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Paranormal Activity (Movie)


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I have a question: Didn't the commercial for this movie show someone flying towards the camera? Did I somehow miss this scene?

I don't know how in the world you could have missed that. Did you walk out early? That part made the entire theater scream.

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After reading the other alt endings on Wiki, the ending currently being shown in theaters seems to be the best one, IMHO.
Came out on DVD/Blu Ray today. If you're in the mood for a good scare check it out.

I saw it again over the weekend. My brother works for Blockbuster and had a copy in advance. Anyway, the original (currently being called the alternate ending) was lame. The ending most are familiar with is the bomb.

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I saw it again over the weekend. My brother works for Blockbuster and had a copy in advance. Anyway, the original (currently being called the alternate ending) was lame. The ending most are familiar with is the bomb.

I kinda wanna see the alternate endings, but I don't know if I can handle this movie again lol

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DUDE, wtf is wrong with you lol. I cant even think of watching this movie at home alone in the dark. You are nuts :silly:

Yeah, even though I was a disappointed with this movie (mostly due to the immature young and old audience), I cant front, this movie is gonna be hella scary watching at home. I can see it now, people all over are going to be playing jokes on people in the middle of the night, walking up hard wood steps slowly at 4am, scaring the hell out of their siblings and girlfriends. This is going to be must have dvd.....The producers are about to get huge doe of the dvd sales.

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I don't understand how people can say it wasn't scary. Do you people like gory stuff? Gore is not horror. Old school horror is "what goes bump in the night" type stuff.

There are just certain people who won't admit to being scared by any film. This movie really got under my skin. I watched it in bed with my wife and it took me awhile to get to sleep.

The scariest movies are the ones that leave lots to the imagination.

The one scene I thought was dumb was the Ouiji board scene. A small subtle movement would have been better than a bunch of movements and the fire.

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i don't understand how people can laugh through this movie? i haven't seen it so i can't comment on it personally. i mean is it actually funny or are people laughing through it to ease tension and act like they aren't scared?

It's a way for dim-witted wannabe alpha males to asset their dominance over the scary parts in the movie. Usually they will do this in the presence of females or other male friends egging them on. Many times, the guys laughing are the ones who are most scared.

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I saw it on Saturday night. Scared the crap out of me. Only 2 movies have ever done that to me, The Exorcist and now this. I love horror movies and this one was awesome. I've never heard the whole movie theatre scream during a movie before. Had some pretty crazy parts. I was definitely not disappointed.

Yea I think this is a movie for people who are creeped out by Deamon flicks like Exorcist. I roll my eyes at chainsaw massacre type flicks but movies like these scare me silly. It's probably because I have a religious background. If you grew up a non-believer this might not get to you as much.

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just saw this on dvd last night ...


if you read the progression of these posts it is funny to see how the hype machine ruined it for so many. not one negative review until like the 3rd page. i truly belive that.

i saw blair witch when it was playing in ONE theater in d.c. and people WERE FREAKING SHELL SHOCKED after watching it. dead silence in the crowd at the end.

i get some people refuse to let themselves get scared, but i think a lot of you would have been freaked out if you saw it the same way i stumbled across blair witch - ZERO expectations, no clue on what the movie was about.

i thought it was great ...

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