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Can't reach my Faimly they might have been in the Train in Bombay Today - Deja Vu!


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My uncle and cousin were on that train today, we can't get through at all..all lines are jammed. 8 blasts occuared and dammit, can't get in touch with anyone.

I want to tell you guys an another story..... In the summer of 2001, I worked in the World Trade Number, building number 7 - known as the Solomon Smith Barney Building. I worked on the 29th floor of a british Bank names Standard Chartered Bank - Big bank in Asia.

BTW this is areally hard for me. I do go to a pyche regulary as I have nightmares from what I witnessed that day. I have been getting acute panis attacks regulary and I am currently on prescription from a doctor.

I worked all summer long and abolsutely loved NYC and Brooklyn where I lived. During that time Bloomberg was running for Mayor and so in the Courtyard on the WTC he has a huge stage that would have muscians and all kinds of events all day long.

On that monring like usual I took the Path train from Brooklyn to the WTC site. Even as an intern I had to get there regulary at 7 am even if I left work at 5am in the morning.

When the first plane hit, it shook our building and I was in a meeting. No one knew what happened but we went down to see what all the commotion was about. Everyone was saying it was an accident and we kind of beleived what they were saying but it was a clear day so that kind of put a red flag in all of our heads. You see on a rainy days, the coulds would hit the towers from the 84th floor up, but the weather was great that day. We were all asked to go inside so that emergency vehicles could get to the WTC from Viche ST.

I then proceeded upstairs and got back to work but was pretty shaken up as I knew many people that were working in the towers. Trying to call everyone but already phone lines were busy.

When the 2nd plane hit we saw it learly. I ****ing came through the building since I wss on the 29th floor and was ahuge fireball. We were all asked to run as fast we can to exit the building since my building which was Number 7 (The WTC site consisted on 7 bulding total. 1/2 were the towers, 3 was the Marriot hotel connecing both of them, then you had Chase Manattan and American Express, which occupied 3 buildings and then ours).

As we came out, people were screaming as bodies were falling all around us. One fell no more than 20 feets from me and the sound it made still revereates through me today. People were jumping from all buildings and we could see people waving for help.

We were all asked to clear away from the towers as fast we can and in 20-30 mins while we were running, the first tower came down. I had **** all over me and coudn't breathe as I was under a car. A police officer extanded his hand and got me out thankfully but we coudn't see more than a couple of inces in front of us.

I made my way to SOHO where my freind lived to see if he was ok. Unfortunately I lost 9 people that day including my cousin siste who didn't even work there. We presumed that since no one has heard of her from that day she was in the area on a meeting a perished.

I lost my job (I was offered one the day before as I was heading back to JMU for my final year in school. Standard Charted bank really liked me and offered me a position as soon as I finished my last year at JMU)

Anyway what I lost was nothing compared to losing people I loved. These ****s used innocent people as a missle to kill thousands and I have no sympathy to them being buchered in the most inhumane way as possible. To think of it, my whole family was on top of the WTC - The windows of the World Bar on Sept 9th as my family came to visit me from DC. We went on top of the towers to see the amazing view and god was it beautifull.

I loved NYC and vowed to return their someday, but that day is one I will never forget ever. To see what I saw that day, to see people jump from the 70th floor and for them to make that decison to end their life so that they could escape the hell they were in, I have no words to describe what tha invokes in you when you see it with your own eyes.

Fuc% these mother****e's and their jihadist ways, they deserve a 15000 pound bomb up their ass. I never posted this before because its still extremely difficult and to know that SOB is still alive in pakistan sipping tea on the mountainside make me miserable.

Thats it...I had to rant and get it out to all of yall. That why I'm really pissed today because now it happened from where I was born and I am felling like Deja vu all over again. I'll keep you guys posted if I hear anything

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Hope things aren't as bad as they look at first.

Hopefull thought: I'd bet that, at any given instant, there would be what, over 100 commuter trains "on the road" at any given instant? Meaning that even if your relatives were on the train, the odds of them being on the wrong train would only be 7 of 100.

And even if they were on the "wrong" train, I'd bet the odds of them surviving would be better than 50/50. (And maybe a lot better.)

Here's hoping the odds really are in your favor.

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My uncle and cousin were on that train today, we can't get through at all..all lines are jammed. 8 blasts occuared and dammit, can't get in touch with anyone.

