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Why do you eat meat? [allow me to change my tone]

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I was arguging with this girl who's recently become vegetarian today, and I remembered this article. Don't worry, she's sponsored.


Nullify the vegetarian moral crusade:


Ever get the feeling that vegetarians consider themselves morally superior to you? Like they think that not eating meat makes them so special that their **** doesn't stink? As if when someone stops eating meat, they suddenly become holy and dignified and it excuses them for the years of inconvenience and frustration they inevitably inflict upon their friends, family and co-workers who just want to go to a restaurant and order a damn steak without constantly being reminded that they're going to hell for eating an animal that spends most of its life ****ting in a field. There are those of us who don't have a hyperactive sense of guilt and we don't give a **** about your mixed up self-righteous moral vegetarian agenda.

"I can't eat meat." The four worst words to hear when you're going to a restuarant with someone. I literally cringe every time I hear those words because I know it means that we have to drive around the city for 2 hours looking for some restuarant that serves "friendly" burgers, which ironically look and taste exactly like hamburgers--which vegetarians object to eating because it's either A) gross or B) murder. If it's so gross, then why go out of your way to eat something exactly like it, *******? It's funny how vegetarians suddenly stop ****ing about murder as soon as you point out their fancy leather belt or shoes, or that they drive a car and use electricity which contributes to polluting the earth and contaminating everything including the precious animals that they refuse to eat.

Well I'm tired of it. So what I've decided to do is sponsor a vegetarian! It's easy and spiteful, and we all know how much fun spiting people is! I'll explain..

What does it mean to sponsor a vegetarian? It means that you have to find someone in your life who's a really big pain in everyone's ass every time you want to go out to eat, and then you commit yourself to eating THREE times the amount of meat you'd normally consume to make up for all the meat that your vegetarian buddy isn't eating. It's that simple! That way, you can reverse the guilt trip that they've been laying on us for years by not only neutralizing their cause, but making it actually worse by eating more animals than would have ever been eaten had they not chosen to become vegetarians!

What if vegetarians say they don't care because we'll become fat by sponsoring them? I've thought about that already. All you have to do is exercise. I know it goes against the being lazy rule that I advocate so much, but this is so spiteful that it more than makes up for the exercise you'll have to do--which means that if you choose the 3 to 1 plan and sponsor a vegetarian, you're being so spiteful that you can't lose! If you have a choice, eat three separate types of animal to maximize your efficiency! Only offered beef? No problem: visit the zoo and eat a monkey!

The best part of it is that this plan is bullet proof. Finally those of us who don't have our heads firmly planted up our asses (with respect to vegetarianism, don't get me wrong, most people still need a crowbar up side the head) have a tool to combat these moral elitists!

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Not full out vegan yet....but getting there, maybe? I've been drinking soy milk for awhile, it's pretty good.

It's pretty well-documented that nearly all vegans develop one or more significant health problems resulting from their diet. The few who avoid these health problems are usually those vegans who "cheat" on their diet regularly, thus making them not vegans at all.

Also, I don't have time to find it but I know I read a study that showed that too much soy in one's diet can be very bad for you as well.

You might find the following results of a study of the diets of British people. According to this, being a vegan is just as unhealthy as eating lots and lots of meat:

A few hours of research into the mortality of British vegetarians has turned up some interesting facts. People who eat fish, but not usually meat, live the longest, followed by vegetarians and occasional meat eaters (tied for second place) with Vegans and heavy meat consumers both having the shortest life spans (again a tie).

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Really the only reason is because it tastes good. Honestly humans don't need to eat that much meat anymore and killing animals isn't all that cool. The only reason why we started eating meat was for basic survival however Humans have the capacity for abstract thought whereas other animals don't and therefore can make the decision that killins animals is wrong.

Now i understand why veggies and vegans don't eat meat and appreciate it but it tastes too good for me to ever stop.

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Really the only reason is because it tastes good. Honestly humans don't need to eat that much meat anymore and killing animals isn't all that cool. The only reason why we started eating meat was for basic survival however Humans have the capacity for abstract thought whereas other animals don't and therefore can make the decision that killins animals is wrong.

