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Do you consider the Ravens a rival?


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I was hoping you would chime in! I knew you could give us more of a scoop.

Haha I'm the Baltimore Connection up here lol. But it really is more of a fan rivalry than anything. I bet if you asked players on either team about it, they would feel the same way. For one, Lewis, Portis, McGahee, Moss, Reed, McIntosh are all "U" Alum so you know they are pretty good pals. So I can't see them trying to knock each others heads off when they get out there.

Its just the Ravens fans want to create a rivalry because they have nothing else. They're obsessed over the Steelers right now and that's their big rival for the moment. They just want to have someone trash talk and since we're so close, they pick us.

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Its interesting to see a squable about who cares less about the other. The beauty of fandom. :D I didn't really know of any sort of animosity between the fans until I joined up here on Extremeskins. But this site has given me a broader perspective on things. I really do think its just an animosity on the fans part though, and not much more than that.

I personally don't care much, either way, for the Ravens. They've never done anything to make me dislike them anymore than I already dislike every other team in the league, barring those teams that have gone out of there way to make me dislike them that extra amount. Mainly division opponents.

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Its just the Ravens fans want to create a rivalry because they have nothing else. They're obsessed over the Steelers right now and that's their big rival for the moment.

Because that is the most similar to them. Trashy town with a lucky team.

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Baltimore is Philly-lite. They just want so badly to have that "tough town" image, but they don't really have it in 'em. They don't have the reputation, but they seem to think that if they act like they do, people will start to believe it. To most people though, Baltimore is nothing more than a landmark at the Ft. McHenry tunnel; something for the kids to look out the window at that let's 'em know they'll be getting to the Maryland House soon on their way home to more important cities.

I'll be honest though, I think that there is a bit of a rivalry there. I used to not think so. I thought it was just something manufactured by Baltimore fans because they so desperately wanted to be relevant to someone. Frankly though there is something to it. The Ravens came into the League when the 'skins were in the middle of a big down time. A bunch of people jumped ship, looking for something new. The bandwagon was exacerbated by the fact that, unlike most new teams, the Ravens were successful early. So all the young Ravens fans rub their success in Washington's face even though they have no history behind it, and the Redskins loyalists hold up our history and throw it back at Baltimore claiming that they are all just loud yipping bandwagon riders. The proximity of the teams puts the fans at odds frequently. And while there are some old-school Baltimore Colts fans out there, most of the smack-talkers from the Baltimore side are either those bandwagon jumper ex-Redskins fans who were too weak to stick it out through the bad times, or young bucks with no sense of history whatsoever; which in the end makes Washington fans a little bitter about their recent success (admit it guys..just a little).

So screw it. Instead of trying to see who can be more too-cool-for-the-room and out-do the other team in "not caring", embrace the rivalry. Have fun with it! Any excuse to get more psyched up for a game every once and awhile is OK by me, right? So F the Rat-birds and the bandwagon-jumping toddlers they have for a fan-base. :D

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i don't consider the 'team' aspect of it a 'rivalry'. I don't think the players get up more for a game against teh ravens than any other AFC team.

I think it is amongst the fans - simply for bragging rights. A lot of ravens fans used to be skins fans - due to nothing else to cheer for...

That being said, the media is definatly trying to make it a rivalry... the bottom line is we only play them in the regular season once every few years - and all the time in preseason. Its hard to get a rivarly started that way....

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The elitism by Redskins fans is pretty comical considering where your franchise stands at this point, and where ours is.


I am a die hard Redskins fan, but for some people to speak of the Skins as if they are above the Ravens as an organization is just downright stupid. I do, however hate the city of Baltimore and the fans of the team. :)

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Please, you know Raven fans think of this as a rivalry and not redskin fans. Tampa Bay is a bigger rivalry for the redskins than the ravens.

What team last season were wearing those dumb battle of the beltway T-shirts?? You didn't see redskin player wearing them only Raven players. You guys want us to care but we have more important things to think about like Dallas and the rest of the NFC east.

No, I stand by what I said. Redskins fans are the ones that insist the Ravens are insignificant; Ravens fans just don't even bother talking about the 'Skins.

Let's take a look at the last three pages on this forum; who is mentioned more, Bucs or Ravens?

"It's going to be a big deal for the fans. … It's going to bring a lot of excitement to Baltimore and Washington," says rookie quarterback Joe Flacco of the Ravens. "But for us, it's going to be a normal game. … This is just as important as any other week has been, and right now this is the most important game because it's this week."

Flacco met the media Tuesday wearing a black t-shirt emblazoned with "Beltway Battle" and showing the skylines of both cites.

"They made me wear it," he said with a smile.

When he finished with the press, Flacco removed the shirt.

"Thanks for wearing it," Ravens senior vice president/public and community relations Kevin Byrne said of a shirt that is sold on the team's website.

You're right in saying that they did want everyone to care; they were trying to make a profit.

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