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Paranormal Activity (Movie)


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i like the "that movie wasn't scary at all" and the "that movie sucked" crowd. look, horror movies don't scare me either. But movies like this, come closer than any other kind of horror to making me feel somewhat uneasy. And it's because although i KNOW this stuff isn't real, it's shot and presented in a way that makes you think...."damn what if something like that actually happened to me?"

Now when the hell is the last time you watched Freddy or Jason and thought..."damn what if that happened to me?" I'm guessing somewhere around the ballpark of never.

i guess people prefer every horror movie either be about a slasher chasing some dumb blonde up the steps when she should be running out the ront door, OR a godamn torture movie like Saw and Hostel. Boring, recycled crap imo. (and that's coming from someone who actually enjoys the Saw franchise)

listen, take Paranormal Activity for what it was. A horror movie about possession which was shot with like no budget. This movie is in a horror category shared by movies like Blair Witch and the Fourth Kind. They're NOT MEANT TO PRESENT THEMSELVES AS BEING REAL. If you thought it was supposed to be real and then thought it was stupid because you found out it wasn't...well, lolz, the jokes on you numbnuts.

I think people just get pissed because it's shot a different way that's intended to make it FEEL more real, and then when people are given the creeps by it, they want to say things like "that movie was stupid, and pointless, and not scary". And oh yeah....it gave you the heebie jeebies more than you'd like to admit too huh? Yeah i hear you "it's not scary" crowd. You're probably the ones who jumped in the theater/your living room more than anyone. lol, i mean i enjoyed it and you don't hear me saying "oh my god that movie was soooooo scary!!!" It wasn't scary, it was creepy. And it was creepy because of the way it was presented to the audience.

So for that crowd, if THIS type of horror doesn't entertain you....my guess is that the horror genre overall isn't your slice of pie. Because as far as this genre goes, this is one of the more creative, interesting, and original movies in YEARS.

Never saw Fourth Kind and don't want to. That **** would creep me the **** out b/c it has actual video footage from the events. **** that.

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although this movie didn't scare me too much i did think it was really good. the stuff was pretty freaky but i thought some people in the movie theater were being overly dramatic. that being said good scary movies are really hard to come by nowadays. hopefully they don't tank it with the sequel, we all know how those usually go.

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Waaaaaaaaay OT, but this thread makes me wonder why no one started a "Human Centipede" thread. I guess no one saw that disgusting movie

I thought the Human Centipede sounded like a really scary concept. And then I watched the trailer and realized that the people were not sewn together the way I thought they'd be.

You couldn't pay me to watch that movie :puke:

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Waaaaaaaaay OT, but this thread makes me wonder why no one started a "Human Centipede" thread. I guess no one saw that disgusting movie

That movie is hilarious. The person who made it must have been high as ****. Stupidest ****ing concept ever. :ols::ols::ols:

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Yup. Most uncomfortable moment of my life. Could not stop laughing at how bad that movie was and why I decided to watch it with my girlfriend and her older sister :doh:. Did you see it?

No, but I heard it was the most disgusting, vomit inducing, disturbing movie ever made.

Roger Ebbert didn't even give it a rating he was so appauled by it

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No, but I heard it was the most disgusting, vomit inducing, disturbing movie ever made.

Roger Ebbert didn't even give it a rating he was so appauled by it

It'll make you feel awkward and uncomfortable if you watch it with someone and I don't recommend watching it alone. It's not scary but yeah it's really really disgusting.

Before I saw it I had no clue it would be that vile. The concept sounded so stupid that I couldn't help it. I mean three people connected from anus to mouth to anus. How ****ing stupid is that?? :ols::ols: You can live without watching it unless you're really curious.

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I heard the sequel they are going to have 12 people connected and they are going to show EVERYTHING the first one didn't show.

I read somewhere the director said the first one is going to look like Bambi compared to the second one

oh man, I just read the wiki plot description of that movie...GROSSSSSSSSSSS

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Oh yea, I bet your girlfriend was just thrilled that you took her to that movie

Netflixed the DVD :ols: and yeah she had no clue that it was supposed to be a horror film. I thought she'd like the concept about a human centipede with three people connected mouth to anus to create a huge human digestive tract :paranoid:

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Netflixed the DVD :ols: and yeah she had no clue that it was supposed to be a horror film. I thought she'd like the concept about a human centipede with three people connected mouth to anus to create a huge human digestive tract :paranoid:

I am surprised she sat through the whole thing.

I don't know if I could have made it

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  • 1 year later...

This series sucks. With the exception of The Last Exorcism, Hollywood studios can't produce an original found-footage horror film to save their lives. You want an extremely scary found-footage horror film? Rent Lake Mungo or "obtain" the Japanese film Noroi: The Curse. Don't like subtitles or Aussie accents? Find a copy of The Collingswood Story or Home Movie. All four of these films blow this crap out of the water.

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This series sucks. With the exception of The Last Exorcism, Hollywood studios can't produce an original found-footage horror film to save their lives. You want an extremely scary found-footage horror film? Rent Lake Mungo or "obtain" the Japanese film Noroi: The Curse. Don't like subtitles or Aussie accents? Find a copy of The Collingswood Story or Home Movie. All four of these films blow this crap out of the water.

Paranormal Activity was the most original horror movie in a decade.

How you can say The Last Exorcism was an exception to unoriginality baffles me. Exorcism movies are so tired it's not even funny. TLE was 80 minutes of buildup, without anything even remotely scary happening during that time, concluded with possibly the worst ending I've ever seen in a horror movie.

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