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Of Attention Whores & Limited Ceiling Intelligence


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Duly noted.

Thank you and God Bless.

I think it's simple.

Just please watch what you say and call me what ever you want too!:)

Accept a cowpukes fan or late for Supper.:D

As some OP's would say. :) ES is a family thing you know!

Please keep it clean.Thanks OP.

I'll leave you with a song.


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While each OP and each staff member that has ever generated one had certain main purpose and function intended, all these other things happen too, and are all for the betterment of ES in the end. I never view these threads in a poor light. No matter what someone's actual opinion is on any specific forum dynamic, these are helpful, usually somewhat enlightening, and inevitably productive conversations IME.

Well said, J. Same thing happens in other threads sometimes, too. Let's also all recognize that even if the amount of certain misbehaviors has increased of late that the vast majority of the posters, and especially most of the regulars, is civil and by-the-book. I'm looking at this thread as a positive in that ES is so good compared to everything else out there right now that we are all getting together to (IMO) nit-pick. I've seen way worse in the past on boards that were not moderated/over-modded/under-modded or just drew in the worst elements. Just saying, we've got it good.

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Few points.

1. Successful message boards need personalities on them. The most important thing you can be on a message board is interesting. I like kooky posters who at least come up with unique things to write. These boards should be entertaining. As long as you aren't attacking other posters or completely hijacking discussions, I think you should be here - provided you are interesting. I would rather have one Westy than an 1000 guys saying that "Campbell rocks" or "Campbell sucks."

2. Having said that, people need to self edit more. I've been suspended 126 times. But I'm fairly certain that each post that caused me to get suspended was at the very least "different." And I think I was only deeply offensive once - though in that instance the person I offended was Society at Large not anyone else. I post a lot, but usually it's only on subjects on which I have legitimate, fairly well-thought opinions.

3. The board is not psycho-therapy. If you are coming here seeking guidance or vindication, you probably should look elsewhere.

4. Be interesting. Don't be uninteresting.

5. On Edit: I say we make a gentleman's agreement to eliminate the word "Idiot" and go exclusively with "Douchebag." (That's going to get me 127, isn't it?)

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I would never call another forum poster an idiot. However I have no reservations about calling other athletes idiots or clowns. I hope there's no problem with that, because I have a lot of vitrol directed for athletes who do dumb things, don't live up to the hype, or fail to deliver in clutch moments.

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Few points.

5. On Edit: I say we make a gentleman's agreement to eliminate the word "Idiot" and go exclusively with "Douchebag." (That's going to get me 127' date=' isn't it?)[/quote']

Douschebag gets my vote!

Could we substitute "Massengill", "Summer's Eve" or just plain old Vinegar, once in awhile for fun though?


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OK, I've tried posting to this thread twice and both times it didn't show up (lost in the interwebs!). Here goes try number 3.

I think the thing about it is that respect is a pretty subjective term. I mean, there is certain behavior that we can all agree upon as respectful. But other stuff that some see as disrespectful, while other see it as just fine. I think, as a lay person who doesn't know the behind the scenes stuff, some of the comments from some of the posters mentioned in this thread are comments that wouldn't offend me at all. I might call them on it and if they caused a problem, I'd probably just talk to somebody else. But the thing is that we've got different ways we handle things. Maybe some people are more likely to report abusive behavior or attention whores than others. Maybe some people really are offended by certain behavior, and maybe some of this behavior is actually offensive.

Sometimes I'll be reading a thread in Tailgate and I'll think to myself, "either they have an inside conversation going on, or that could be real insulting". But I don't know how many people here have actually met in real life. This can probably change how you all interact on here. But to a lay person who sees this interaction, it could somewhat warp what they think is 'accepted' here.

I remember back in one thread, there was an "inside" conversation about TK getting married to somebody else (was that with MissU28?). I had no idea what that was about, whether it was real or not. I didn't read the whole thread and so I wasn't sure if it arose out of a joke or whether there was any truth to it. But I do kinda wonder if others who saw this conversation thought, "haha, now I'm gonna ask Blondie to marry me." I mean, they may think thats normal behavior and standard operating procedures.

Don't feel like I'm focusing on that one conversation though. It also goes into the light of the "attention whores". I mean, some people make some good joke/rant threads. But these same people also make some bad threads along this same line. And I feel its like, the line is blurred to the point of "funny = good" and "not funny = bad", even with "offensive" depending on who you're offending, I think that leads to more people willing to test the limits and the patience of the mods here on Extremeskins.

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If you'd like to use other words to describe a member, you'd be best off using them in reference to a poster's idea.


"That's a stupid idea." is allowed. "You are stupid." is not.

"That's a moronic thought." is allowed. "You are a moron." is not.

I have never turned anyone into a moderator on this board for a personal insult. I usually take matters into my own hands and edit the OP if it was mine and warn people that they had better bring intelligence and leave personal insults aside.

I guess this is why moderators usually let anyone who calls ME an idiot or a moron skate without even a warning. People get worked up in the heat of a discussion and the one who gets personal loses the argument then and there. So, it's part of the medium for me. I expect insults against me and deal with them myself.