Now i understand why veggies and vegans don't eat meat and appreciate it but it tastes too good for me to ever stop.

High or drunk ? Just working on a hypothesis.

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Here is a true story. I have to give a little background for it so hang with me:

In 2005 I went to aparty with a bunch of coworkers. The girl hosting it was the type of person who has done everything you have done, but better. Anyways, she has this huge Rotweiller. So the party is going on people are drinking and this dog is wandering around her home. Personally I was nervous, loud music, drinking and strangers in your home with a Rot, don't make for a good mix. Anyways, close to midnight one of my female friends was playing beer pong with me. However, she got distracted by the dog and bent down to pet it as she had been doing all night. Well, for whatever reason the Rot bit her in her face. Blood was EVERYWHERE. Well she had to go through a couple surgeries to repair her face as well as a little bit of plastic surgery.

So fast forward 6 months later. The girl who owened the dog and the girl who got bit were still loose friends. So we are standing around one day and girl who owned dog comes up and says "I am a vegan now." Puzzled expressions go around and we say why. Girl who owned dog say, well because its cruel, blah, blah,blah. Girl who owned dog starts to get mad, everyone is laughing at her. One of my coworkers pointed out she was wearing leather shoes, belt and purse. She responds that she already had them so it would be a waste. More laughter ensues. Another coworker mentions that he feeds his dog hamburger. Girl who owned dog says her dog is a vegan as well. Girl who got face bit by dog responds "Well that's not entirely true." Co-workers and I fall out laughing, girl who owns dog, stomps of mad.

Moral of the story, if you are vegan you will get laughed at.

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It's pretty well-documented that nearly all vegans develop one or more significant health problems resulting from their diet. The few who avoid these health problems are usually those vegans who "cheat" on their diet regularly, thus making them not vegans at all.

Also, I don't have time to find it but I know I read a study that showed that too much soy in one's diet can be very bad for you as well.

You might find the following results of a study of the diets of British people. According to this, being a vegan is just as unhealthy as eating lots and lots of meat:

A few hours of research into the mortality of British vegetarians has turned up some interesting facts. People who eat fish, but not usually meat, live the longest, followed by vegetarians and occasional meat eaters (tied for second place) with Vegans and heavy meat consumers both having the shortest life spans (again a tie).

ANYONE with a poor diet can develop problems: examine the obesity problems here in the US. And many vegans jump on the diet without spending time to research what and how they can eat. Just dropping meat and eat salads is not enough: You need a complete protein, such as soy, as a replacement. I would agree that, physically, a moderate meat diet is better then a nutritionally-lacking veggie diet. (Though there are other factors to why a vegetarian diet is a more positive diet.)

Also, I suspect that a lot of vegans switched after they already had health issues, and were trying to improve their diet. I'd actually like to see the stats of real, long-term vegans, as opposed to random sampling.

There are many more problems related to eating meat, in particular, eating too much meat, as opposed to veganism. (Again, a poor diet is a poor diet, meat or not meat.)

BTW, I am a vegetarian, but not a vegan. I do eat cheese and sour-cream.

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Humans are omnivores. We have canines for a reason. That's why. Or are you talking on a personal level?

I chuckle every time I hear someone say "We have canines for a reason."

Humans have the worse canines out of any animal. Do you really use your canines for tearing and ripping? No, you do not, because they are puny little things. Compare your teeth to the mouth of a real carnivore, and you'd feel a little humbled.

Our teeth certainly are good for eating meat, but we have to prepare most of our meat in some fashion before we can eat it.

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Let me ask the OP this;

Why do so many vegetarians feel the need to try to sell the virtues of vegetarianism to meat eaters?

Humans are omnivores, eating meat is not a sin(*,) it is not a vice, it is not illegal, and it is considered normal behavior by the majority of the population.

There is nothing to explain or defend. Enjoy your lifestyle, and learn to accept ours.

(*) Please spare me any examples of specific types of meat being banned by various religions, there is a big difference between a blanket ban and saying something along the lines of "you can't eat pork."

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