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Why do you eat meat? [allow me to change my tone]

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Yeah, I'm thinking the fact that a full blown rant was posted on a Friday night at 11 PMish means...:refill:
I'm thinking a response posted on a Saturday morning at 2:43ish might mean :refill: too... :)
Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at. ...

edit: ooh, even 3:58 ish ...

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Why do you wipe your ass? If you stopped wiping your ass, think of the trees that would be saved. Global warming could be reduced by 800% and every kid in Africa could get a pair of Crocs.

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Because we were made to, hence us possessing canine teeth...

Eat grass fed beef and free range poultry if possible. Grass fed beef is loaded with Conjugated Linoleic Acid, which is purported to have numerous health benefits.

It's a complete protein source.

Too much meat can cause some problems with inflammation (arachidonic acid), but this can be counter-acted with fish oil, herbs and spices that you cook with / other supplements.

Taking enzyme supplements can be beneficial when eating meat or drinking peppermint, ginger or papaya teas - especially for asthmatics...

Fat, even some saturated fat, I believe, is good for you - avoid trans fat at all costs though...

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That does sound good.

Maybe I will hit up the butcher in a little while and spark up the grill tonight.

turn on the faucets before you leave :)

Just about half of this country's water is used to culture meat. Here we have a govt. indirectly funding these corporations as taxpayers provide for the gallons and gallons of water that's used to raise cattle.
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I don't really like the taste of meat. I only eat it because I enjoy the primal satisfaction that comes from the knowledge that a living, breathing organism had to die for my personal gratification. :)

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I don't really like the taste of meat. I only eat it because I enjoy the primal satisfaction that comes from the knowledge that a living, breathing organism had to die for my personal gratification. :)

I recommend a nice Sunshine Burger. I'm ordering mine for breakfast in about fifteen minutes. :)


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I think the reason so many Americans eat meat is that God knew at the dawn of time which of us would be sinners (ie meat eaters) and decreed we be born in the good ole USA. So take I'd easy on us, we were created this way. ;)

In the words of the funniest bumper sticker ever, "If God hadn't wanted us eating animals, why did he make them out of meat?

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this isnt the consumtion of red meat thats the problem it is for starters because of all the friggin chemicals in the food that are mass produced that all contain high fructose corn syrup. lets not even start about all the preservatives in foods now days

and yes red meat is a problem but not the meat itself as much as it is the steroids and crap the give the cows to make them bigger..... just like young girls are developing more quickly nowdays because of the chemicals in chicken that enhance breast development....

Great, give some steroids to a cow to make it bigger so that we can indulge. Yea, that's real ethical.

the aforementioned water issue is created by growing food for you lettuce heads!! how dare you chastize people for their choice in diet.

you know alot of people have to buy whats cheap and let me tell you a vegan diet that is organic <and dont get me started on whats considered organic> is not cheap AT ALL. its cheaper to buy hamburger and cheap cuts of meat than it is to put 4 organic vegetables on the table. maybe you have that kind of money but my friend get out of the ivory tower you sit in judgement in and see that us commoners cant afford to eat well and ....


Wow….wishing for a healthier and more practical diet with vegetables is the crime? The amount it takes to produce that meat is a hundred times more than it does to produce some vegetables. But hey, if you want to continue to support animal cruelty, world hunger, and your own forming of heart disease, that’s fine.

you don't want to eat meat, fine. but shut your trap about me eating meat. that had to be one of the most condescending, self-righteous rants i've read on here.

And that’s exactly what the ****ing problem is. “It’s my right to eat meat, it’s my right to carry a gun”, all that bull ****. You don’t even give a ****, and I’m calling you out for it. They raise these cattle to be slaughtered….they make a business out of slaughtering animals. But no, you don’t think about that. You just think, “I like meat, it tastes good, I can eat it, therefore I will.”

Please, before you go off anymore, on water, grain, hamburgers, and the plight of the Sudanese...please, please, please actually step one frickin foot into a third world country and assess firsthand the problems in each of those countries. Here's a hint, their problems have absolutely NOTHING to do with you, me, and joe schmoe enjoying our hamburgers and filet mignon.

…….I never said their problems are a direct result of our meat consumption. I said that lessening our meat consumption would allow us to help them out.

OK, look, my initial post was attacking and I apologize for that. It’s a subject I feel strongly about, and it came out in the post. What doesn’t make sense to me is, for the sake of small satisfaction, we are actively supporting animal cruelty, environmental destruction, and taking a passive stance on world hunger. This, to me, is just wrong, and it’s something that can be helped. But the reactions of many people in this thread mirrors the approach of the majority of this country, which is why we’re a long ways away from change. I remember when my friend told me about this stuff, I was in denial. I used to eat meat many times a week. But if I can change, so can you.

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"would allow us to help them out."

"we" do help "them" out. friend or foe, ally or enemy, we are more charitable than any other nation on the planet. you want to rant about people helping people, try N. Korea, Sudan, Venezuela, and on and on......

but that wouldn't be so e-z now would it, so from the comfort of our parent's basement, let's just whine about the US consumption of red meat?

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