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Why do you eat meat? [allow me to change my tone]

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what will we do with all the cows that are born once we stop eating meat? In India they refuse to eat the cow, so there are lots of them. There are also lots of starving people there.

And if your mind is so simplistic to think eating meat is whats causing America's obesity...you have a lot to learn as you grow from a teenager to manhood.

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On the second series of The F-Word Ramsay showed a softened stance after learning about intensive pig farming practices including castration and tail docking. On the programme, Ramsay commented, "It's enough to make anyone turn ****ing vegetarian, for God's sake. And I've always sort of knocked vegetarians and vegans for missing out on the most amazing flavour you can get from meat. But you can see why so many people change instantly."[42]
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I eat meat because I find it delicious. It's not like I eat red meat all the time. I find nothing wrong with eating chicken and fish as much as I do. Still can't beat a well prepared steak.

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And if your mind is so simplistic to think eating meat is whats causing America's obesity...you have a lot to learn as you grow from a teenager to manhood.

When did I say that it's CAUSING obesity? It's contributing. But I have to laugh at this, because you're actually telling me I have a lot to learn regardless of the fact that I'm trying to do the right thing.

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And that’s exactly what the ****ing problem is. “It’s my right to eat meat, it’s my right to carry a gun”, all that bull ****. You don’t even give a ****, and I’m calling you out for it. They raise these cattle to be slaughtered….they make a business out of slaughtering animals. But no, you don’t think about that. You just think, “I like meat, it tastes good, I can eat it, therefore I will.”

It is my right to eat meat. Just like it is your right to smoke herb, it get's you high, calms you down and you don't harm anyone.

(and by no means was that supposed to be an insult, pot should be legal, but I figured that would mesh well with your supporting argument)

What about the corn or lettuice that is harvested and slaughtered to nourish the vegans? Those are living things too. Meat tastes good, so I eat it. Most greens taste bad, so I don't eat them. Personal preference.

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When did I say that it's CAUSING obesity? It's contributing. But I have to laugh at this, because you're actually telling me I have a lot to learn regardless of the fact that I'm trying to do the right thing.

The right thing in YOUR mind.

You make a lot of assumptions which you probably don't get.

If everyone in the US began cutting back on meat consumption by 10% that will not divert food to anyone. It will not cure any hunger problems. It will not feed the hungry.

It will also not fix our obesity problems in the us...could in fact make them worse.

It will not stop bad slaughter houses from doing bad things to animals.

So I am not sure what you thinkl you are accomplishing????

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The right thing in YOUR mind.

You make a lot of assumptions which you probably don't get.

If everyone in the US began cutting back on meat consumption by 10% that will not divert food to anyone. It will not cure any hunger problems. It will not feed the hungry.

It will also not fix our obesity problems in the us...could in fact make them worse.

It will not stop bad slaughter houses from doing bad things to animals.

So I am not sure what you thinkl you are accomplishing????

A couple things. Please explain how not eating meat would make our weight problems worse.

Secondly, "it will not stop bad slaughter houses from doing bad things to animals."......just the mere IDEA of having a slaughter house is bad, IMO. You raise them, fatten them, then slaughter them. The whole idea is wrong to me. Explain to me why it shouldn't be. I'm all ears.

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A couple things. Please explain how not eating meat would make our weight problems worse.

Secondly, "it will not stop bad slaughter houses from doing bad things to animals."......just the mere IDEA of having a slaughter house is bad, IMO. You raise them, fatten them, then slaughter them. The whole idea is wrong to me. Explain to me why it shouldn't be. I'm all ears.

Eating meat does not make you fat. Eating poorly makes you fat. If you replace meat with say pasta or rice....you will gain weight. Depends what you do with your diet.

What will all the animals you save do? Roam the earth free and happy. Animals are here for you to eat. Would you prefer replacing "slaughter house" with Butcher Shop? Or a farmer who butchers his own meat?

I still don't see what you think you are saving by not eating meat.

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It is my right to eat meat. Just like it is your right to smoke herb, it get's you high, calms you down and you don't harm anyone.

