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Good Bye; more or less


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I've decided to make the effort to go in a different direction with my career. It is something that has been knocking around in my brain for a while, but over the last couple of days I've really made up my mind.

That means a year or two of real nose to grind stone work and cutting out my guilty pleasures including this board. I might come back and visit some, especially as the general election nears, but more less I'll be staying a way. It has been fun.

One last thing, I know most people here are pretty politically concise and are likely to vote, but go vote. Even if you aren't happy with either candidate go write somebody in. I think the political parties like it when people stay home. The fewer people that vote the fewer people they have to try to influence. If enough people go in write in people, eventually somebody will say, 'Hey, there's enough write in voters to tip an election. I just have to figure out what they want in a candidate.'

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I've decided to make the effort to go in a different direction with my career. It is something that has been knocking around in my brain for a while, but over the last couple of days I've really made up my mind.

That means a year or two of real nose to grind stone work and cutting out my guilty pleasures including this board. I might come back and visit some, especially as the general election nears, but more less I'll be staying a way. It has been fun.

One last thing, I know most people here are pretty politically concise and are likely to vote, but go vote. Even if you aren't happy with either candidate go write somebody in. I think the political parties like it when people stay home. The fewer people that vote the fewer people they have to try to influence. If enough people go in write in people, eventually somebody will say, 'Hey, there's enough write in voters to tip an election. I just have to figure out what they want in a candidate.'

It was good debating with you, PeterMP - good luck with your efforts.

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Good luck to you, Peter -- though I have to agree with the general sentiment -- you'll be back :)

I've sworn off ES on a number of occassions, and it's never stuck. The closest I've come is to become a casual lurker -- posting and re-posting in contentious threads takes waaaaay too much time.

BTW -- what is the endeavor you are pursuing?

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Best wishes, Peter. You have been one of the best new posters to come around in a while, and I'll be sad to see you go.

Promise to come back when you make tenure ... or when you're a millionaire ... best of luck in whatever your new endeavor may be. :cheers:

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Peter, kindest regards and I pray for the best of all things for you.

I know that we have rarely seen eye to eye, but I would be a liar if I didnt acknowledge the high quality of your posts and the awesome candor that you have always brought to the table.

You make me look more deeply and at all sides of an issue, and for that...Thank You!


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