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Everything posted by dwbiggs

  1. Guess its the year of the homely man...first Eli and now this.
  2. Please...enough with the uniform thing...if we/they start worrying that a certain uni combo has an influence on how they play...then we/they are a bunch of "pansies" who don't deserve to win.
  3. I liked them but get rid of those wide stripes on the side of the pants.
  4. I grew up on the old burgundy top/gold pants so I guess I am biased. Didn't like it when they changed. I like the spear combo and would like to see them go back to that actually...but use the current shade of red.
  5. Like I said before...I think the 950.00 to change brakes and rotors was a little ridiculous, I don't care how much knowledge or sore backs it takes. You don't have to know a lot to change brakes and rotors. I ordered everything and did it for 230.00. 720.00 for "all that knowledge".. I don't think so...I do think that quote was ridiculous.
  6. This is true, I was just pointing out that if you have the means you can save drastic amounts of money by avoiding the ridiculous prices dealers and private shops charge for doing relatively simple repairs.
  7. Well seeing that an alternator costs at most 200.00 (ordered online) and a battery can be had for 50.00-70.00 I would say you could have saved a bunch if you and/or a friend made the repairs...it ain't that hard to do. I got a quote from a shop for replacing brakes and rotors on my Jeep Liberty. 950.00 parts and labor. I went online and ordered everything I need and did the whole job for 300.00...took maybe 2 hours.
  8. Any Monty Python fans? Life of Brian clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X3AmMmWC-Q
  9. Speaking of Monty Python... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM&feature=related
  10. Didn't see the movie...but is this reminiscent of Cloverfield?
  11. Guarantee they all want to have sex with her and then afterward stone her to death for seducing them. :laugh:
  12. Looks like Golom from Lord of the Rings.
  13. Wow...is that the Docs house...plastic chairs and canned chips? I'm guessing that ain't Jim Carey's place. Its sad when a man that has contributed all he has is living no better than I am...Carey should have to trade places with Hawking.
  14. Luv me some Selma Hayek :drool: :whew:
  15. I think the Dolphin helmets have had changes over the years. Seems to me that the dolphins position on the sun has changed....and the dolphin itself has changed come to think of it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_Dolphins
  16. Awwwww....thats the cute little Harry Potter girl isn't it?
  17. I think this would look better if the yellow were changed to a gold...much like the 49ers use. Maybe gold helmet and stripes but white pants.
  18. Gotta give this guy credit...he's trying hard.
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