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Paranormal Activity (Movie)


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just saw this on dvd last night ...


if you read the progression of these posts it is funny to see how the hype machine ruined it for so many. not one negative review until like the 3rd page. i truly belive that.

i saw blair witch when it was playing in ONE theater in d.c. and people WERE FREAKING SHELL SHOCKED after watching it. dead silence in the crowd at the end.

i get some people refuse to let themselves get scared, but i think a lot of you would have been freaked out if you saw it the same way i stumbled across blair witch - ZERO expectations, no clue on what the movie was about.

i thought it was great ...

100% agree about both movies.

I had never heard of BWP until my cousin told me we should go see it one night right after it came out. Scariest movie ever. Paranormal Activity is scary as hell too, even though I heard some hype before I saw it. It more than lived up to my expectations.

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just saw this on dvd last night ...


if you read the progression of these posts it is funny to see how the hype machine ruined it for so many. not one negative review until like the 3rd page. i truly belive that.

i saw blair witch when it was playing in ONE theater in d.c. and people WERE FREAKING SHELL SHOCKED after watching it. dead silence in the crowd at the end.

i get some people refuse to let themselves get scared, but i think a lot of you would have been freaked out if you saw it the same way i stumbled across blair witch - ZERO expectations, no clue on what the movie was about.

i thought it was great ...

I saw BWP the same way. It was hyped on a web site as actual footage and I'm not saying I believed it but it made the movie that much cooler if you were seeing it before the big national craze.

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  • 5 weeks later...
The freakiest movie I have seen is The Last House on the Left (newer version). I wouldn't say it's SCARY, per se, but it's just ridiculous. Real life stuff and murder and serial killers creep me out. Ghosts do not. Haven't seen this movie yet, but am not sure I would find it scary. I'll watch it and find out, though.

A movie that always gives me the creeps is The Mothman Prophecies. I don't know what it is about that movie.

Finally watched it last night. Didn't think it was scary. Now, if the stuff in the movie happened to me personally, I'd be scared ****less. But watching it and knowing it was not a true story was not scary. I also don't find ghosts too scary.

I agree with someone that mentioned that they never turn the lights on in the movie. I mean, I know it was for more of a scary effect, but it's just unrealistic. If some loud noise woke any of us up in the middle of the night, the first thing we would do is turn to the bedside table and turn the light on. Or turn the light on as we were walking downstairs. So that bothered me, because it made the movie seem even more fake.

Also, the male lead was so against calling the demonologist. He made a stink about it. Why??? Because they wanted to drag the movie on and to make it seem scarier. In real life, that man would be called right away. It would have probably ended the movie in 20 minutes, though.

After the footprint scene, I just started picturing the gay devil from South Park because the footprints were hooves....from that point on, I couldn't take the movie seriously.

If I didn't know the movie was fake and the people did things that were actually REALISTIC, I would have been scared. But it was fake and the people didn't do things normal people would have done. In my opinion, anyway.

Paranormal activity demon:


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This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Horrible, stupid and definitely not scary. I laugh at anyone who claims to have been scared watching this.

The only good part was the ending, so the other hour and a half of my life watching was wasted. Seriously, I don't get all the hype on this movie.

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Seriously, I don't get all the hype on this movie.

Movies like this are best scene before the hype. It was a low production value film that caught on. Once it goes national for more than a month, too much is expected from it. We can't fault the film maker. He/she made a pretty good film with basically no money.

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  • 5 months later...

Kept getting chills throughout, even though my house was hot. I get a kick out of starting m wife during scary movies which I did but for the first time ever she got me. Real freaky ****!

They shoulda gone an chilled at a church.

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Kept getting chills throughout, even though my house was hot. I get a kick out of starting m wife during scary movies which I did but for the first time ever she got me. Real freaky ****!

They shoulda gone an chilled at a church.

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Just bought the dvd today, and I loved it. It reminds me of The Fourth Kind. (I seen The Fourth Kind first).

I'm sorry, but I didn't like Paranormal Activity at all. I mean, at all. I watched it with a girl who gets terrified watching an especially violent Coyote vs. Road Runner clip, and it didn't even get to her.

The Fourth Kind, scared the bejeezus out of me. I literally had to wait for the sun to come up to go to bed.

Different strokes, I guess.

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I saw this way back when it was only playing here at midnight on saturday nights.

It was pretty creepy, but this was also before the trailer was airing on tv and spoiling most of the scares including the final shot.

I can totally see though why this flick might no translate well on DVD, in your living room, which is why I haven't decided yet whether I really want to own it or not.

Oh and the teaser for Paranormal Activity 2 is online now. I watched it at Dread Central.

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I saw it online the moment it came out, which was pre- massive hype. I can honestly say it scared the **** out of me. I'm glad I watched it when I did, because when the hype machine started to roll, and everyone found out about it, I didn't look at it the same way. When I watch it the first time, it def. felt real, so real that if someone told me it wasn't a movie, I would've believed them. I'll definitely go to see the second one.

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Paranormal Activity 2 trailer:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qt_002jXjs&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qt_002jXjs&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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i really liked it. thought it was very scary. ordered it on demand and had the sounds cranked all the way up so you can hear the little knocks and creepy stuff.

i thought they did a really good job of building up the scary factor throughout the movie.

the only thing i didnt like so much was the ending- any of them. thought the one where she snarls and grabs the camera was a little hokey and not really fitting the subtle type of scary-ness that marked the rest of the movie.

of course, i also like most of 'the ring'. :) honestly thought the grudge was dumb. why keep going back in the house.

of course you could say that about PA.....oh well.

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i like the "that movie wasn't scary at all" and the "that movie sucked" crowd. look, horror movies don't scare me either. But movies like this, come closer than any other kind of horror to making me feel somewhat uneasy. And it's because although i KNOW this stuff isn't real, it's shot and presented in a way that makes you think...."damn what if something like that actually happened to me?"

Now when the hell is the last time you watched Freddy or Jason and thought..."damn what if that happened to me?" I'm guessing somewhere around the ballpark of never.

i guess people prefer every horror movie either be about a slasher chasing some dumb blonde up the steps when she should be running out the ront door, OR a godamn torture movie like Saw and Hostel. Boring, recycled crap imo. (and that's coming from someone who actually enjoys the Saw franchise)

listen, take Paranormal Activity for what it was. A horror movie about possession which was shot with like no budget. This movie is in a horror category shared by movies like Blair Witch and the Fourth Kind. They're NOT MEANT TO PRESENT THEMSELVES AS BEING REAL. If you thought it was supposed to be real and then thought it was stupid because you found out it wasn't...well, lolz, the jokes on you numbnuts.

I think people just get pissed because it's shot a different way that's intended to make it FEEL more real, and then when people are given the creeps by it, they want to say things like "that movie was stupid, and pointless, and not scary". And oh yeah....it gave you the heebie jeebies more than you'd like to admit too huh? Yeah i hear you "it's not scary" crowd. You're probably the ones who jumped in the theater/your living room more than anyone. lol, i mean i enjoyed it and you don't hear me saying "oh my god that movie was soooooo scary!!!" It wasn't scary, it was creepy. And it was creepy because of the way it was presented to the audience.

So for that crowd, if THIS type of horror doesn't entertain you....my guess is that the horror genre overall isn't your slice of pie. Because as far as this genre goes, this is one of the more creative, interesting, and original movies in YEARS.

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