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Why do you eat meat? [allow me to change my tone]

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I know, but my herb never caused any problems. I didn't have to kill anything to get high. These animals are just put out there to be butchered.

I understand, we have a meat culture, millions of people are accustomed to it, but it doesn't have to be this way.

I guess you don't realize that scientists have proven that plants feel the functional equivalent of pain, right?

Or that it can be "controlled" with aspirin, which means that their senses must be much more similar to ours than any vegan or vegetarian would care to admit.

It's too bad that poor marijuana plant has to suffer for something that is COMPLETELY unnecessary for sustainance. But hey, keep criticizing us. :laugh:


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Where do you think Milk and Cheese, and Yogurt comes from? How do you think these animals are treated? Do you know anything about farming?

So I would like to know who is going to produce enough beans to feed the US? (You have to stand up and save the mistreated dairy cows...in case you don't understand how we get milk, cheese, etc).

Soy products?

And you still fail to answer what will we do with all these cows, pigs, chickens, etc roaming the US? They do procreate you know....multiply...require food sources...etc. What do we do with all these animals?

Yes, because animals that roam freely are a nuisance and should be done away with. Just wipe them all out. What do you mean, what should we do with tjem? Let them be?

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at least meat has a chance to run first.

And stop polluting the air and raping the soil with your recreational drugs. It is a completely selfish attitude to take, because you WANT to get high, you insist on leaching nutrients from the soil that could be used to grow food for the hungry. And your carbon emmisions from the transport, use, and trade of marijuana is unacceptable. All over a silly drug, that you can't even seem to handle :). While meat is responsible for obesity, mj is clearly responsible for dimentia, paranoia, and an inability to think rationally.

[/logic back at ya]


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Soy products?

Yes, because animals that roam freely are a nuisance and should be done away with. Just wipe them all out. What do you mean, what should we do with tjem? Let them be?

SO who is going to produce enough Soy for the entire US?

Who do you think feeds these animals now? You think they just eat grass? Farmers feed them and pay for their food.

Who will feed all these animals that you are freeing?

Let me clue you in. Without someone feeding them and caring for them THEY WILL ALL DIE :doh:

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I guess you don't realize that scientists have proven that plants feel the functional equivalent of pain, right?

Or that it can be "controlled" with aspirin, which means that their senses must be much more similar to ours than any vegan or vegetarian would care to admit.

It's too bad that poor marijuana plant has to suffer for something that is COMPLETELY unnecessary for sustainance. But hey, keep criticizing us. :laugh:


to piggy back on the feelings of veggies


When I was a kid I used to stab my broccoli over and over because I was told it had a central nervous system.

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at least meat has a chance to run first.

And stop polluting the air and raping the soil with your recreational drugs. It is a completely selfish attitude to take, because you WANT to get high, you insist on leaching nutrients from the soil that could be used to grow food for the hungry. And your carbon emmisions from the transport, use, and trade of marijuana is unacceptable. All over a silly drug, that you can't even seem to handle :). While meat is responsible for obesity, mj is clearly responsible for dimentia, paranoia, and an inability to think rationally.

[/logic back at ya]


MJ also causes incredible urges to eat when really not necassary, wasting food that could be sent to the hungry. :2cents:

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It's called the natural order of things.

We're omnivores. We eat vegetable and meat. Meat is there for us to eat, as are carrots.

OK, I can understand this, but animals aren't here for us to "eat". We are biologically built to eat them, which is fine, but I mentioned this in another post, I'm not talking about the guy who goes and hunts the deer so that his family can eat for the night. I'm talking about the average citizen who goes and gets a hamburger from McDonald's.

I understand that we are a species designed to eat meat as well as greens, but we've grown enough to the point where we don't need to eat all that meat.

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Feeding them and caring for them....:laugh:

Now go eat your bacon cheeseburger and be happy.

A cow can not survive in the wild. Nor a pig, nor a chicken.

So now that we have that settled....

go save the mistreated dogs in the area, adopt a bunch at the pound. You will feel better.

Just don't feed them dog food...it comes from...oh wait...meat :D

:laugh: :laugh:

First Baconater from Wendy's for you is my treat!!!