(and by no means was that supposed to be an insult, pot should be legal, but I figured that would mesh well with your supporting argument)

What about the corn or lettuice that is harvested and slaughtered to nourish the vegans? Those are living things too. Meat tastes good, so I eat it. Most greens taste bad, so I don't eat them. Personal preference.

I know, but my herb never caused any problems. I didn't have to kill anything to get high. These animals are just put out there to be butchered.

I understand, we have a meat culture, millions of people are accustomed to it, but it doesn't have to be this way.

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What will all the animals you save do? Roam the earth free and happy. Animals are here for you to eat. Would you prefer replacing "slaughter house" with Butcher Shop? Or a farmer who butchers his own meat?

I still don't see what you think you are saving by not eating meat.

:doh: :doh: :doh:

Animals are here for me to eat??? You serious man? Come on now....

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:doh: :doh: :doh:

Animals are here for me to eat??? You serious man? Come on now....

If you get no protein from animals, how will the US get their protein? What will they eat to have adequate protein in their diet?

And what are you helping by not eating meat?

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If you get no protein from animals, how will the US get their protein? What will they eat to have adequate protein in their diet?

And what are you helping by not eating meat?

There are plenty of ways to get protein besides meat. Milk, cheese, yogurt, pasta, beans, etc.....

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I know, but my herb never caused any problems. I didn't have to kill anything to get high.

But maybe the folks smuggling into the country did. But, that's ok, since YOU didn't, right?

You should focus this misguided energy into getting laid.

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:doh: :doh: :doh:

Animals are here for me to eat??? You serious man? Come on now....

There are plenty of omnivores in this world. Is it wrong for bears to eat the occasional fish even though they don't need to?

The fat problem in America is not caused by people not being vegetarians. :rolleyes:

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And there's your problem of heart disease, which I believe is the #1 cause of death in the USA. The connection is there, the country worries about what we can do to prevent it, along with obesity, well there is a solution. But the mindset isn't there, and nothing will be done until it is.




the real question should be why DON'T you eat meat?

I love my meat (no homo). Hamburgers, sausage, bacon, pork, chicken, ribs, the list goes on. I love it. There is no way I would ever become a vegetarian. Real men aren't vegetarians. Real men eat MEAT.

I mean seriously you can talk about animal cruelty all you want. Ain't gonna stop me from geting a well done Bacon Cheesburger form Outback or a rack of ribs from Famous Daves.

I exercise, and eat veggies too, so while heart disease may be a leading cause of death in this country, as long as you stay healthy and eat right, WHILE eating meat, you shouldn't have as big a problem. Just my :2cents:

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But maybe the folks smuggling into the country did. But, that's ok, since YOU didn't, right?

Don't even start, because I'm not going to get into that. But let's just say I know where my bud comes from, and leave it at that.

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There are plenty of ways to get protein besides meat. Milk, cheese, yogurt, pasta, beans, etc.....

Where do you think Milk and Cheese, and Yogurt comes from? How do you think these animals are treated? Do you know anything about farming?

Uh pasta is not protein...:doh:

So I would like to know who is going to produce enough beans to feed the US? (You have to stand up and save the mistreated dairy cows...in case you don't understand how we get milk, cheese, etc).

What will this do to our ENTIRE economy?

And you still fail to answer what will we do with all these cows, pigs, chickens, etc roaming the US? They do procreate you know....multiply...require food sources...etc. What do we do with all these animals?

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Don't even start, because I'm not going to get into that. But let's just say I know where my bud comes from, and leave it at that.

I see, you either grow it yourself, or get it from someone who does.

So, if I kill the animals myself, process them myself, cook and eat them myself, then it's ok.

Gotcha. :laugh:

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There are plenty of omnivores in this world. Is it wrong for bears to eat the occasional fish even though they don't need to?

Dude, that's nature. The bear doesn't go to the river and say, "hmmmm, I'm thinking a nice, tasty salmon today, mmmmm". It just goes and eats.

I don't have an issue with you going out fishing, or hunting for dinner. Some people need to in order to survive. I personally don't do it, but if you wish to, I don't have a problem with it.

