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Of Attention Whores & Limited Ceiling Intelligence


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I guess I was one of the three percent...

Mass was fun enough, I kinda liked him, and he was often over-the top too IMV...and I banned him accordingly a few times but he always understood why and never denied the legitamacy of a staff action, or whined in the fourm, or made lame excuses, or accused me of any "bias", or outright lied, or simply and repeatedly spazzed out like a oppostional child like a few other banned "ES regulars" have previously. :)

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I got off on MSF's wrong foot. I can say, through a few PM's, we were able to see through my initial overreaction of him.

Before he was finally terminated from this board, I had taken an interest (and concern) in him. I still wonder how he is doing. He was quite the character.

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Of course, I should note we are digressing and headed into an "ES personality commentary" hijack which often doesn't go too well...so I'm going to desist at this point and encourage others to do the same fwiw :)

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Mass was fun enough, I kinda liked him, and he was often over-the top too IMV...and I banned him accordingly a few times but he always understood why and never denied the legitamacy of a staff action, or whined in the fourm, or made lame excuses, or accused me of any "bias", or outright lied, or simply and repeatedly spazzed out like a oppostional child like a few other banned "ES regulars" have previously. :)

From this side of the screen, when you have someone like that, I tend to find my respect for them to go up. A lot. There's a lesson to learn in there for some. Hopefully they take notice. And no, I'm not referring about how to earn my respect.

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I just read the post that got you tossed. Could you point me to the "spectacularly artful" insults? :)

Since you're so interested, why don't you go back and look at threads where people are cussing at me and do a tally of people who called me a (insert insult) and walked away. :D Like me or not, the fact remains. I didn't rat them out and there were mods on the thread who were posting... so draw your own conclusions. I am a big boy and I don't want mommy coming to my rescue. Maybe that's why mods don't react knowing that it would deny me my own justice. Gotta protect the weaker cubs and leave people like me to fend for myself. You gotta make it a good zinger though if you are chancing the ban. To hear that it wasn't artful just kills me... Not artful... I'm dying over here.

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i guess if that makes up for all of his antics, some of which are embedded in the title of this thread, i don't get it.

i "got" mass. he was an attention whore who used es for therapy.

Sorry Maj, but if that's what you got from Mass, you really didn't get him at all. But like I said, very few did.

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Sorry Maj, but if that's what you got from Mass, you really didn't get him at all. But like I said, very few did.

to each his own, i guess. :cheers:

there is a reason though that almost every person you can list that uses es as a microphone for their life ends up either perma-banned, temp-banned multiple times, or just leaves and never comes back.

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Point: Suck it up and report abuse anyway. And report abuse of others. Believe it or not, the mods don't see everything. Reporting takes a few seconds and checking reports takes a few seconds. If it needs handling, it will be handled. If it doesn't it won't. :)

Mark, get your point here, but the attacks I draw are nasty because I go so far over the top that I'd rather take the abuse rather than the embarassment of having a mod step in.

In college I once tried to start a "Heterosexual Student Association" to get university admin money for keg parties which the gay groups were getting for their "socials." I had the whole thing approved and we were ready to party, but one day I got an anonymous call from a voice telling me that I might find an AIDS diseased syringe sticking in my foot on the way to class, so I dropped it. The guy sounded serious (and he wasn't lisping...)

I will never report anyone ever. It's not in my make up. I'd rather settle things on the thread rather than face the humiliation of having a mod jump in. :doh:

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Mark, get your point here, but the attacks I draw are nasty because I go over the top that I'd rather take the abuse rather than the embarassment. In college I tried to start a "Heterosexual Student Association" to get university admin money for keg parties which the gay groups were getting for their "socials." I had the whole thing approved and we were ready to party, but one day I got an anonymous call from a voice telling me that I might find an AIDS diseased syringe sticking in my foot on the way to class, so I dropped it. The guy sounded serious (he wasn't lisping...)

I will never report anyone ever. It's not in my make up. I'd rather settle things on the thread rather than face the humiliation of having a mod jump in. :doh:

I'm totally the opposite- in real life, I'm all about snitching. But on here....eh, I don't take it seriously enough to feel the need to "tattle" on other members. I think I reported someone once, but it was for something really blatant.

Edit: P.S. I was a big fan of MSF. I remember being on his "ignore" list, though. But I still enjoyed him immensely.

