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Post-game thread: Skins at Giants.


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How does a defense that gives up 1 TD look sooo much worse than a defense that gives up 30

Its crazy but it just shows how much momentum, emotion and a home crowd (and a win) can make you look a lot better (or worse) than you really are.

For my post-game thoughts:

We need Springs back. And until then, we're going to get worn down and eaten alive. Just like today.

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What cracks me up are all the posts saying "Man I cant wait for Springs to return"

Really? and when he is back is he gonna be able to cover Rogers man at the same time?

Is he gonna be able to rush the passer for Carter since he cant seem to?

Is he gonna be able to pick up Archuletas man in coverage?

5 weeks now and Williams and his billion dollar staff are not helping his players out. He used to be able to put his players in position to excel. Oh and Jerry Gray, are you helping out?

I am more sick of our defense then I am of our limp noodle QB.

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Well, it's official that catering an offense to what Brunell is capable of did not work today. I think it will become more apparent as the season goes on. What's the most fustrating however is that Kenny Wright continues to prove how terrible he is, by giving up 2 HUGE pass plays early in the game.

I just can't see us making the playoffs if we continue to fall behind early in games. Brunell DOES NOT have the arm to go deep. Please do not say he does, because everyone knows his arm is not what it used to be. If we fall behind and he is forced to look deep, we will lose almost every time.

Today was a bad day, hands down. It was a day that many of us probably feel ashamed to be Redskins fans. But nobody should be ashamed to be a fan of your home team(or non-home team for some of you). But I will say that Our main bottleneck on offense IS Brunell, whether anyone does or does not want to admit that. And that until Springs is back, we will continue to get torched in the passing game. =\

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Guest sith lord

Gibbs got outcoached. I'm sorry, but you have to go for it on 4th and 1, when you're down 3-16 late in the 3rd quarter. I'm serious, we won't win a SB under Gibbs again.

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Ok, everyone, we were OUTCOACHED. you know when this game was done. When Gibbs made the idiot decision to not go for it on the 24!!!!! Conservative again!!!

Howver the game was OVER when Rogers pathetic self missed a blatent INT. That set the tempo for some reason. I knew it when I saw it. Oh well.



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Until Mr. Gibbs learns that this day and age in the NFL you cannot play NOT TO LOSE and be conservative his masterpiece will be that of disgust and disappointment to loyal Skin fans!! Week in and week out we seem to play under this disallusioning gameplan. Saunders may have a 700 page playbook, but it is up to Gibbs to tell him what he wants out of his offense. I believe the only thing he wants is to be conservative. This style of play does not work in the NFL today and quite frankly is getting VERY, VERY, VERY annoying to watch!!!

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