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Why do you eat meat? [allow me to change my tone]

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Let me edit this post, and start off by saying that I was too attacking initially, and that I understand that if you wish to convince or at least get people to listen, being condescending and aggressive doesn't help, so that's my bad. However, I will say that some people are incredibly dense, and naturally I sometimes get the urge to "try" and hammer it into their heads. Doesn't work too well though, eh?:laugh:

So let's try and have a civil discussion about the topic, because it IS

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1. I like the taste.

2. If I don't eat meat, I have a hard time getting full. I don't know why. If I just eat a lot of bread or pasta, I get hungry again. If I just eat salads, I get hungry again.

3. The protein for my muscles, har har.

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I follow the NSCA protein guidelines pretty strictly so meat is usually 1 or fewer servings per day for me....

when I do it's turkey or chicken. fish twice a week ( very very selective ) beef prolly once every few months ( if that ) and pork as un often as possible...

Overall meat isn't something our bodies are equipped for but since it helps certain factors of growth and it tastes good FOR NOW the benfits outweight the longterm sideeffects.....


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well this should be interesting..........where do i start?

What if I told you that reducing America's meat consumption by even 10% would allow those tons and tons of grain (that are used to raise the ultimately slaughtered cattle) to be used to feed those millions of humans, you know, starving all around the world? Would you give two ****s? Or no, would you rather enjoy that nice Filet Mignon, regardless.

as far as grain ... my family is from farm country illinois. if we had any sense at all we would stop spending billions every year subsidizing grain growers to not grow grain in order to keep the prices right in the market!!!! see post ww2 after we had fed europe for 10 years and the market shifted once they were back on their feet and then the farmers here suffered when the price fell.

we should be growing more grain for ethanol and to send as aid rather than paying people to NOT grow grains. the trade off between growing and shipping vs not growing and subsidizing plus financial aid to those countries would be a ridiculous number im sure

Just about half of this country's water is used to culture meat. Here we have a govt. indirectly funding these corporations as taxpayers provide for the gallons and gallons of water that's used to raise cattle. ALL FOR A ****ING HAMBURGER

im more concerned about water in the midwest farming communities that are polluted from pesticides and fertilizers and come out green from the tap!!!

And then you've got articles posted everywhere...."OMG WHY ARE WE ALL SO ****ING FAT??? Obesity....a growing problem? What can we do?"

this isnt the consumtion of red meat thats the problem it is for starters because of all the friggin chemicals in the food that are mass produced that all contain high fructose corn syrup. lets not even start about all the preservatives in foods now days

and yes red meat is a problem but not the meat itself as much as it is the steroids and crap the give the cows to make them bigger..... just like young girls are developing more quickly nowdays because of the chemicals in chicken that enhance breast development....

Eat some damn vegetables, damn. You use up all those resources just to produce a pound of meat.....and you ask what the problems are?

the aforementioned water issue is created by growing food for you lettuce heads!! how dare you chastize people for their choice in diet.

you know alot of people have to buy whats cheap and let me tell you a vegan diet that is organic <and dont get me started on whats considered organic> is not cheap AT ALL. its cheaper to buy hamburger and cheap cuts of meat than it is to put 4 organic vegetables on the table. maybe you have that kind of money but my friend get out of the ivory tower you sit in judgement in and see that us commoners cant afford to eat well and ....


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Cuz it tastes good :P

It goes take a hell of a lot of grain to provide for the animals that ultimately end up on our plate, then the trash can.

How bout we fix the problem with throwing all of the damn food away.

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Got to the part about feeding the world and stopped.

I could care less about feeding the world. Call me an ******* or whatever. Until this country fixes it's own problems it really needs to stop investing so much time, energy, and (our) money into other ones.

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So, I see PETA's propaganda has spread all the way to football message boards. Good grief. :rolleyes:

Please, before you go off anymore, on water, grain, hamburgers, and the plight of the Sudanese...please, please, please actually step one frickin foot into a third world country and assess firsthand the problems in each of those countries. Here's a hint, their problems have absolutely NOTHING to do with you, me, and joe schmoe enjoying our hamburgers and filet mignon.

Woah. Calm down. What's got you all worked up to take it all out on a Redskins message board?

Yeah, I'm thinking the fact that a full blown rant was posted on a Friday night at 11 PMish means...:refill:

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Hey if you got rid of cattle 3/4 the population of Wyoming would be gone and we would end up a democratic state and the 1 whole super delegate vote would probably go to Clinton because we are the "equality state" and had the 1st woman governor and would elect the 1st woman president so see we need the cattle to prevent the end times.

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So, I see PETA's propaganda has spread all the way to football message boards. Good grief. :rolleyes:

Please, before you go off anymore, on water, grain, hamburgers, and the plight of the Sudanese...please, please, please actually step one frickin foot into a third world country and assess firsthand the problems in each of those countries. Here's a hint, their problems have absolutely NOTHING to do with you, me, and joe schmoe enjoying our hamburgers and filet mignon.

True...whenever there is a sizeable amount of hunger and starvation in any country, 95% of it is due to corruption in that country's government, and not because Americans eat too many cheeseburgers over the weekend.

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What if I told you that reducing America's meat consumption by even 10% would allow those tons and tons of grain (that are used to raise the ultimately slaughtered cattle) to be used to feed those millions of humans, you know, starving all around the world? Would you give two ****s? Or no, would you rather enjoy that nice Filet Mignon, regardless.

:applause: Good grief ,I never really looked at it like that.

Eat more beef to save the planet and help rid it of parasitic humans that overbreed. Do your part...have steak and egg for breakfast. :munchout:

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Meat is good for you, plain and simple. It tastes good too, that's a bonus. Nothing goes down quite like a freshly grilled filet mignon steaming right up.

Also, I don't know if the creationists would agree, but i believe it is widely thought that the enlightenment of homo sapiens occured when they started eating meat. Something about the high protien content of meat developing the brain. So yeah, meat makes you smart.

And no offense, but true vegans usually look a little malnourished and sickly to me. Not telling anyone how to eat, but humans are supposed to eat meat. It's just how God built us...

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True...whenever there is a sizeable amount of hunger and starvation in any country, 95% of it is due to corruption in that country's government, and not because Americans eat too many cheeseburgers over the weekend.

Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at. Lack of resources or proper utilization of resources has nothing to do with people eating burgers in America but violence, unrest, corrupt governments, famines that have wiped out crops (as in the case of Chad and Sudan for current examples) and many times aid agencies that are ineffective in their allocation of resources. We can ship a ton of food and medical supplies over to these areas, but if there is not the proper infrastructure for disbursement of these resources it really doesn't do a whole lot of good...

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What if I told you that reducing America's meat consumption by even 10% would allow those tons and tons of grain (that are used to raise the ultimately slaughtered cattle) to be used to feed those millions of humans, you know, starving all around the world? Would you give two ****s? Or no, would you rather enjoy that nice Filet Mignon, regardless.

So would getting rid of grain ethanol

I was raised on a farm, killing animals for meat was a way of life. I can remember my grandma going on on sunday morning and killing a chicken for sunday dinner

Now cruelty to animals is another issue

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