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Paranormal Activity (Movie)


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The Paranormal Activity movies are not very well respect in the Horror movie culture. If you parse horror movie blogs you will see what I mean. Then again as some in here have said that they don't like the slasher flicks, those tend to be big among the horror buffs.

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The Paranormal Activity movies are not very well respect in the Horror movie culture. If you parse horror movie blogs you will see what I mean. Then again as some in here have said that they don't like the slasher flicks, those tend to be big among the horror buffs.

Yeah, normally when I meet somebody who says they like horror movies, they mean they like movies where a psycho in a mask slaughters teenagers. Torture movies are big too.

Those movies can be good, but only when they incorporate suspense and realism. Too many of them rely only on violence and shock value.

One of my all-time favorites, Eden Lake, has very graphic violence and a torture scene. It's very realistic, it's suspenseful almost from beginning to end, and you genuinely hate the bad guy. If I ever meet the actor who plays Brett, I'll punch him in the face and key his car, because I hated his character that much.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Paranormal Activity movies are not very well respect in the Horror movie culture. If you parse horror movie blogs you will see what I mean. Then again as some in here have said that they don't like the slasher flicks, those tend to be big among the horror buffs.

Slasher movies are generally garbage and the horror fans that enjoy them are typically not horror fans. They are fans of meaningless and disjointed torture scenes with buckets of blood and gore thrown in. The plot is mostly irrelevant and as such I don't consider them fans of movies. They are fans of bloody scenes and you could put old mickey mouse cartoons between them and they'd probably like it and think it artistic and edgy. Think about every slasher movie you've seen... is it horror or does it play out like an episode of criminal minds with more gore and violence? You see the bad guy but don't know who he is and you wait for him to be unmasked.

Now onto paranormal activity 3. I enjoyed the movie I saw but I didn't get the movie I thought I was going to see. I want to find the directors and beat them with a flash light. The trailers you've seen? Those scenes aren't in the movie. Remember all the stuff the girls talked about in 1 and 2... especially that fire? Yeah not in the movie. It's not a bad movie and it's filmed like the others with some new scares and the typical someone underwhelming final scene. This may not make sense but you can enjoy it without leaving thinking it was "good". It was incredibly annoying that the previews were entirely scrapped and that the directors seemed to abandon the plot.

Should have known the Catfish movie directors, that had previews making that movie look like horror when it wasn't, would have misleading marketing for this movie. I guess it's their "thing".

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I didn't like the movie at all. Seemed pretty corny to me. Nothing really happened in the first half of the movie other than the characters trying to scare the cameras,

You have to admit though that first closet prank was funny. :)

I noticed the cheesy tone but wrote it off as the directors attempt at setting the stage. It is supposed to start as home movies afterall. If the were slick and stylish the movie would have felt thin.

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I saw it on Friday at the Regal in Chinatown. Loved it. The whole theater was going absolutely nuts, it was like nothing I've seen before.

It was easily better than the second movie, and close to as good as the first. I'd say the entity was at it's nastiest in this movie.

Now onto paranormal activity 3. I enjoyed the movie I saw but I didn't get the movie I thought I was going to see. I want to find the directors and beat them with a flash light. The trailers you've seen? Those scenes aren't in the movie. Remember all the stuff the girls talked about in 1 and 2... especially that fire? Yeah not in the movie. It's not a bad movie and it's filmed like the others with some new scares and the typical someone underwhelming final scene. This may not make sense but you can enjoy it without leaving thinking it was "good". It was incredibly annoying that the previews were entirely scrapped and that the directors seemed to abandon the plot.

They did the same for PA2, and it is the best possible way to advertise these movies. I wish all horror movies marketed like that. You go in thinking you know what's going to happen, but you have no idea. You get caught completely off guard. You're sitting there watching a scene thinking, ok, I remember this from the previews, this thing is go----AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're right about the deviations from the plot established in the previous movies though. I was expecting a fire. I'm also curious as to why Katie and her sister didn't talk about any of these intense paranormal occurrences in the first two movies. Maybe if they make another movie it will answer some questions.