But, I will point out a double standard wheras I JUST got off a two week ban for some spectacularly artful insults hurled at a nemisis of mine. I am a Jedi at this and he went at me first. I knew that if the rules were applied without regard to my long-term board status that I would get banned... and I did. (I'm not saying the person who reported me is a crybaby or anything... well.. ok maybe he is...)

Point being, that I've sat back on a single thread and counted more than a dozen personal insults with full curse words hurled at me and zippy interference from moderators. No bans, nothing. I call attention to it in the thead itself and then I just let it go which I think is a lot better than running to mods with kleenex box in hand.

Bang and I couldn't be more different on our viewpoints, but he makes some good points. There are guys who you just don't mess with on ES like Art. The first week I joined the board, I poked that tiger and a crowd gathered to witness me getting taken down like a caribou.

I didn't cry foul at all. I backed off and he let me live another day. I messed with Art and got my butt handed to me. No moderator had to help me. Imagine if he got kicked off the board for that way back when... Imagine ES without Art!

Truth is: I almost didn't come back to ES because of what I perceive to be a little bit of a double standard. I don't cry about personal insults and as a result nobody gets banned or warned. I insult somebody in an artful manner, the guy breaks into tears and zap I'm banned.

Even Bang slipped in his own personal insult about me on one political thread. If I was a big baby I could have reported him and probably gotten him a week. Not only did I NOT report this to moderators, but I don't recall mentioning to him that I have contributed an insignificant amount of money to his cartoon site. I realized his banter is part of his personality. To report him would be a complete joke...

I challenge any moderator to report ONE formal complaint I have EVER lodged in nine years.

So, moderators have to make judgement calls and hit people with bans when people lodge complaints. I agree that the only workable policy is just to hit everyone with the same punishments.

Unfortunately, we lose some of the most interesting people on the board that way. It's like having Ray Lewis ejected from the game because some special teams punk spit in his face and he mashed the guy. Both guys get nailed... and you enforced the policy correctly... but you've lost Ray Lewis now.

I'm sure I wouldn't have been missed, but I almost didn't come back out of disgust at all the people who have KILLED me on theads walking away for much worse behavior.

I have zero ES bookmarks on all browsers and systems I have anymore. I typed in the URL today by hand. I've only posted once since the ban and this reply to the thread. I'm sure that I'll wade back in slowly at some point.

BUT, my posts are going to be generic and much less interesting. People will throw insults... hate on my screen name... whatever and I WONT turn them in as usual. I'm a repeat offender now, so what chances am I going to take anymore?

"I'm not a Rat agent Kujan." - Verbal Kint.

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...There are guys who you just don't mess with on ES like Art. The first week I joined the board, I poked that tiger and a crowd gathered to witness me getting taken down like a caribou.
I lol'd. That was good...
So, moderators have to make judgement calls and hit people with bans when people lodge complaints...
I know when I've been attacked (not lately), I didn't report it and neither did anybody else. And this went on and on for months. I didn't fight back, wanting to stay within the rules and relying on the all-seeing moderators to handle it. I felt it was un-manly to go crying to the mods, so instead I took the abuse for quite a long time.

Unbeknownst to me, the mods weren't even reading the threads I was in (apparently they're boring), which is why it was allowed to go on so long.

In the end, two members were perma-banned.

Another time I was in the random thoughts thread and a member posted how he hated a particular off the beaten path forum. I took that as a hint, checked, and sure enough, there was abuse against that member in that forum. The member didn't want to report it officially, but he was hoping somebody would see it and do something about it. And an abusive member was given some time off.

Point: Suck it up and report abuse anyway. And report abuse of others. Believe it or not, the mods don't see everything. Reporting takes a few seconds and checking reports takes a few seconds. If it needs handling, it will be handled. If it doesn't it won't. :)

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I would like to take this opportunity to mention that while I have, occasionally, wandered into the dreaded 'attention whore' domain, (and been banned accordingly) I respectfully feel that there truly is no ceiling to my intelligence. Or wait, was it my ego? Maybe it's both :silly:

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the line is blurred to the point of "funny = good" and "not funny = bad"

I used to be like that. Now I am to the point now where I just say what I gotta say and try to remain respectful to my fellow posters. I must be doing a good job because I haven't been banned and I plan not to.

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I know when I've been attacked (not lately), I didn't report it and neither did anybody else. And this went on and on for months. I didn't fight back, wanting to stay within the rules and relying on the all-seeing moderators to handle it. I felt it was un-manly to go crying to the mods, so instead I took the abuse for quite a long time.

Out of curiosity, who on Earth was attacking you? You're the ultimate diplomat and all-around nice guy on these boards.

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Out of curiosity, who on Earth was attacking you? You're the ultimate diplomat and all-around nice guy on these boards.
Goddamn right. And don't you ****ing forget it either, or your ass will be wingin' it right out the door! :silly:

Ahh, it's a long story. With a happy ending. The good guys won. :)

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I think the vast majority of the membership is intelligent and rational enough (even if it takes a little concentration) to consider that when reading anyone's "story" it is of course just the teller's perspective and information that steers their report.

