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Yeah Moco, you'll probably keep thinking of more things that prove she's a psychopath. The baby neglect is ****ing awful. Does she know your address? Can she find it online? If not, you should tell her to pay more attention to her god damn baby and get some much needed therapy, because she's a ****ing nutcase under that sweet facade she put on while reeling you in. See what I mean about waiting a long time before you know if you can judge if the girl is the right one to invest your love in? You can't even live with this delinquent for more than 2 days, much less 2 years. Heed the experience, because you left with your life, and you know the kind of crazies that are out there now. Keep your guard up, watch for those same signs down the road, experience is invaluable.

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I can honestly say that I am glad I have never encountered bat **** crazy chicks in a relationship.

I did. Learned from it though. Came out better for it. Chick was into guns, was very paranoid, and had 2 kids. 2. Massive freak (which obviously explains the 2 kids). Bad mix.

when things started to head south she started calling family members of mine like a psycho, asking about me, and telling them to relay messages (because I shut her out and wouldnt answer her calls). Craaaaazy. Never again

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She does not know my address just 1st and last name and phone number 

At least she baked me a cake and made me a spaghetti dinner tonight before I left. lmao.


Idk why I stayed so long I guess the human company. My friend says that I'm not attracted to her just attracted to the attention that another human was giving me idk


thats some deep ****

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I had an experience with a crazy girl one time. I was dating a girl who I met through a group of friends. We were together for 3 months and we broke up. Another girl in the group always sweated me and she finally got her chance after said breakup. We hung out one night at her place with another dude who sweated HER. After some drinking we all were going to bed, when she suddenly got under the covers on the couch I was on. Then she took her bottoms off. I snuck it in. What was I supposed to do? She was a PAWG.

By the way, that guy who sweated her was literally awake, laying on the floor right next to us. She was talking to him as I was doin the damn thing. Her voice was cracking and she was making them sexy time noises, talking to this mug. He was so jealous, you could hear it in his voice. Poor bastage...

So after the great spoon, I started hanging out with my ex again. Well great spoon girl wasn't having any of that. She called my ex, told her we did it, my ex flipped. I denied it like crazy, lol. "No hunny she's lying, she's lying I swear to GAWD!" That spooner biznotch showed up to my door, banged on it with her fist over and over again, yelling **** from outside, and I opened it. Who was with her? The poor **** who was next to the couch the night of the great spoonage. Poor ****!!! Man! I wonder if he never hit that.

She was like you LIAR!!! You and I had sex and this poor **** here heard the WHOLE THING! I asked poor **** if he did, and he was like, "well I dunno, I couldn't really tell uhh derr derrrrr derrrr." I was like THEN WHY THE **** YOU AT MY DOOR!?!?" I was like gtfo before I call the cops. *slam!!*

Never heard from her again.

My ex and I never hooked up again either. Ugh, what a ****block.

Hey, I should look up the great spooner on FB.

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I'm already cramping up in my chest. I went to ham on the bench.

Did you hurt your ankle while benching too?

Idk why I stayed so long I guess the human company. My friend says that I'm not attracted to her just attracted to the attention that another human was giving me idk


She is pretty attractive, but that goes out the window after she started acting like a jackass. Plenty of hotties who aren't violent and neglectful.

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Springfield is always so defensive of winter weather but it's cold as **** and all the snow creates a driving hazard. Whereas in spring it's 1) baseball season and 2) the worst thing that could happen is a bug flies by which you just swat it 


Sitting in the sun at Nats Park > Shivering in my room in winter 

And I'll say it here again STH for Nats are worthless, there are too many games. No need to buy tickets to 81 games and the Nats don't give you any benefits. Wow, I get to go on the field and meet Baseball players!!!!? Postseason seat guarantee!!!! **** that. There is no playoff seat for the Nats worth 4000 dollars.  :lol:


Caps STH  has more benefits and is better overall. I'm only paying for 40 games. 

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I don't mind the cold. I like hockey season more than baseball season. I can drive in the snow without problem.

Just different priorities bro. One man's trash is another man's treasure. The last post in the winter thread was less of a dig at you and more a dig at the idiocy of the board.

Just did a little look in on the Stadium since I'm up early. My oh my. Talk about arguing about things that don't matter...

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A little tweed never hurt anybody.

That's not true, I just wanted to say that


Ugh. Pretty sure the router went out last night. Going to troubleshoot the old thing this a.m.. This could be fun though. The boys reaction last night was kind of fun. "What's this? The dark ages? "   :lol:


hahaa, had internet connection issues yesterday, boys were horrified running around saying, "theres no internet, what now?"

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Why don't networks show a series in order?  Why show the same 10-15 episodes on rotation.  USA is the worst for this.  There are 10+ seasons of Law and Order SVU and NCIS, yet every time I turn one on, I've seen the episode.


I think it's because only a small number of seasons are syndicated so the same episodes are always in rotation.

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I know I'm behind the curve on the conversation (this thread moves too damn fast), but I've been in a relationship with a woman who was, in retrospect, unstable. It got to the point where it was emotionally abusive and just thinking about her made my stomach turn. It's the only time I've ever broken up with someone and though I know she has some really great qualities and she's very intelligent, it was self-destructive and I couldn't stay in it. 


That was about 2 and a half years ago (broke up on July 10, 2012. I remember because the All-Star Game was on and I was waiting for her to get to my apartment to break it off). I've been single ever since. I'm sort of glad because I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet, emotionally. Plus, I live in a military town where everyone's either already married, engaged or in some kind of relationship. Cheating is pretty rampant, but that's the last thing I need to participate in. Also, I think I'm scared that's going to happen to me again. I'm a sucker and my heart sometimes gets the best of me. I'm afraid I'm going to be smitten and then I'm gonna get trapped in one of those relationships again. I did learn a lot through it, though, and I can recognize red flags easier, so I got that going for me...



which is nice. 

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Why don't networks show a series in order?  Why show the same 10-15 episodes on rotation.  USA is the worst for this.  There are 10+ seasons of Law and Order SVU and NCIS, yet every time I turn one on, I've seen the episode.


only certain seasons are syndicated and every time slot is a different syndication.  

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