I don't know why anyone would want found footage movies to stop. Even the bad ones are scarier than all those over-produced CGI-infested throwaway horrors.

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  • 11 months later...

^ Sinister looks pretty cool.

I'm really looking forward to V/H/S. I'd post the trailer here but I think it was NSFW.

Also looking forward to Paranormal Activity 4. I'm still a complete sucker for that series. I'll see every one they ever make.

As much as I love them, this parody trailer is just hilarious:

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Cabin in the Woods was a REALLY good recent horror movie. Starts off as your typical "hot girl, dumb jock, nerd, shy girl" movie, but oh my does it quickly change. So cool.

Agreed. The first 45 minutes in, I was like "really?" But then....it got real.

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Cabin in the Woods was a REALLY good recent horror movie. Starts off as your typical "hot girl, dumb jock, nerd, shy girl" movie, but oh my does it quickly change. So cool.
I just watched Cabin in the Woods the other night. It was good, but shouldn't have been classified as a horror at all. It was waaay more comedy than anything else.

It's a spoof/commentary on the standard horror movie: The monsters are all interchangeable prepackaged creations, literally. The characters have to fit ridiculous stereotypes... that in this movie requires drugs to force upon people that don't fit the standard two dimensional mold. Ever wonder why a main character would simply drop a weapon, well it's not accident in this movie! Yet despite all of this stuff that could have lead it down the "not another teen movie" path, cabin in the woods is pretty good. Certainly isn't a classic movie... but that scene when the elevators open and all the cool things rush out may be one of my favorite horror movie scenes of all time.

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It's a spoof/commentary on the standard horror movie: The monsters are all interchangeable prepackaged creations, literally. The characters have to fit ridiculous stereotypes... that in this movie requires drugs to force upon people that don't fit the standard two dimensional mold. Ever wonder why a main character would simply drop a weapon, well it's not accident in this movie! Yet despite all of this stuff that could have lead it down the "not another teen movie" path, cabin in the woods is pretty good. Certainly isn't a classic movie... but that scene when the elevators open and all the cool things rush out may be one of my favorite horror movie scenes of all time.

Very well said summary. Better than I could have put it. It really is a solid movie and that scene was epic!

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You think the same way that I do. I've never been a fan of the "gross out/teen slasher gore flicks" either. A lot of the "horror" movies that have come out in the last 7=8 years have been more comedic than anything. I need suspense, movies that convey a sense of foreboding, terror, sheer helplessness/intense psychological distress to the audience.

I saw Paranormal Activity online before the hype machine started up, and I thought it was brilliant. Naturally, as more and more people heard of it, it sort of developed a cult-like following, and it became more than it was intended to be. I went to see it with my girlfriend (at the time) about two weeks later, and it wasn't as good as it was the first time. I never even bothered to watch PA 2 because I figured that because of the hype that 1 received, the directors would stray as far as possible from what made the first film successful.

Finally got around to watching it a few months ago. Had I not been so hopped up on caffeine, I'd have fallen asleep after the first 30 minutes. I really can't believe they made a 3rd one, and they should probably be jailed for making the 4th one. Seriously, "Found footage/alternative" horror films aren't meant to be whored out like this.

*A freaking direct-to-video flick called "Seven Nights Of Darkness" was about 5x better than that, and if it wasn't for some borderline cheesy cinematics, it would've rivaled the 1st Paranormal Activity.

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This. Instant classic. Considered one of the top 10 greatest mind**** movies of all time.

I recently watched Mulholland Drive....holy cow :confused:

I just watched Mulholland Drive last weekend. That movie was crazy. I liked it a lot. My fiance...not so much. The sex scenes were nice though

---------- Post added September-27th-2012 at 01:33 PM ----------

Cabin in the Woods was a REALLY good recent horror movie. Starts off as your typical "hot girl, dumb jock, nerd, shy girl" movie, but oh my does it quickly change. So cool.

yea this movie kicked ass. i watched it last friday too

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