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What is your hobby? (merged)


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I collect WW2 era firearms. So far I have a k98 Mauser, 91/30 Mosin-Nagant, 1903A3 Springfield, M-1 Garand, and an Enfield No.4 Mk.1

I'm putting that hobby on hold for a .44 magnum (because I always wanted one for target shooting) but I plan to either save up a bunch and find a vintage 1911 Colt .45, get an M-1 Carbine (which is a rifle I'm not too thrilled about) or sit on these rifles until I have the money to go after some of the more rare legal items I can find, or perhaps different variations/nationalities of rifles I already have.

I also play video games competitivly. I have won cash prizes both online and at LANs for various PC shooters, though in my current game, Call of Duty 4 I'm taking it easy and not really pushing myself.

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I've always been into automotive stuff. I built and raced off road jeeps a while ago. I might get back into it, but working nights and weekends puts a serious damper on that.

I was renting a garage with some friends to build hot rods, but when I got sick of them out sourcing all their work, instead of doing it themselves, I left. I sold my 53' chevy PU and my 27 T bucket I was building to a friend.

I'm very into music and am going to start taking lessons for playing my upright 3/4 Bass as soon as my friends dad is back to form after a car accident. Mostly slap, rockabilly and country, with a little jazz/swing mixed in.

Right now, my primary hobby is wine. I'm going to take a course. I've checked out a lot of local tastings and would like to learn to make a living out of it. If any of you remember my thread about my career problems, this I think is my solution. I'm learning to combine my sales ability with something I am passionate about and nothing fits the bill like wine (or whiskey).

I am trying to plant a large garden as well. It still has been either to cold or to wet here to get anything in the ground. I know some people who have had to replant everything, so I am doing it later this week. I was hoping to finish my weeding today, but it started to pour rain.

Cooking. I was a chef for 10 years and have work ties to Emeral, Puck and Trotter. I'm very good at it and am trying to regain where I used to be when I was absolutely in love with it. I've been having dinner parties and wine tastings with friends and it's a blast. I can't wait to cook everything I grew or killed myself. If it was easier to make my own wine, I could do it 100% myself.

I planned to make my own Jack (apple or pear) last winter, but didn't. I live in a nice place now with much more stable roommates, so this winter may be my time. I would also love to learn to make my own beer and wine. If it wasn't illegal to distill I would have done that a long time ago.

I'm excited about the chess tournament we may have. I used to play that a lot and would love to get back into it.

And of course talking **** on here. I've learned a lot and it has been a great tool to get me back to an old self. I'm reading again and have shifted my focus to a lot of different things I used to be into. I'm also interested in economics and would like to learn more about money. Once I get a second job and make more, I am going to learn about investing in retirement and long term goals. Live fast, die young didn't work out well for me.

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I have too many.

I guess my first love is music. I started playing Classical Violin when I was 4 and played untill I was 15. I picked the guitar up at age 12 and have been playing ever since. Mostly Neoclassical Fusion and Progressive Rock, with alot of good 80's stuff are my big influences. I have a couple projects going right now, as well as doing alot of studio work.

I was a big PC tech for awhile, but over the past couple of years I got out of that rat race. I still build my own, but I got out of the commercial side of things. I still play PC games, mostly RPG and some MMO's, but that genre has gotten pretty stale with the release of WoW.

I'm a animal lover (no, not THAT kind, sicko!!) and went to school for Marine Biology. Specialized in Elamobrancs (Sharks, Rays and Chimera) and Sharks are my favorite animals, Shortfin Makos RULE. I'm a big fan of Herps too and still own a couple large Boids. I'm also a closet Palentologist. I was in the pet trade for over 15 years but got burned out on it.

I was a big Surf Rat back in the day but I've been out of the game for almost 20 years, but I'm trying to get back into it.

Stuff I used to do but dont anymore is a long list, but I just dont have the time for most of it anymore. Mostly alot of different sports and Akido along with not reading as much as I used to.

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Volleyball. I play 3 - 4 times a week. I would play everyday if there was a game available. The rest of the time I'm at work, eating, asleep or on this damn computer.

i like volleyball but it seems there would always be a game available..... isnt there a brick wall somewhere in your town?? :D

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i like volleyball but it seems there would always be a game available..... isnt there a brick wall somewhere in your town?? :D

I stick with recreational volleyball as opposed to leagues. Leagues are too much serve, bump, set, spike over and over. And they treat every point as though it means winning the olympics. I like to play where you can get a long ralley going and keep the ball in air. Besides finding 11 other decent volleyball players to meet randomly at a brick wall isn't easy. :laugh:

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I've become quite a fan of playing tennis. I never thought I would, but it is a lot of fun, gives me great exercise, gives me more reason to spend good time with my wife, and I get some sunshine.

I also play guitar.. porch player, no band. It's nothing but a hobby, but I enjoy it. Nothing feels as good as being able to sit out on a nice evening and pluck some blues.

I paint and draw, but now I use those talents to make my living, so it's not so much a hobby anymore.

I'm an avid reader, a regular haunter of our local library. ( I love the library, by the way,, not enough good things can be said about the public libraries in this country, in my mind. YOU... Help out as much as you can. If you've got old books in decent shape, donate them to the library before throwing them out.)

I mostly read histories, and I love historical fiction. I am really into reading the work of Jeff Shaara right now, a terrific writer of American history.. Highly recommended.


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Shopping!! Its something I do when I am happy, sad, or stressed. I don't just enjoy shopping for myself either I like shopping for others as well. I should have been a personal shopper instead of an account executive.

Me too girl!! I also like to run... that is so I can continue to fit into the masses of clothing I tend accumulate with the shopping hobby ;)

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Dabble in what way ? Are you creating or improving or what and what types ?

Well, I built an SNES-PC adaptor that accepts 5 Super Nintendo controllers and connects to the parallel port of a computer. works like a charm.

I've had other projects that i've been meaning to get around to, but some of the necessary components are up there in price. one of my projects i've been trying to work on is to take a Nintendo and put it in a breifcase. The bottom half of the breifcase would hold the Nintendo system, the battery, and controllers (the controllers would have a retractable cord connecting them to the system for easy storage). The top half would hold the LCD screen (this is where the problems start $$$) and speakers.

so i guess you could say I like to do a bit of both.

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My hobbies come and go. Right now I'm really into BBQ. Been smoking lots of chicken, ribs etc. Going to have a go at making my own sauce soon. Should be fun.

Excellent. What sort of smoker are you using? I have a Big Green Egg (www.biggreenegg.com). Nothing better than sunday football season, inviting some buddies over for pulled pork (or ribs, or brisket...) and Sunday Ticket.

My advice to you on sauce making is to keep track of what you're doing. The best sauce I ever made was sort of a "kitchen sink" combination of about 15 different things that I was never able to recreate :(

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Excellent. What sort of smoker are you using? I have a Big Green Egg (www.biggreenegg.com). Nothing better than sunday football season, inviting some buddies over for pulled pork (or ribs, or brisket...) and Sunday Ticket.

My advice to you on sauce making is to keep track of what you're doing. The best sauce I ever made was sort of a "kitchen sink" combination of about 15 different things that I was never able to recreate :(

Yeah I'm definetly keeping a log of my smokes, so I'll be keeping track of my ingredients as well. I'm using a smokey mountain.


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