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1 hour ago, abdcskins said:

I don't like when Uber drivers wanna talk to you. If I get in and don't start talking please don't strike up a conversation with me.

You know, there's this wonderful invention called headphones ;) 


btw, NEVER take uber after getting high. I did that once after having dabs, and I was tripping out sooo much!!! My friend and I were in uber heading to the train station (running late mostly due to me losing track of time an hour before that with my smoking buddies), and I started hallucinating and thinking the uber driver was like 4 feet tall ??? then when we saw the train leaving the station, the guy was offering to drive us to Boston (from CT) and I was so paranoid so I somehow thought he was being sketchy and trying to drive us to his house to lock us up in his basement. 


Not the best 10 minute car ride to the train station :P 

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Ancient societies were mostly matrilineal, because humans weren't aware of parentage of the male line. As patriarchy arose, that's when males began controlling females so they could be sure that any children were theirs. Women and children were given property status. This was especially true in royal circles.  We see this in Greco-Roman society too. 


In ancient pagan societies, the only way to trace lineage was through the mothers.


As far as proving it, I invite you to read ancient history like I did and discover for yourself.

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46 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

Nice day here in NC, grilling some brats and smoking/grilling a chuck roast.  Getting ready to watch some Luke Cage on Netflix too, life is great RTT.


Go Taze!  ES cookout at Taze's - 2039 Superbowl.  Don't worry, he'll have a wheelchair ramp and oxygen tanks 'o plenty.  And beer. Won't forget beer.

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