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What is your hobby? (merged)


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Is there something you do that not many others do? Ya know, a hobby?

What is your hobby, besides redskins and ES etc. Which aren't really hobbies....

Seems that less and less people have hobbies now and days because of the internet, video games, and such.

Good lord I had double vision when I wrote this. Edited for clarity.

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How about a little drunken karaoke? It's my stress reliever once, sometimes twice, a week. A friend runs a Saturday night show (I help out a couple times a month) and she wants me to start running a show on Sunday night while she tends bar. Not great money ($75 a night) but it's fun and I'd get to drink for free. :D

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How about a little drunken karaoke? It's my stress reliever once, sometimes twice, a week. A friend runs a Saturday night show (I help out a couple times a month) and she wants me to start running a show on Sunday night while she tends bar. Not great money ($75 a night) but it's fun and I'd get to drink for free. :D



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I've been looking for a hobby to take up when I'm done school in December. I've been thinking about getting a mountain bike and/or a kayak (though winter isn't the best time for either). I guess in the mean time I could rekindle my love of jigsaw puzzles.

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I've been looking for a hobby to take up when I'm done school in December. I've been thinking about getting a mountain bike and/or a kayak (though winter isn't the best time for either). I guess in the mean time I could rekindle my love of jigsaw puzzles.

Man, I used to be great at jigsaw puzzles. If you really can, I guess I put them together fast or something for a kid. I haven't done a puzzle in over 15 years. Nice one.:applause:

Im looking to start doing something more. Other than party, ES, and work, I don't really do anything. Video games but, meh. I used to fish but I its not something you can do year round, unless your pretty rich.

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I've got three main ones.....

My roommate and I own a pair of Norwegian Fjord horses. We both ride (her much better than me) and she's getting a cart to drive with her horse. We generally try to spend part of one weekend day with them, and at least one evening during the week.

I'm also a competitive pistol shooter, participating in International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) matches throughout the New England area through most of the year. Unfortunately I'm taking some time off right now due to an issue with the lead level in my blood.

Lastly, I'm very extensively involved in a medieval recreation group called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). We're a multi-national groups of about 35,000 members split into 19 kingdoms covering the USA, Canada, parts of South America the Pacific Rim, and Europe. We research and recreate the society of Western Europe and societies having contact with Western Europe between 600 and 1600 AD; not exactly as they were but as they should have been. By which I mean we remove religion, gender, race, and nationality and assume all members are minor nobles who would have to be respected by others. I'm involved in mostly combat arts (heavy-list fighting, combat archery, & siege weapons) but almost anything you could imagine that existed in that period is being recreated somewhere in the SCA.

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I would get sucked in to that real quick and become addicted. Maybe not a bad thing. But, I have stayed to Final Fantasy type games on Play Station.

I stopped playing them for a year, just to prove to myself that I could (and to keep my wife from blowing her stack :laugh: )

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