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11 hours ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:

Reeeeally hope the new stadium looks like RFK.  Call it JFK.


Dat awning tho.  Made ya feel cozy, created more of a wholesome atmosphere between fans.  Relative to the upper deck of Fed Ex where you can't breathe in the wind, and people 10 rows down can't hear you yelling when we're on defense.


Upper deck was so loud I couldn't hear my buddy next to me for the VT/Boise game.


We just need to put a better team out there.


That said, I'd love the overhand of RFK or what Miami has done to their upper deck for even greater impact.  

1 hour ago, Warhead36 said:

Man ol Seags has really let himself go


And he runs like Ace Ventura after being shot full of tranquilizer darts

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8 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

Chiming in as a teacher for a second. It is hard to see all the interactions between kids, but at this point the two girls should already have been separated. It's not acceptable to chalk it up to an accident now. 


I think you've done all the right things so far. I would make it clear to the teacher it has gone on for too long and you want the girls separated completely now. Not near each other in line, not in the same work group, nothing. Reiterate that you have taught her everything you can about being patient and peaceful, but that she has a right to feel safe at school and that's long since been violated. 


The next step would be go to over the teacher's head to the principal. 


All of that said, it can be problematic when kids get labeled as bullies early. That other girl is doing what she is for a reason and needs help. If the school has a guidance counselor or social worker, hopefully he or she can pull both girls for some mediation at some point. 


The teacher did separate them as far as the walking lines go, but it was later in the day, right near the end (yesterday).  The last incident on the playground, well, I understand her (teacher) not being able to see any wrong doing.  My daughter actually said there was no way the teacher could have seen it go down.  But she told her about it, which we wanted so it's documented.


With that said, the teacher is a substitute (full-time teacher is on maternity leave) and one that we (our family) know very well as she has been one of the gymnastics instructors for her the past four years.  Not only in weekly classes but their summer camp too.  With that said, we would never put that before our daughters best interests, but we are giving her a chance to make it right before going to the principal.  Basically, starting today, if another incident happens on the playground, and she doesn't completely separate both girls and tell them they are not to go near each other anywhere, then we will request that from her and if it doesn't get resolved, go to the principal.


Granted, I've already given the green light for her to defend herself first and not retaliate unless she has to.  So a little background with my daughter, she had a short fuse from day 1 of kindergarten through 1st grade, she would retaliate first without hesitation, got pushed and she would knock'em on their ass, etc.  never started anything, just straight to retaliation.  At their school they have certain classes they rotate through each day (Art, Music, PE, Guidance) and in 2nd grade they rotate through those with exception of Friday, they report to one of the four they were assigned to for the entire year.  They look at behavior from K-1 and what each child needs to work on the most, but as far as the child knows, it's completely random.  So based on her short temper and retaliation, they double downed on Guidance with her (and a few more girls) to work with them on better expressing their emotions and controlling them, etc.


It worked wonders for her, basically she quit getting into trouble at all (aside from talking when she wasn't supposed to), hasn't been sent to the principal's office for anything since early 2nd grade (close to two years now).  Now, they don't double down after second grade, so its back to regular rotations of those classes with everyone.  But during guidance, she talked to the counselor about it.  So, from that perspective, our girl is A-OK.  Now the other girl probably needs it, but honestly, that's not any of my business.  However, the one little girl she punched never told the teacher, just Tazette, who told us, but my wife included that in her email to the teacher to make her aware of that action and to alert her that another student may be going through the same thing.  


Teacher did email us today and said that the separation seems to be working now.  So, now, it's wait and see what happens next.  Hopefully it won't lead to Tazette doing this...


Image result for kick boxing knockout animated gif




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38 minutes ago, CRobi21 said:

Holy ****. Has anyone else seen this movie? Has to be top 5 unintentionally funny movies of all time. Just a horrific film. Lol



I cant. Stop. Watching. It. 


Im talking like almost The Room level bad. 


What the **** was that?!  And how did they get Sir Ben on board with such trash?!

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Man, so I work the mid-shift today (11-8 pm) and my wife worked from home and took the kiddo to school, so I slept in until 8:20.  Got up, logged in on my work computer to get it set-up and ready to go for the day (this is my daily routine, usually done at 7:20 when I get up to get my daughter ready for school).  I like to have everything ready to go so when it's time to clock in, I'm in and working.


About 8:50 am, I decide to relax in my recliner, like I have done a gazillion times before, especially when working later.  Set my phone alarm for 10:40 am, closed my eyes and then woke up and look at the clock and it's 11:25.  Either I accidentally turned off the alarm when I was putting my phone on the coffee table (it is touch screen, so possible) or not realizing it I turned it off and fell back asleep instantly.  I'm banking more on me accidentally turning it off.  I went to bed around my regular time, got an extra hour of sleep on top of that.


First time that has happened in the 15 years I've been at my current job.  First time that's happened at any job for that matter.  I never oversleep.

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53 minutes ago, youngchew said:


What the **** was that?!  And how did they get Sir Ben on board with such trash?!


The trailer does it no justice.


It's somehow even worse than what that shows. Watching it for the cringe moment laughs is the only way.

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2 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

Glad to hear it Taze. I'm a parent and a teacher, so I'm always sympathetic to both sides. I never want to place unfair blame on the teacher or make assumptions, but you also have to make sure your own kids feel safe. 


She came home today and said that during PE she was paired in the same group as the girl (PE instructor obviously didn't know what was going on) and everything went fine.  The girl didn't mess with her or even talk to her for that matter.  Same at recess, they crossed paths a couple of times, left each other alone.  So for now, all is good.

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1 hour ago, youngchew said:

LOL.  Maybe you turned the alarm off while half asleep?  I'm notorious for doing that, which is why I have 3 separate alarms in the morning :) 


I don't think so, cause of where the phone is located on the coffee table, I can't reach it without actually sitting up in the recliner and reaching over the arm to get it.  I mean, there are times where on a Friday I'll stay up until 2-3 am, then Sat. morning get up at 9-10am, go downstairs, eat, hop in the recliner and go back to sleep and next thing I know it's 12:30 or 1:00 pm.  But that makes sense cause I had 6-7 hours but was up so late.  


This was just normal routine stuff, no where near me being in zombie mode or anything.  My boss was cool about it, all that stuff is tracked and date/time stamped anyhow (when we log into our phone, computers, etc.), so I just proactively owned up to it.

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