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at least meat has a chance to run first.

And stop polluting the air and raping the soil with your recreational drugs. It is a completely selfish attitude to take, because you WANT to get high, you insist on leaching nutrients from the soil that could be used to grow food for the hungry. And your carbon emmisions from the transport, use, and trade of marijuana is unacceptable. All over a silly drug, that you can't even seem to handle :). While meat is responsible for obesity, mj is clearly responsible for dimentia, paranoia, and an inability to think rationally.

[/logic back at ya]


So you're a "mod", but you come into a meat thread and start talking about MJ.

Maybe you ought to "study up on the rules a bit".:)

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EDIT: OneShot, I do commend you on a successful thread too, usually your threads die of after 3 or 4 posts.


Usually I post chill, kind of poiintless things. Guess I hit a nerve here. THat's what gets responses.

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Now go eat your bacon cheeseburger and be happy.

A cow can not survive in the wild. Nor a pig, nor a chicken.

So now that we have that settled....

go save the mistreated dogs in the area, adopt a bunch at the pound. You will feel better.

Just don't feed them dog food...it comes from...oh wait...meat :D

:laugh: :laugh:

First Baconater from Wendy's for you is my treat!!!

pigs do survive in the wild. fowl survive in the wild. cows can not though.

but anything can adapt to its surroundings. :2cents:

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Usually I post chill, kind of poiintless things. Guess I hit a nerve here. THat's what gets responses.

This is true.:applause:

People have their vices, it happens. I don't normally consider eating meat a vice but you do. Maybe you should just chalk it up to that, because something's telling me that you aren't going to change many people's minds in here.

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Dude, that's nature. The bear doesn't go to the river and say, "hmmmm, I'm thinking a nice, tasty salmon today, mmmmm". It just goes and eats.

I don't have an issue with you going out fishing, or hunting for dinner. Some people need to in order to survive. I personally don't do it, but if you wish to, I don't have a problem with it.

What I have a problem with is founding a multi-million dollar business that rounds up tons of and tons of animals so that they can be slaughtered for profit.

Well, nobody likes it but that's life. If I had to slaughter my own animals I wouldn't be able to eat meat.

At least in this country we TRY to make it as humane as possible even if the Humane Slaughter Act is sometimes bypassed.

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pigs do survive in the wild. fowl survive in the wild. cows can not though.

but anything can adapt to its surroundings. :2cents:

While that is true, if you opened up all the chicken and pig farms and set all of the animals free what you would have is most of the animals would die...they are not meant to be free roaming.

Same if you sent fido out to live in the wild. Some dogs will survive, most would die.

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While that is true, if you opened up all the chicken and pig farms and set all of the animals free what you would have is most of the animals would die...they are not meant to be free roaming.

Same if you sent fido out to live in the wild. Some dogs will survive, most would die.

adapt, overcome and improvise!! :laugh:

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And that’s exactly what the ****ing problem is. “It’s my right to eat meat, it’s my right to carry a gun”, all that bull ****. You don’t even give a ****, and I’m calling you out for it. They raise these cattle to be slaughtered….they make a business out of slaughtering animals. But no, you don’t think about that. You just think, “I like meat, it tastes good, I can eat it, therefore I will.”

call me out all you want. our bodies are designed to eat meat. a cow has to be the most natural prey on earth. big, meaty, slow...it's meant to be eaten.

What is that thing in your signature?

Can you eat it?

that is one of the funniest posts i've seen on here in a long time. :notworthy

Feeding them and caring for them....:laugh:

you've never spent one minute on a farm, have you? get out of your parents house in the burbs once in a while.

So you're a "mod", but you come into a meat thread and start talking about MJ.

Maybe you ought to "study up on the rules a bit".:)

i think you thoroughly discussed pot before zoony even entered the thread.

look, you're young. you want to save the world. you might want to start by learning a bit of diplomacy.

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i think you thoroughly discussed pot before zoony even entered the thread.

I didn't bring it up.

look, you're young. you want to save the world. you might want to start by learning a bit of diplomacy.

I know, which is why I edited my OP.

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