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But these same people also make some bad threads along this same line. And I feel its like, the line is blurred to the point of "funny = good" and "not funny = bad", even with "offensive" depending on who you're offending, I think that leads to more people willing to test the limits and the patience of the mods here on Extremeskins.

I definitely fall into that category. I'm not trying to test the limits of mods per se, but when somebody deserves a good butt whipping then it ends like Lethal Weapon on the front lawn. I am probably in the extreme minority on this, but then again, I call the team owner Lord Farquaad and have likened him to a less intelligent Dr. Evil. He could have me rubbed out if he wanted and nobody would ever know so here's to Daniel Snyder for having a sense of humor. Everyone is so deadly serious these days.

Funny does equal good by the way. :evilg:

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I'm totally the opposite- in real life, I'm all about snitching.

Lol, you dirty rotten snitch! :D MSF didn't bother me either. Colorful characters are usually more fun. We all LOVE to make fun of Terrell Owens. It's a total shame he's out of the NFC now. What happens when ES is scrubbed of all the salty personalities? I'm not a pessimist though. It's still a fantastic board.

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I don't think I was a member here when MSF posted. But I remember reading his posts when I was a lurker. I enjoyed them. But I could never figure if he was completely serious or not. I mean, some of his beliefs were really off the wall. I thought he was a riot. Same way I do Westy. People take him too seriously.

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I don't think I was a member here when MSF posted. But I remember reading his posts when I was a lurker. I enjoyed them. But I could never figure if he was completely serious or not. I mean, some of his beliefs were really off the wall. I thought he was a riot. Same way I do Westy. People take him too seriously.

MSF WAS always serious...

I don't think anyone found an inaccuracy or omission... He was always consistent in his views, so much that I wouldn't even bother reading his first posts because I knew what he'd say...

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I will never report anyone ever. It's not in my make up. I'd rather settle things on the thread rather than face the humiliation of having a mod jump in. :doh:

I agree with this, too. This is pretty much how I feel about it. (Sorry if I personally insulted you! I'm sure it was not meant to be totally personal.. just my way, as you say.)

Most people here on ES remain within what I'd consider reasonable boundaries of the rules. Some of us stretch them, and that depends entirely on the situation. Some guys, like Reaganaut here are very passionate about what they're saying and are going to debate hard, can be sarcastic in the delivery, and may not show you the respect you feel you deserve. There's no kid gloves worn in these debates. If you step into that ring, expect to get hit a few times and don't go crying to Daddy when it happens. We're all adults here for the most part.

But that's just me, I do recognize the admins have a job to do, and not everyone is capable of self-policing. In fact, just the opposite, many would use their relative freedom to be as offensive as they can be just for the sake of it. In those regards, I do respect that the mods can keep our debates on a somewhat civil track, and as a result we're able to more freely express what we want to say without the thread being hijacked by someone who can't hang with the discourse.


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Some, though, are not interested in debating. Some are just interested in bullying. Some of them will even set up dupe accounts so they can bully with free reign knowing it doesn't matter if they're banned. A member can't defend himself because he doesn't have the weapons within the rules that his aggressor has outside the rules.

Fortunately, people like this are few and far between on this site. :)

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I hear you Mark. I always subscribe to the mantra of "common sense". I think it's pretty obvious and easy to spot one who has nothing beyond bullying to offer.

The mods here are level-headed and do a fine job of it.


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Sorry Maj, but if that's what you got from Mass, you really didn't get him at all. But like I said, very few did.

For the record, that's what I think MSF was too. Little more.

Just because you tell people outside of ES that you're doing it all of a shtick doesn't make it necessarily so. For instance, I could tell people outside of ES that I'm actually a nice person :silly:

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I got to know Scott very well through pm's. If you took the time to know the guy he was very interesting. And he was always very serious about what he said. I found that he would listen to your point of view and even take advice in pm's. It was worth my effort to get to know MSF.

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I thought he just left on his own, but i could be wrong on that one.

My understanding is, that after many temp bans and repeated attempts from the Mods to try and get MSF to change his habits, he was finally permanently banned. I believe it was for something that he posted in the Stadium but I'm too lazy to look it up. Perhaps it's that I just don't care that much.

He was a very interesting poster here. He was always 100% calculated in his words and definitely 100% serious. There was hardly any joking, and definitely no shtick.

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