Some folks may lack much ability or the habit of pulling back from their personal restricted airspace to objectively detach and consider that maybe their "view", or the information they're applying, is inherently partial or limited.

Given how we all know various individual members can have such "colorful" and "unique" perspectives or viewpoints on any number of topics, so too will such be the case as they report their perceived experiences on some board matter, or board patterns, etc.

I regularly find myself reading some such posts, knowing the situation or situations/patterns being described, and feel like I'm reading something written by an alien from another civilization or someone who did way more mushrooms then I did during the 70's. :silly:

IOW, we have a wide range of posters with a wide range of perceptual lenses and cognitive functioning, and that will show in threads like this, too, of course. :D

I can barely dress myself. :silly:

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Heres an excerpt from an email I recently sent to the staff about the Tailgate Spectrum, both ends of which we've seen in the Tailgate at times and both ends of which, imo, we as a staff should take steps to make certain never dominate the ES landscape:

On one end, it's the utopia where everyone sips tea and eats scones while they discuss the merits of transcendental meditation, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and tells the occasional amusing anecdote over a glass of brandy. Members are awarded bonus points for sounding as pretentious as possible.

On the other end, it's 13 year olds hopped up on ritalin staying up late at summer camp, making doody jokes and asking each other what sex feels like.

Me, I hope we can keep it (tailgate discussion) somewhere in the middle.

I've been too busy to post lately, and it looks like there's not a whole lot left to be said. I do want to make something clear, however.

The OP was posted in the interest of keeping ES a quality site. Nothing more.

And as far as the "idiot rule", ES should always be a place where heated, passionate, and frank discussion can take place. And if that means calling someone an idiot, I'm more than okay with that. As a bonus, its helped to cull the herd of idiots ( :) ) over the years who just can't make the distinction between context and simple name calling/insults. So I like it for that reason too :)

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Few points.

1. Successful message boards need personalities on them. The most important thing you can be on a message board is interesting. I like kooky posters who at least come up with unique things to write. These boards should be entertaining. As long as you aren't attacking other posters or completely hijacking discussions' date=' I think you should be here - provided you are interesting. I would rather have one Westy than an 1000 guys saying that "Campbell rocks" or "Campbell sucks."[/quote']

And that right there is why I loved having MSF around. He was a personality that always got folks talking. And if you 'got' MSF, it was really quite entertaining.

Sarge & Chom, as mentioned earlier, kept it interesting even though after about 10 pages it just ran out of steam & went round & round in a circle.

. Having said that' date=' people need to self edit more. I've been suspended 126 times. But I'm fairly certain that each post that caused me to get suspended was at the very least "different." And I think I was only deeply offensive once - though in that instance the person I offended was Society at Large not anyone else. I post a lot, but usually it's only on subjects on which I have legitimate, fairly well-thought opinions.[/quote']

Not quite 126, but self editing is an excellent point. And you do have fairly well-thought opinions. Most of the time.:)

. The board is not psycho-therapy. If you are coming here seeking guidance or vindication' date=' you probably should look elsewhere.[/quote']


. Be interesting. Don't be uninteresting.

Ding! Again.

. On Edit: I say we make a gentleman's agreement to eliminate the word "Idiot" and go exclusively with "Douchebag." (That's going to get me 127' date=' isn't it?) [/quote']

No. it's not going to get you 127 because you made several excellent points in this post. Thank you. :)

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...And as far as the "idiot rule", ES should always be a place where heated, passionate, and frank discussion can take place. And if that means calling someone an idiot, I'm more than okay with that. As a bonus, its helped to cull the herd of idiots ( :) ) over the years who just can't make the distinction between context and simple name calling/insults. So I like it for that reason too :)
Zoony, I'm glad you're okay with it. I'm okay with it, too. After all, I called a fellow member an idiot just a couple days ago.

My issue with this is not whether we agree it makes ES better - or not. My issue is: calling somebody an idiot, or stupid, or ignorant, or anything else that is insulting, is expressly contrary to rule 5.

The best explanation I've heard so far is Rule 5 is not terribly clear - perhaps not written as well as it could have been - and the rule needs to be modified or extended.

That's the one explanation that makes perfect sense.

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And that right there is why I loved having MSF around. He was a personality that always got folks talking. And if you 'got' MSF, it was really quite entertaining.

how do you type that, then follow up here:???

Originally Posted by Lombardi's_kid_brother viewpost.gif

. The board is not psycho-therapy. If you are coming here seeking guidance or vindication, you probably should look elsewhere.



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how do you type that, then follow up here:???

Originally Posted by Lombardi's_kid_brother viewpost.gif

. The board is not psycho-therapy. If you are coming here seeking guidance or vindication, you probably should look elsewhere.


Because I 'got' Mass while 97% of the masses here didn't.

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