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Can't reach my Faimly they might have been in the Train in Bombay Today - Deja Vu!


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Wow Trey, when I was reading your first post I felt extremely sad for you. I honestly almost felt like crying . I just cant imagine going thru whatever you went thru. After reading the first couple of replies, I was just hoping that you would post something about how you got in touch with your family. And then you did!! Im really happy that you got in touch with your family. Now instead of thinking of the bad things, look in the mirror and smile and think to yourself how greatful you should be that your family is safe.

Very glad to hear that your family is safe!

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I also have family in Bombay and we were extremely worried that someone might have been hurt in the blast. luckily we were able to get thru and find out that everyone is ok.

Ditto. My relatives ride every day on the train line that was hit, and their stop is one of the ones that was hit. My uncle was on a train (on that line) as the bombs were going off; it took him six hours to walk home that night (because the trains were stopped) but I'm sure he didn't mind the walk given that he was not hurt or anything. A close family friend was in a train compartment right next to one that was blown up; she is pretty shaken up.

glad to hear your whole family is ok.


For me, this event (when my own family members could have easily been hurt) is just a reminder of the senselessness and sadness of terrorism (a word to which I assign a broad definition). I hope we can live in a world of peace and equality one day, a world where people (and countries) don't have the inspiration, desire, or comfort to carry out terrorism. This kind of behavior stands in stark contrast to the great example for the world set by men like Mahatma Gandhi and the Dalai Lama.

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PS - Y'know, I'm sure that for many of you (especially those who have not been to India), Bombay must seem like a very distant place. The fact that we have a number of people (including me) on here who are posting about their own very personal connection to this attack just goes to show how small a world we live in. I mean, when I've been to Bombay to visit my relatives, I've ridden this train line many times. It just makes me wish that people would renounce violence as a course of action, because you never know when that type of violence could be directed at you or someone you care about, or even just someone you know (like another poster on ES.com).

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Hey, great news.

I've got to admit that, while I tried to get you less worried with talk about odds of your family not being on "the" train and all, as the delay passed 24 hours and approached 48, the thought was occurring to me that "yeah, it's certainly likely that they're fine, and it'll just take them 24 hours to get through the phone-line traffic jam", a 48 hour delay was a lot tougher to rationalise.

FWIW, when I lived on OKC, my roomate had a member of his church who was actually in the building that McVeigh blew up. His office was on the side the bomb was on, but he was a few minutes late for work that morning. He was on the ground floor, waiting for an elevator, and the building's "core" (the elevators, fire stairs, restrooms, and so forth) was between him and the explosion. He walked away without a scratch. But two minutes later, and he would've been sitting in his window office facing the explosion.

The good news is that even major disasters aren't as bad as they look on TV. You have, say, a hurricane. The TV people will film a reporter standing in front of a house that's been reduced to a pile of rubble and tell you how many people are un-accounted for.

And in the edge of the picture, the house next door will be intact. But the house next door won't be the one they point the camera at.

(I don't remember the numbers: What percentage of the people in the WTC towers survived 9/11? I've got a gut feeling that it was something like a quarter of them got out before the collapse, but I may be really wrong.)

(I think something like half of the passengers of the Hindenburg survived, and I think it's something like a third of the Titanic passengers. But again, I may just be revealing a case of massive historical ignorance.)

The heck with this. When's training camp start?

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Everyone was fine..they were less than a mile from the attacks and were pretty shaken up. The blasts were of RDX Military grade explosives and were loud as ****.

Anyway thank you all for the best wishes - I love my Skins family, can't live without ya'll!! Can't wait to meet some of you this year at tailgating events. I will make my famous Bratwurst first simmered in Guiness and then grilled on the open fire, always a crowd favortite!

Praise the Lord! Glad to hear your family is fine!

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Everyone was fine..they were less than a mile from the attacks and were pretty shaken up. The blasts were of RDX Military grade explosives and were loud as ****.

Anyway thank you all for the best wishes - I love my Skins family, can't live without ya'll!! Can't wait to meet some of you this year at tailgating events. I will make my famous Bratwurst first simmered in Guiness and then grilled on the open fire, always a crowd favortite!

:whew: good to hear everyone is ok

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FWIW, when I lived on OKC, my roomate had a member of his church who was actually in the building that McVeigh blew up. His office was on the side the bomb was on, but he was a few minutes late for work that morning. He was on the ground floor, waiting for an elevator, and the building's "core" (the elevators, fire stairs, restrooms, and so forth) was between him and the explosion. He walked away without a scratch. But two minutes later, and he would've been sitting in his window office facing the explosion.

Wow, that's crazy.

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