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Obama Spokesman Says 'Obama Ready to RULE on Day 1'

USS Redskins

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all of you Obama supporters would be FREAKING OUT...yes freaking out if McCain won. So shut up and let us that are mad say so. Obama can kiss my big WHITE and yes, I said WHITE butt. ALL I have heard for the last week is black power this and black power that. After so many months of people saying it wasn't about race. Well, then shut the heck up already.

I've held my breath for way too long on here and if I offend someone, oh well. How about you get over it.

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all of you Obama supporters would be FREAKING OUT...yes freaking out if McCain won. So shut up and let us that are mad say so. Obama can kiss my big WHITE and yes, I said WHITE butt. ALL I have heard for the last week is black power this and black power that. After so many months of people saying it wasn't about race. Well, then shut the heck up already.

I've held my breath for way too long on here and if I offend someone, oh well. How about you get over it.

"And on your left, you'll see a white dude, in his natural habitat, who's more bitter about race than honorary_hog."




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all of you Obama supporters would be FREAKING OUT...yes freaking out if McCain won. So shut up and let us that are mad say so. Obama can kiss my big WHITE and yes, I said WHITE butt. ALL I have heard for the last week is black power this and black power that. After so many months of people saying it wasn't about race. Well, then shut the heck up already.

I've held my breath for way too long on here and if I offend someone, oh well. How about you get over it.

Want a tissue?

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all of you Obama supporters would be FREAKING OUT...yes freaking out if McCain won. So shut up and let us that are mad say so. Obama can kiss my big WHITE and yes, I said WHITE butt. ALL I have heard for the last week is black power this and black power that. After so many months of people saying it wasn't about race. Well, then shut the heck up already.

I've held my breath for way too long on here and if I offend someone, oh well. How about you get over it.

True, black people have no right to be excited or uplifted when a black man is elected to be President of the United States considering the past of slavery and the civil rights struggle which is still so fresh in many minds. Also...who exactly has been on TV yelling "black power this and black power that"? I've certainly seen plenty of interviews with black leaders who are very proud with what Obama was able to accomplish...is that the same as screaming "black power" now? :rolleyes:

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That's two foot in mouth comments in just a few day. Making this guy look untrained and stupid won't be problem. Oh yeah, that's three. He won't get any of his promises done in one term.

You've GOT to be kidding.

"Stupid and untrained" would be a kindness to describe how a few of you GOPers have looked in the last week.

You guys are REALLY and i mean REALLY reaching.


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Obama can kiss my big WHITE and yes, I said WHITE butt. ALL I have heard for the last week is black power this and black power that.

this kind of BS gets us nowhere. there are stupid people on both sides, but the WORST obama supporter doesn't represent him any more than the most hideously racist mccain supporter represents him. i'm a white guy and i voted obama and no i'm not going around giving the black power salute to people. don't let yourself get worked up over stupid crap, and don't blame obama for idiotic stuff done in his name, unless you are also going to blame mccain for every inbred racist in west virginia.

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Wow - the left has been banging away at Bush for 8 years. Every garbled word, every misstatement, every boneheaded move he or his aides make and One little Obama Aide makes a goofy statement and the Left is APPALLED that anyone would find this amusing. What a bunch of F@Gs. Get a freaking sense of humor.

I admire loyalty, I guess but this is nauseating ass kissery and hero worship at its worst.

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Wow - the left has been banging away at Bush for 8 years. Every garbled word, every misstatement, every boneheaded move he or his aides make and One little Obama Aide makes a goofy statement and the Left is APPALLED that anyone would find this amusing. What a bunch of F@Gs. Get a freaking sense of humor.

I admire loyalty, I guess but this is nauseating ass kissery and hero worship at its worst.

Being amused by it is one thing. (As if your posting history would bear this out... )

Behaving as though it's another harbinger for the end of the country is totally different.

Being personally offended as you seem to be by Obama fans being happy he won is downright childish.

But, I will give you credit, in this post you managed to whine about the whining over your whining.

That's some impressive sobbing.


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