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Do you consider the Ravens a rival?


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I don't really root against them unless they play Washington though, they are our rivals, but they are like family

Funny you mention that; I've always viewed the Ravens as our ******* cousins in a way. Family so you don't hate them to your core like you would Dallas or Philly or NY, but they're still *******s.

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Not at all. I use to root for the Ravens and follow their games when it didn't conflict with the Skins.One too many obnoxious fans in real life and on this board changed my mind about that. I don't hate the ratbirds near the level of Cowturds,iggles or gnats but they are in my top 10.

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You don't really want to hate them, but some of their fans in the DC/Baltimore area will make you want to root against them.

If you have a Raven fan at work etc..., you'll find yourself rooting against them, just solely because they "usually" talk a lot of smack about the Redskins - where as, a Redskins fan is more "passive-aggressive" when it comes to the Ravens - usually, meaning, we usually only talk smack about the Ravens when defending our team.

A lot of them hate the Redskins as much as the Cowboy fans in the area do, why?

I think it's because after they lost their team, the Redskins were highly successful and, they were all pretty much forced to either root for us or against us.

So those who didn't start following the Redskins - at that time, likely didn't do so because of a strong distaste towards the team.

Then you have a lot of people who jumped on the Ravens, because the Skins have been down for awhile, and the Raven's have been very successful.

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To quote a dook chant whenever they play Maryland: "Not our rival!"

Ravens fans hate the Skins because they are still bitter about the Colts bolting town in the middle of the night and having to watch our Skins win two super bowls before they stole Cleveland's team. There is also that whole massive inferiority complex they have towards the district. For the most part, I could personally care less about them, and will actually root for them in the playoffs because I view them as just another team in the league and I still have some MD loyalty from growing up in the burbs. I actually view the Pats as our main AFC rival.

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The raven fans actually think we care about them :jerk: take a look


Anyone else see the quote from Darklight in there? The guy frequents the message board here yet still he writes

What's kind of funny is that I hear Redskins fans complaining all the time about how the Panthers trash talk them about their last pre-season game. They're always talking about how it's just pre-season and it means nothing, but now that they are facing us they're acting as though it matters.

Now I can understand the Colt Brennan followers being excited about it; what else do they have? Everyone else seems like they're getting a little too into it...

At the end of his post he gives a link to a look-a-like thread, as if it's only done for the Ravens. He know's full well that a look-a-like thread is done every week, yet still thinks that one is something special.

But to be honest, it doesn't really seem like either side could give two ****s. We say we don't care but they do, and they say vice versa, in the end their is nothing to create a rivalry.

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The Ravens are a rival to the Steelers in their division and to other top AFC contenders like the Colts and Pats.

Of course, being somewhat ignorant, I do know Ravens fans who would rather see the skins lose to the Steelers than to beat them, even though they are in the same division. That, of course, makes absolutely no sense.

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Personally I do. A lot of the Ravens fans I know talk **** all the time and only started liking them after the SB they won. I think the relative proximity makes it a bit of a rivalry.

Super Bowl Wins: 1

People killed Ravens players: 3

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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one, but I do not feel that there is any real rivalry with the Ravens. The fact that their fans have such an animosity towards us is, baffling, yet amusing at the same time.

They say the same thing lol

there isn't a rivalry... we only play in preseason.

any rivarly anyone feels is probably strongly linked to the fact that they have a good friend, family members, or work with a bunch of people who cheer for the other team.

outside of that i don't see a point in a rivarly. we simply don't play often enough

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