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What is your hobby? (merged)


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I was just curious if we would have any real interesting ones.

"I enjoy naked spelunking while cursing Jerry Jones"

I used to enjoy starting fires and blowing up things,but naked water skiing is ok :whoknows:

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I was just curious if we would have any real interesting ones.

"I enjoy naked spelunking while cursing Jerry Jones"

I like going out in public wearing big yellow Ducky slippers just to get people's reactions.......and its a chick-magnet, too.....strikes up a conversation with them every time

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I don't know if camping can be considered a hobby, I only get the chance to go around 6 times a year. I love to fish, but don't go nearly enough to call it a hobby. I have begun to do a lot of hiking and my dog loves the outdoor time as well. I am surprised by the many trails available in the Tallahassee area. I want to attempt the Appalachin Trail when I graduate but don't know if it is feasible.

And well I love extremeskins. I have been busy as can be over the last month and haven't spent much time on here lately, but I enjoy the time I spend here, not to mention it is starting to get too damn hot down here to go outside for long periods of time.

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I've got three main ones.....

My roommate and I own a pair of Norwegian Fjord horses. We both ride (her much better than me) and she's getting a cart to drive with her horse. We generally try to spend part of one weekend day with them, and at least one evening during the week.

MSF you need to date your roommate. ;) It's been right under the roof this whole time.

Anyway my hobbies are camping and hiking the Appalachian trail when I can, and I play tennis on occasion but not as much as I use to.

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I knew about the last two mass. Didn't know about the horses. That's pretty cool, Mass. You have more hobbies than probably 95% of the country.

Thanks. Trust me, it's cool but it also means that most of my "free" time and money is taken up with different things. Especially the horses.

I may feel like crap on a Wednesday night, but I know there's 1000 lbs. of horse that is expecting me at the barn. Besides, there's a certain something that happens when you pull up the driveway and you know your horse is watching the car, or when you walk into the barn and he turns his head to look at you. It was a horse that got me through the hard times after my father's death.

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MSF you need to date your roommate. ;) It's been right under the roof this whole time.

Something tells me that her husband, who happens to be my best friend might take a seriously dim view of that idea, HogNose.

The three of us were great friends in college before they started dating. That's probably why they extended the invitation for me to move in with them ten years ago.

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Something tells me that her husband, who happens to be my best friend might take a seriously dim view of that idea, HogNose.

The three of us were great friends in college before they started dating. That's probably why they extended the invitation for me to move in with them ten years ago.

:doh: Yeah that might be a problem. :laugh: I thought it was just two guys and a woman living together. Didn't realize they were married.

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:doh: Yeah that might be a problem. :laugh: I thought it was just two guys and a woman living together. Didn't realize they were married.

Yeah, they just celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary last weekend. Besides, it wouldn't have worked out just me and her. She's way too much of a tomboy for me to have ever really had a long-term relationship with her. It just wouldn't have worked out. We'd have been at each other's throats within weeks.

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I've had a CD burner for years. But recently I've purchassed a really easy vinyl to digital system. I can copy it to my computer in a wave or mp3 file. I'm no computer whiz. So this system is right up my alley.


The vinyl to digital is a must, although it doesn't feel the same when you play it. But the last thing you want is to not have it for whatever reason. Congrats.

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I have 2 hobbies:

I am in a billiards league with a couple of friends. We shoot pool every Wednesday night in a semi-competitive format.

I have a motorcycle and when the weather is nice, I try to get out on the open highway with the wind (and bugs) in my face.

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