What I have a problem with is founding a multi-million dollar business that rounds up tons of and tons of animals so that they can be slaughtered for profit.

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ok, last post on the topic for me.....

yes, you are trying to do what you think is "right" and that is to be commended. (esp. when most at your age don't make the attempt to care about anything outside their immediate sphere)


1. I agree about the funding/subsidizing of any industry. Let the free/fair market principles rule.

2. as to the feed grain being used to feed impoverished people: correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there a difference between feed grain and food grain? and, doesn't the US dump excess (and subsidized) grain every year?

3. take your suggestion to it's fullest...if no one ate the cattle on hand today, to what demise would the animals be submitted? disease, famine, preyed upon by other animals. I'm not thinking either one of those would be considered a picnic.

4. obesity - I would think that the country's uptick in obesity rates is much more attributable to the lack of exercise/good old hard work.

5. economics - I'm not even going to pretend to guess that I know the ramifications of what you propose from an economic standpoint but I would think the ripple effect would be far and wide. (and yes, I know it's hard to put a monetary figure to someone/thing's suffering but reality is,,,it matters)

6. slaugtherhouses - The need to kill an animal to survive sucks but it's a necessary evil. I'm all for doing it in the most humane manner possible. The US has one of the most regulated/inspected food sources on the planet. Are there examples of abuse, of course. Can practices be better, of course. But again, it's e-z to rail against the US but I'd suggest that you look at some of the practices in other countries before getting on your soapbox about the "bad ole US".

of course, you could go to some of the marketplaces in Asia and start releasing the chickens, dogs and cats from their cages. :laugh: see how far that would get you....:rolleyes:

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I know, but my herb never caused any problems. I didn't have to kill anything to get high. These animals are just put out there to be butchered.

I understand, we have a meat culture, millions of people are accustomed to it, but it doesn't have to be this way.

I never said your herb usage caused any problems, mine didn't when I used to smoke. We "as potheads" don't cause any problems. On that same merit, me as a "meat eater" doesn't cause any problems.

Neither being a pothead nor being a meat eater causes problems directly.

Your argument is quite the same as the marijuana prohibitionists. Slaughterhouses and the such can do terrible things in the name of feeding people. Marijuana distributors do terrible things to ensure potheads get their product, I left out growers because they are usually hippies that just live life happy. People on the streets will lie, cheat, steal and harm to do their business. There are unscrupulous people in the marijuana business as well is what I'm getting at. I used to get my stuff from people I knew and trusted and I'm sure you do too, but you can't deny that there are ****ed up people out there pushing herb.

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:doh: :doh: :doh:

Animals are here for me to eat??? You serious man? Come on now....

It's called the natural order of things.

We're omnivores. We eat vegetable and meat. Meat is there for us to eat, as are carrots.

And if you really want to change the world, how about asking the ones we're trying to save all the time to do a little bit on their own? Create some feeling of responsibility to themselves.

We ship grain all around the world, we send aid money in larger numbers than any other country on the planet BY FAR, (The people of the US are responsible for over 40% of all worldwide charity donations, even though much of the rest of the world would just as soon spit in our eye and call us self centered and arrogant.) What happens to it all?

I have been hearing since I was a kid how many starving people there are, and you would think that in 30 years there would be SOME progress made, but there isn't.


The same places that were starving then are starving now. The same people living in abject poverty then are living in it still.

Why has nothing changed? Is it because handouts are easier? Is it because all the aid we've sent over the years never reaches the people who need it? Is it because many of these charitable organizations spend 60-75% of the donations on their own needs?

After 9/11 we find out the money we all donated was misappropriated, mis-spent, stolen even. After Katrina, same thing.

So screw these relief agencies. In most cases they aren't helping anyone but themselves.

You're young. When you get to my age and you see that all of your charity and all of your goodwill and all of your concern towards the downtrodden on the planet gets you and them exactly nowhere.

In 20 years you'll hear about the same problems, the same issues, the same people will be starving. he same agencies will be begging for your money. And you'll wonder why the hell you even tried.

And then you'll want a nice fat delicious bacon cheeseburger to help you feel better.


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