fishy as well. Didnt the news report that the shooter had worked at Walter Reed until he was transferred to Ft. Hood earlier this year?

I just saw the end of the interview with the cousin. The way the interview ended either someone told him to get off the phone or he realized he needed to stop talking.

If it was the cousin, the guy is an idiot for talking to the media right now.

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I also heard on the news that this guy was adament about not wanting to go to Iraq, and was scheduled to be deployed next month. Sounds like he had made comments to people about supporting fellow muslims, was against the US being in the middle east. curious to see how this will continue to pan out.

Just heard Retired Col Terry Lee on Fox, who knew the suspect and had heard him make numerous comments about his feelings against the war, against US foreign policy. Col. Lee also said he was not surprised at todays actions, yet he never felt the need to report anything- he took the comments with a grain of salt.

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I also heard on the news that this guy was adament about not wanting to go to Iraq, and was scheduled to be deployed next month. Sounds like he had made comments to people about supporting fellow muslims, was against the US being in the middle east. curious to see how this will continue to pan out.


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This is why there is no point watching cable news right after an incident like this. They don't know ****. They just talk and talk to fill up time.

We will know a lot more in 24 hours. People just need to calm down and let authorities do their job.

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I'm stationed at Hood. Live about 5 miles away actually. The base has been locked down and just recently opened again. Things are very confusing to those around here not in the know about what's going on. There will most likely be a lot more info tomorrow after things have calmed down. Everyone wants answers now and that's not going to happen unfortunately. The news speculates on a lot but yeah, kinda surprising they are now saying he's still alive. I also don't really like the "suspected shooter" when there's a bunch of witnesses. Oh well.

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I'm stationed at Hood. Live about 5 miles away actually. The base has been locked down and just recently opened again. Things are very confusing to those around here not in the know about what's going on. There will most likely be a lot more info tomorrow after things have calmed down. Everyone wants answers now and that's not going to happen unfortunately. The news speculates on a lot but yeah, kinda surprising they are now saying he's still alive. I also don't really like the "suspected shooter" when there's a bunch of witnesses. Oh well.

Hey, I'm just glad to see that you are with us and posting here. I'll say some prayers for your fallen brethren this evening. But, it's good to see that you are safe.

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Here is more info. The female civilian police officer that was reportedly killed actually is alive also. She is the one that shot the suspect.

that is definitely great news

on another note, how did they miss the info that the shooter was still breathing? every report had him as dead, not struggling to survive after being shot

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I watched the news conference from the Army- they couldn't really say why everyone reported he was dead- oh well, maybe it will lead to some answers, but no matter what his reasons, it won't make sense to many.

hunterr, glad you are ok.

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The only silver lining in this whole thing is that this ******* is dead. Otherwise he would have just "allegedly" killed 11 people, even though dozens of witnesses, who are AMERICAN PATRIOTS were witness to it. **** this guy, let's move on to torturing the people in custody.

Looks like there is no silver lining he is still alive as per yahoo.

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I think that is the silver lining. He'll sit in a jail cell for a few years, knowing that he will be put to death.

Maybe he won't last for years - hopefully he'll be mixed with the general inmates, who will see to it, that Sphincter Boy has a bitter experience in the slammer.

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