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Where Is The Most Beautiful Place You've Ever Been?

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Most beautiful place I've ever been is hands down Victoria Falls, Zambia, whole area along the upper Zambezi is absolutely stunning, especially at sunset.


The place we stayed in Cabo last year for one of my girlfriend's wedding was absolutely gorgeous.


Amsterdam is probably the coolest European city I've been to, next would be Paris, then Berlin. Here's a pic of Amsterdam though


Manila, Philippines is a pretty dirty city, but I was able to catch some beautiful sunsets...



Prettiest water I've been in would be Anilao, Philippines


And Lake Taal, Philippines was awesome as well...


Places that I've been to that are gorgeous but I just don't have pictures of right now are:

Grand Cayman

Coast of Belize

Chobe National Park, Botswana

San Francisco is a really pretty and cool city

Big Sky, Montana

Then of course, the view of Mt. Shasta from our front yard.

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the new Cowboys stadium. :D

but really, I'd have to say Big Bend. It's not like one of those breathtaking places all over the world that give you amazing views. But one of my best friends spent his last moments there. And he and I always felt completely at peace in Big Bend. I still do now. :)

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Emerald Bay near Lake Tahoe. First time I remember seeing it I thought that I was looking at a postcard. (Not my photo)


And none of my photos or the ones I see online have ever done it justice, but Muir Woods is a really cool place. It just has a feel to it. Sequoias are really amazing and a dense forest where it's perpetual twilight because of the shade and cool is just something.


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ive been around the world thanks to the navy. just a few places i have been:

stationed in guam for 2 years.


I learned how to scuba dive in Guam. It's 10 times as amazing under water. When were you there Mike? I was living in Tumining Bay, supervising hi-rise construction in '89-'91

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Giants Causeway- Northern Ireland ( This is also the cover art of the "Houses of the Holy" Led Zep album)

Pics don't do it justice...it's a truly beautiful place.


mont saint michel- France


I'll also throw in sitting on the rim of the Grand Canyon watching the sunset.

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I guess you have to decide if you like the mountains or the beach better. I'll almost always go with mountains.

Speaking of which, parts of the Great Smoky Mountain NP are more beautiful than anything I've ever seen actually- old growth forests with ferns and hemlocks and streams cutting thru all of it- it's like a fairy tale. Mid-spring is the best time imo

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I guess you have to decide if you like the mountains or the beach better. I'll almost always go with mountains.

Speaking of which, parts of the Great Smoky Mountain NP are more beautiful than anything I've ever seen actually- old growth forests with ferns and hemlocks and streams cutting thru all of it- it's like a fairy tale. Mid-spring is the best time imo

the thing with SD is that you can be almost anywhere in an hours time.

from the beach it is an hour to glamis which is the desert. or you can go to julian and be in the snow in the same amount of time. or you can even go south to mexico.

the pictures SSM posted are beautiful too..:cheers:

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