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Do you consider the Ravens a rival?


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Despite the fact that we've made the playoffs six of nine years, had two defensive players of the year, one offensive player of the year, won a Super Bowl, and drafted three Hall of Famers, sure, we have an inferiority complex toward the Washington Redskins. . .

dont even start comparing franchises.

Redskins = Historic Team

Raven= Expansion Club...even though they moved.

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Despite the fact that we've made the playoffs six of nine years, had two defensive players of the year, one offensive player of the year, won a Super Bowl, and drafted three Hall of Famers, sure, we have an inferiority complex toward the Washington Redskins. . .
I'll take the Redskins' history over the Ravens' history any day of the week.
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No. However Ravens fans seem to think there is. That's the only thing I hate... how Ravens fans try to taunt you for liking the Redskins. But other than that, there is no real rivalry and I actually like the Ravens as a football team in the AFC and in Baltimore.

I'll take my Redskins over the Baltimore Browns every time though.

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The Ravens are like Canada; they aren't even a real football team.

haha!! what were you calling them tonight?


It's kinda hard to dislike the Ravens (except when they're playing the Skins) and Baltimore. You know, the blue collar work ethic, history, crab cakes, nice ball park

agreed, but vice versa.

No. However Ravens fans seem to think there is. That's the only thing I hate... how Ravens fans try to taunt you for liking the Redskins. But other than that, there is no real rivalry and I actually like the Ravens as a football team in the AFC and in Baltimore.

I'll take my Redskins over the Baltimore Browns every time though.

you say "ravens fans" like there is no exceptions. if you take a poll on baltimoreravens.com and ask who they consider their rival, i PROMISE you, 24 out of 25 will say the steelers. i dont see the redskins as a rival at all, so what you just posted is factually wrong. and i think its pretty hypocritical to say "Ravens fans try and taunt you for liking the Redskins", then come back in the same exact post and pull out the "baltimore browns" line, thus taunting all ravens fans. it doesnt make sense.

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As far as Baltimore Professional Football goes, I've always had a strong 'like' going.

It all comes down to their combined NFL Championship history: every time they've won it all, it was against a team for which I have extreme (football) hate... the giants. '58, '59 and '00. Sucks that the NY team even got that far, great they got smacked down once there though, and I'm appreciative of thems that done the deed on them.

Well, when I moved to the Balt. area I found that there was nothing of a reciprocity in sentiment, no matter how derived. Folks claimed to HATE the Redskins.

Naturally, I inquired as to why. A common explanation was that once the Colts left, Jack Kent Cooke singlehandedly systematically prevented any NFL presence in Charm City.

When asked about some more plausible hates to have, like say for Irsay or some team in their division like the Steelers, Browns or Bengals, there was nothing coming, save blank stares.

The sports radio there (1300, 105)... I mean, talk about being in someone's head. There was a snide local tard (can't remember his name, missing a leg or something) on the air who, when reading the final scores of games, would rejoice when reading off the news of another 'Skins loss (this was during "spurrier year 2").

But whatever about all that. ANYTIME the Ravens play the cowpies, giants or eagles, GO RATBIRDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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The raven fans actually think we care about them :jerk: take a look


well at least we're important enough to them to be capitalized. :silly: :
I was listening to 96.3 which is a DC radio station. The Skins Fans are reeeeeeeaaaly hopin they beat us and dont care whether its a pre-season game or not. I've talked to sum Skins Fans and they really dont like the Ravens too much!! I'm wondering,where did the Bad Blood come from? What do you guys think?
oh, and don't forget the all important bad blood lol.gif
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haha!! what were you calling them tonight?

agreed, but vice versa.

you say "ravens fans" like there is no exceptions. if you take a poll on baltimoreravens.com and ask who they consider their rival, i PROMISE you, 24 out of 25 will say the steelers. i dont see the redskins as a rival at all, so what you just posted is factually wrong. and i think its pretty hypocritical to say "Ravens fans try and taunt you for liking the Redskins", then come back in the same exact post and pull out the "baltimore browns" line, thus taunting all ravens fans. it doesnt make sense.

Zibby go home you sound silly.

If you can't admit Bmore football fans hate the Redskins and the NFL commish during years when Bmore didn't have a team....then you don't know history. Don't come here and act stupid.

There is no room on the bandwagon...bmore fans carry that sign even today.

Go home.

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Zibby go home you sound silly.

If you can't admit Bmore football fans hate the Redskins and the NFL commish during years when Bmore didn't have a team....then you don't know history. Don't come here and act stupid.

There is no room on the bandwagon...bmore fans carry that sign even today.

Go home.

First of all, you never said "Baltimore Football." You said "ravens fans hate the redskins." And to my knowledge, the "Ravens" never left baltimore, thus have no bad blood for them. Why would fans of the baltimore ravens organization dislike the redskins? Dont tell me i dont know Baltimore Football history my friend. Im 20 years old, i was never a baltimore colts fan. Im a baltimore ravens fan here telling you i dont hate the redskins. history is what it is: history. im not going to sit here and say i dont care about baltimore football history, because thats what brought the ravens to this town, but again, Im a ravens fan. I dont consider the redskins a rival. i dont "hate" the redskins. its as simple as that.

p.s. I already am home. I got home about an hour ago from the game.;)

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It may seem like a generic comment to you, but I have been to both stadiums and all I hear is that this is raven country or panthers country. Get a clue, this was Redskins country before you all had your expansion franchises come here. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the colts should have left town. They should have gotten a franchise before Jacksonville or Carolina in my opinion. The reason I don't like the ravens or the fans is because they complained that they didn't have football for 15 years. Well BFD, because we didn't have baseball here in Washington for 33 years!

ok. you win. its not worth arguing. your point is completely ridiculous in my opinion and we'll just leave it at that.

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I HATE the ravens, and their fans...

Not all their fans, but in general, yes, all there fans.

you're adding validity to my argument. thanks, man.

by saying every single ravens fan considers the redskins a rival and hate the team more than any other because "they stole our team", but insinuating every single redskins fan could care less about the ravens is now officially proven as false.

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  • 11 months later...

This pretty much sums up how filthy Ravens fans are hehheh

Inner Harbor Water Has Unsafe Bacteria Levels, Test Shows

BALTIMORE (July 16, 2010) -- For the thousands of daily visitors to Baltimore's Inner Harbor, the water serves as a picturesque backdrop and an inviting diversion.

But visitors should think twice before trailing an arm along the water's edge.

A water sample tested July 7 revealed that the bacteria level in the Inner Harbor was almost five times the safe limit for human contact.


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