Thats it...I had to rant and get it out to all of yall. That why I'm really pissed today because now it happened from where I was born and I am felling like Deja vu all over again. I'll keep you guys posted if I hear anything

I hope your family is all right, good luck, man. Keep trying, be patient.

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Maybe you should join one of our military Reserve forces- that would be a healthy way to channel your energy and perhaps deal with the fear/anger/tension you have. you would feel more peaceful being able to prevent the next attack.

just a thought..

Dude, this is one absolutely disgusting post. I can't believe you thought this was the appropriate place to spew your propaganda.

Trey, my heart felt condolences go out to you and your family. I hope and pray that everything is OK with your family, and my thoughts are with you, god speed my friend.

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Seriously Trey, good luck. That is some F'ed up shiet! Hearing that same noise over and over would drive me crazy as well! Especially when you cant turn off the replay button in your head! I feel you man, and all of my families prayer's are with you and yours, please keep us posted...

I think you did a very good thing by posting and letting out some emotion. It really does help to vent it out, espeically to a group of people. When I read your post I felt literally as if I was there. God bless, and if you need anything post it here or PM someone. Keeping it inside is no good, but at times feels like the best answer.

Good luck brother.

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My thoughts are with you and your family bro...I hope you can get through.

Maybe you should join one of our military Reserve forces- that would be a healthy way to channel your energy and perhaps deal with the fear/anger/tension you have. you would feel more peaceful being able to prevent the next attack.

just a thought..

You're despicable.

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I hope everything works out for you bro.

Dude, this is one absolutely disgusting post. I can't believe you thought this was the appropriate place to spew your propaganda.
You're despicable.
Instead of ignoring something you don't like, you instead make snide comments about someone's character. Way to go.:(
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Maybe you should join one of our military Reserve forces- that would be a healthy way to channel your energy and perhaps deal with the fear/anger/tension you have. you would feel more peaceful being able to prevent the next attack.

just a thought..

Oh my, what perfect placement for a recruitment post. What would you know about dealing with fear, anger, and tension? Your in the air force. Go spend every day walking the streets with some poor **** in the Marines or Army then tell us about dealing with fear, anger, and tension.

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My thoughts are with you and your family CounterTrey. My dad was consulting for Morgan Stanley in the fall of 2001, but luckily he stayed in DC rather than going to NYC that week. The phone calls we got from friends and family that day were very heartwarming. It's times like these that you realize how important family really is. Not long before that, I lost a grandmother in a traffic accident that happenned halfway around the world, and I know how hard it can be when information is difficult to come by.

I hope everything turns out okay for your relatives, and that this experience serves only to bring your family closer together.

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"Fuc% these mother****e's and their jihadist ways, they deserve a 15000 pound bomb up their ass. I never posted this before because its still extremely difficult and to know that SOB is still alive in pakistan sipping tea on the mountainside make me miserable."

I honestly do think that if he joined the military it would help him in dealing with these feelings. he would not feel miserable because he would be doing something positive to deal with his past.

and for those insulting me personally, maybe you should go back and read Rule 5 of the Forum..

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"Fuc% these mother****e's and their jihadist ways, they deserve a 15000 pound bomb up their ass. I never posted this before because its still extremely difficult and to know that SOB is still alive in pakistan sipping tea on the mountainside make me miserable."

I honestly do think that if he joined the military it would help him in dealing with these feelings. he would not feel miserable because he would be doing something positive to deal with his past.

and for those insulting me personally, maybe you should go back and read Rule 5 of the Forum..

AFC - perhaps you are right and that would help him. The problem is - all you did was come into the thread and drop a blatant recruiting message with no note of sympathy for what he is going through right now. Maybe if you had worded it so that you showed a bit of compassion and then 'hinted' at maybe joining...

I still think it would have been wrong place/wrong time, but at least it would have been humane.

edit - CT, i'm sorry this thread has gone of coarse. Again, I hope for the safe return of your family. Please keep us updated.

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Guys, AFC is simply offering suggestion. You don't have to take him up on it, but let's not derail the thread because of it, ok? And he's right. Rule #5 is pretty clear on this sort of thing. Please take any more comments on that particular topic to PMs now. Thanks.

CT, all I can offer you is my best wishes to you and your family. Hopefully this is no more than a bad scare for you.

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