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Obama Spokesman Says 'Obama Ready to RULE on Day 1'

USS Redskins

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...and conservatives continue to wall themselves off from reality. some guy who is not obama used the word "rule". oh no? oh wait. bush himself used the word "rule" about a billion times.

you know, there was a very clear lesson to take from this election: the majority of america were hoping to send a message to the republican base that this sort of ridiculousness is just not going to win them elections. come up with a plan. talk about the issues. if you are going to attack, make it an attack that actually matters.

until they get that message, they're going to continue to lose, and lose big.

this is a perfect example of the kind of flat out stupid complaint that is going to ensure more democratic gains next cycle.

so by all means, continue with the meaningless and pointless attacks. marginalize yourself beyond all hope of salvaged credibility. treat every-non issue as proof that obama is some kind of demon/thug/fascist. we'll see how well that works for you in 2012.

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Man, what a whine-fest.

Boo ****ing HOO..


... and I bet you thought Liberals were the whiney ones... these guys are wilting worse than Flower Power in a drought.

Just goes to show you. Both sides are exactly the same. Whoever's in the minority winds up whining and crying and thinks the world is ending.

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Get over it.

I've never seen so many grown people throw hissy fits like this at one time.

It's all about perception. Truthfully, I'd say that the conservative hissy fits so far haven't even come close to the level of hissy fits we saw from the left over the past several years.

So far at least. But there's still lots of time. I'm sure things will even out in the end.

partisan hacks are partisan hacks, no matter the cause. You all know who you are. :D

And btw, what a ridiculous article. Sad


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Truthfully, I'd say that the conservative hissy fits so far haven't even come close to the level of hissy fits we saw from the left over the past several years.

we liberals had some legit complaints, though. compare this nonsense to an unnecessary war justified by lies. slight difference in scope, impact, and justification.

the conservatives will no doubt be given ample reason to complain in time, but they are just straight up crying wolf on multiple non-issues before the guy's even in office.

friendly word of advice from a long-time whiner: save it for the stuff that matters!

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Just goes to show you. Both sides are exactly the same. Whoever's in the minority winds up whining and crying and thinks the world is ending.

Amen, two sides of the very same coin, screaming when they land on the bottom during the toss.

partisan hacks are partisan hacks, no matter the cause. You all know who you are. :D


friendly word of advice from a long-time whiner: save it for the stuff that matters!

Like when his oath of office is violated, or a law is broken.

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