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What is your hobby? (merged)


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1. Continually studying my profession (massage, musculoskeletal disorders)

2. Spending time with my wife and kids

3. Following professional sports (Redskins, Yankees, Knicks, Sabres/Red Wings)

4. Coaching youth football

- Studying football philosophies, schemes, drills

- watching youth games and supporting my former players and former coaches

5. Chess

6. Golf

7. Tennis

In that order :)

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Disc Golf

Where do you play, I am also in to disc golf, but haven't play a round in about a year or so. Would love to get back in to it again if I could find someone who also enjoys this killer sport. Ive been playing since 93.

I am also in to reef tanks right now, and have a newly set up 200 gallon system.

I do a lot of gourmet cooking mostly of ethnic foods like Mexican and Chinese.

Other hobbies include organic gardening, graphic design, and used to build drag cars.

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Specialized in Elamobrancs (Sharks, Rays and Chimera) and Sharks are my favorite animals, Shortfin Makos RULE. I'm a big fan of Herps too and still own a couple large Boids. I'm also a closet Palentologist. I was in the pet trade for over 15 years but got burned out on it.

You know, 1 in 5 adults has it. Is there a good way to get rid of the genital version without giving up unprotected sex with crack whores? I'm not a big fan at all.

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Well I guess i'll say mine

I love water skiing, pretty darn good at it too. Can drop a ski and get up on one. Don't have a boat so I get to go once a year if im lucky.

I also ski and snowboard. Been out west to the real mountain like Whistler/Blackcomb, Tahoe, Vail, Jackson Hole, etc.

I like video games of course. Madden, Final Fantasy and Metal Gear solid especially.

I have a deep interest in the MIddle East.

I like Camping and fishing, but don't do it enough.

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I love throwing dinner parties. Last night 8 of us ate at a 2x2 table in my backyard.

Pate and artisan cheeses with fruit and crouton.

mussels steamed with thyme, basil, garlic, onion, jalapeño, beer and butter

line caught sea scallops, seared with a basil, tangerine, honey, jalapeño glaze

fresh black sea bass sauteed with s-n-p only but with a pan sauce from the Bordeaux I was drinking and some butter.

steamed asparagus drizzled with a melon aioli.

dirty spiced brown rice

fresh local strawberries, salted for an hour, then tossed in 10x and topped with shaved milk chocolate.

preserved vanilla peaches, sauteed in light brown sugar and butter over warmed apple bread, topped with vanilla ice cream and drizzled with the caramel I made from the peaches.

the 8 of us also drank the appropriate wines with every course. Simply an amazing night. I don't know if there is anything in this world better than a great meal, great wine and great friends.

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I like to read. There are some good books out there. I like James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Sherryl Woods, Nicolas Sparks and Nora Roberts, to name a few(not that you asked by what the heck?). I also do scrapbooking. Just got finished w/my 2007 Redskins season scrapbook last week. It looks nice if I do say so myself.

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I love throwing dinner parties. Last night 8 of us ate at a 2x2 table in my backyard.

I don't know if there is anything in this world better than a great meal, great wine and great friends.

Nope, that's pretty much it.


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  • 4 months later...

It's not random, I like history, I have always been interested in WW2 as I grew up listening to my grandfather (a former POW who spent 9 months as a rifleman in the infantry on the front lines before being shot 5 times in the leg), and I enjoy target shooting. Nothing random about that as a hobby.

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i shoot in a 9 ball leauge, scuba dive, golf, motorcycling, basketball, softball, darts, ice fishing, deep sea fishing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, i like to stay active believe it or not theres actually more.

how the hell did i forget 12 ounce weight lifting.

oh and lastly why start a hobby thread and not list any of your own.

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