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First hint that this winter may be as bad as predicted.......

Tom [Giants fan]

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Some are predicting this to be a very cold and snowy winter for a lot of the eastern part of the U.S. including areas from around Washington D.C., New Jersey, New York City, Long Island, and at least Connecticut. The fact it is early October and this is already happening, makes me curious as to what is to come in the next few months.


Any thoughts?

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this is the mildest summer I ever remember in TN. It never even got hot... stayed in the 80s most of the summer. And the rain has been out of control, I can't even keep up with mowing my lawn.

We already had to turn on the heat one night last week. That is UNHEARD of this time of year... Halloween is still usually in the 80s.

I don't know about forecasts and all that but I think this winter is going to be brutal.

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I love fall so much! the weather is perfect, the days are just the right length. I love sunsets in the fall, especially down here at VMI nestled in between the mountains. the trees at the top of the mountains are already turning colors.

winter can go to hell though, it's so depressing :(

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this is the mildest summer I ever remember in TN. It never even got hot... stayed in the 80s most of the summer. And the rain has been out of control, I can't even keep up with mowing my lawn.

We already had to turn on the heat one night last week. That is UNHEARD of this time of year... Halloween is still usually in the 80s.


Yes. Rain's been terrible. What part of TN you live?

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I love in very early fall how the temps will drop from like 80 to 40-50 in a matter of 2 days and all the sudden 50 degrees might as well be freezing. Then late fall/winter arrive and you yearn for those 50 degree days.

Man, ain't that the truth? It was close to 50 when I left for work this morning and I grabbed my hoodie on my way out the door. If it's a 50 degrees in January, I'll be going outside in shorts and a tank top.

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I hate the winter. It gets dark early and it's too damn cold to play outdoor basketball. I need to move to florida.

I love winter. Nothing like chilling inside to a cup of hot chocolate watching some TV. And I love that its dark. I hate waking up to go to the bathroom in summer and it's freakin' light outside at like 6 AM, so I don't feel like going back to sleep.

Plus, cold > hot/humid, all you have to do is put on layers...

and I have relatives in Florida and they wish they had our weather because we actually have seasons and even...snow.

Oh and skiing > baseball.

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haha my dad was cleaning up around the tractor shed the other day, and he found these fuzzy caterpillars that were all black...he claims that means that it's going to be cold and lots of snow.

Last year at this time, the caterpillars were all brown....

Weird, I found a monstrous black caterpillar on my patio a few nights ago, I wasn't even sure what it was at first, damn thing was huge.

Anyway, back when I was a government contractor, I hated winter because any government shutdown meant you had to use leave to cover your pay. Now that I'm a Fed, I get paid regardless, which is a nice perk.

However, I still dislike winter. Not because of the snow, because it seems like most people around here have no idea how to drive in it. Turn into the skid, all that. There should be a test, and if you fail it, you have to take public transportation when there's anything on the ground.

I agree with some other people though, this time, and late spring, are the best parts of the year.

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Moved to Colorado in January and caught the tail end of the last winter. I was surprised to discover that here on the front range (not above 5,700ft) it is warmer than the east coast -- even during the winter. There were 50 degree days in January and Feb. I golfed a ton in the dead of winter. But then a dumping would come and drop a bunch of snow. And then it woudl melt a few days later, and the whole cycle would continue. Snow, warm, golf, snow, warm, golf. And the sun, man, the sun here even during the dead of winter is blazing. You get addicted to it quickly. Nothing quite like a thirty degree day with bahaman like sun.

Anyway, it rained a bunch here this summer. More than usual. And its continuing through the fall, raining today in fact. Many here are predicting the trend to continue through the winter, with above average precipitation. For me, than means lots of snow and powder days on the mountain with my wife and kids. Can't wait! Bring on the snow old man winter!

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Weird, I found a monstrous black caterpillar on my patio a few nights ago, I wasn't even sure what it was at first, damn thing was huge.

Anyway, back when I was a government contractor, I hated winter because any government shutdown meant you had to use leave to cover your pay. Now that I'm a Fed, I get paid regardless, which is a nice perk.

However, I still dislike winter. Not because of the snow, because it seems like most people around here have no idea how to drive in it. Turn into the skid, all that. There should be a test, and if you fail it, you have to take public transportation when there's anything on the ground.

I agree with some other people though, this time, and late spring, are the best parts of the year.

See I love the Snow. And here's why: Growing up my dad drove a snowplow and he would let me go with him when he made some runs...My brother and I had 4wheelers growing up and we still do now, and we loved driving in the snow with them.

We would take turns being pulled on a sled attached by rope to the 4 wheelers! Dangerous as hell but nothing beats sledding at 50MPH!!! We live out in the country so we could go down the road and practically never see another car!

My truck is 4X4 with beefy tires and my wife loves to ride with me "checking the roads", and doing donuts and stuff in the snow...she loves it as much as I did as a kid....and I suspect my children will be the same way :)

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