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CNN.com / MSNBC: Shootings, multiple deaths reported at Fort Hood (MET; Merged)


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I never said that he wasn't.

Like I said - my original post was saying "arabic sounding name" doesn't necessarily mean they were involved in terrorism from the ME.

Agreed. I didn't mean to imply that, because the shooter has an "Arabic sounding name," it must be related to terrorism. I was just pointing out that is a very plausible theory since there are reports of multiple shooters and they targeted a center where troops are getting ready to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.

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He wasn't a member of an Al Qaeda terrorist cell, but, in my mind, he was a terrorist. He was sympathetic towards Osama bin Laden, believed that America was a racist nation, he wanted to create an army of young soldiers who would fight a Holy War against America, and, according to Malvo, he wanted to wage a campaign of terror to get money to build his army.

That's if you believe him. Most experts tend to think he was just a ranting lunatic that went that route after being caught. Some killer's have claimed that a talking dog told them to do it.

You really have to take the things mass murderers say with a grain of salt. Like I said before while ranting about what you are talking about he mixed in matrix references.

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Clearly an Arabic name.

Means nothing at this point, other than it points towards a possible idealogical component to this. Matter of fact, I am gonna go out on a limb an say that he got brainwashed by some Islamic extremist garbage.

He was a Major too. Man...

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Bulletin -- u.s. Army official says its "too premature" to rule out terrorism.

Not a useful statement unless there is evidence.

To me, terrorism is violent acts, or threats of violence, performed by an organization to achieve political goals. A serial killer isn't a terrorist.

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How do you get to be a Major in the US Army if you think like that?

There are crazies at all ranks. I keep seeing "convert" associated with this guy, so perhaps there's been some instability that led to his conversion (not in anyway saying that converts to anything are inherently unstable -- just that they're looking for a dramatic change in worldview). Perhaps multiple deployments? Perhaps perceived injustices? Who the heck knows.

But you're right, I wouldn't think it'd be as likely from a mid-level officer.

On the other hand, I knew some Maj's in Iraq that darn well nearly had nervous breakdowns.

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