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I've never done any illegal drugs in my entire life, including weed. For one thing, I had heart surgery at 15 and second, just never had the desire. Never been high a day in my life.

I think Kyle Busch broke his foot in the Xfinity race. He's out for the Daytona 500. They haven't said, but I think he broke it. Took a vicious hit to the inside wall. Like Larry McReynolds said, not sure why they don't have the Safer Barrier all around the track.

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This M8 is my last HTC device until they ditch this design. I cracked my screen on Wednesday and the one place around here that will attempt to fix the thing quoted me $250 and the rest of the repair shops won't even attempt to fix the ****ing thing. I might try to fix it myself but I don't see this endeavor ending well :(


How did you crack the screen ? I know I am buying my wife the M9 (likely get it before the stores do) , as soon as I can.


I have the M7 and dropped it probably 4 times over the past 2 years...I bought an OtterBox, the day my phone came in the mail. When I take it out of the case the phone looks brand new.


Time for some ribs for lunch.........ah yeah!


That's it !!! I'm taking you out of my will. Damn.


Where did you go ?

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Talked before about renting this room on the uber-cheap in a house on the only street (note, if there's anther one, show it to me) in the DMV that literally does not have ANY access to the Internets. Now we don't have hot water. And the heat stopped working. Holy. ****. Is it cold. And I'm grimey as ****.

The only time I've ever been colder in a building was 2000,at YFT, Joe Gibbs' group home for teen **** ups. Since then he made his comeback and threw a ton of money into. Back then though? Arguably the roughest conditions I've e experienced. And that's saying something. But yeah, that year I was there, that winter, the heat was broke for a whole week. That remains the only time I've seen my breath inside of building (meant for living)

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My favorite thing is when during interviews I'm asked to take a test. No cheats, no phone, no computer, just a paper and pen test. Go. 20 minutes. 


Engineering and programming pays but damn if that **** ain't the hardest crap you have to go through. And you're not even prepared for it. You had no idea it was coming. 


The funniest thing is that no one is tested on paper in the real world in these kind of "restricted" situations. In the real world you aren't given code at force and forced to find the output. You do that voluntarily, and it's because YOUR code doesn't work. "What is the output of this method." Let me just use the IDE to plug in breakpoints and spam f8. I can see how the logic flows that way. Last thing I want to do is pick one option out of all 4 which all look correct. 


That's why math and science suck. They always try to ENTRAP you or TEST your knowledge with silly exams, even in interviews. 

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How did you crack the screen ? I know I am buying my wife the M9 (likely get it before the stores do) , as soon as I can.


I have the M7 and dropped it probably 4 times over the past 2 years...I bought an OtterBox, the day my phone came in the mail. When I take it out of the case the phone looks brand new.



That's it !!! I'm taking you out of my will. Damn.


Where did you go ?


It was completely my fault because on Wednesday when it was cold as **** I went to the grocery store to grab some milk and a few other things. I refuse to wear gloves because I hate the way they make my fingers feel. When I got to my apartment my fingers were completely frozen as I reached into my pocket for my keys, as I pulled the things out I guess they caught onto the phone and it went splat right onto the concrete :(


I cracked the screen on my Droid Bionic and that was relatively easy to fix myself, but I'm giving me a 4% chance of successfully completing this task.

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Did you walk to the store ?

And clearly you didn't have a decent case.


That sucks man.


Just buy a new phone. Did you like the phone before this incident ? I think one of the reasons that people buy a new iPhone every year is because the buy a cheap case and break the screen at some point.

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Did you walk to the store ?

And clearly you didn't have a decent case.


That sucks man.


Just buy a new phone. Did you like the phone before this incident ? I think one of the reasons that people buy a new iPhone every year is because the buy a cheap case and break the screen at some point.


Yup, I walked to the store and have never felt so cold in my life lol. I'm one of those stubborn people who can't be bothered with a case... Lesson learned. Luckily the crack is at the bottom of the phone where the logo is so the thing is still usable because the good Lord knows I can't afford a new one right now, but my plans to trade this thing in for my yearly JUMP upgrade are now out the window.

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today was my 25th Birthday.


I hung out with that person again since Friday afternoon till like 6pm tonight. And half of it was nice and the other half was like really bad. I smoked for the first time. And I was high AF I could not even like get my head on the nozzle after 10 hits or lift my arms. Like the first 10 minutes was fine. The other hour and a half I was high was a nightmare. Tripping so bad. Ill assume I'll end up telling you more. I'm never going to smoke again ever. Like it was just bad. Mostly because of her. She turned out to be like ****ing crazy pretty much. Half of me is like clingy still and the other half is like I hope I never see her again really because she got really crazy while high and drunk and liked was really mean and like violent.


Then in the morning when you would think it was gone like she was still being kind of crazy just not as much. Then like 3 hours after we were up she finally like started to be normal again. But by the time she made me dinner idk if she was in a bad mood from being hungover on like no sleep but she was being like nice for 5 minutes then mean for 5 minutes. For like 3 hours.



Idk if this was an awesome birthday. Part of me is saying it was amazing. The other part of me was saying it was scary. It was one hell of a birthday tho.

I feel like im still tripping like i just want it to stop. but its been like almost 20 hours since

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Yup, I walked to the store and have never felt so cold in my life lol. I'm one of those stubborn people who can't be bothered with a case... Lesson learned. Luckily the crack is at the bottom of the phone where the logo is so the thing is still usable because the good Lord knows I can't afford a new one right now, but my plans to trade this thing in for my yearly JUMP upgrade are now out the window.


Buy a screen protector. You can cop those for cheap. At least then you won't take the risk of slicing up your fingers.

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Homeboy in the Dunkin Donut thread talking bout eatin that **** out of their dumpster.........WTF?  LOL

Like I said in that thread, I tried it once too.  Just to make the picture clear, they double-bag the donuts in garbage bags and then toss them in.  The donuts themselves are clean for what it's worth.  They're just stale.

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Hahahaha, Moco got high. I bet you hated it. Tends to make you think about any insecurities you currently have, and the big issues in your life, and we know you have those. Still, you shouldn't have smoked so much.

Ditch this biznitch. Violent? Did you smash it? Hit it and quit it son! You be the one to distance yourself. Take control for once. Don't be at her mercy.

Why'd you get so damn high your first time? Trying to impress her? Even I know not to smoke like a damn 3 alarm fire anymore. Hear a noise and be all, "oh ****, what was that?!?! The cops!?!?!!?!?!?" Cooleyfan took 2 hits his first time, good starter high. Now get yourself a baggy, some Cheetos, and watch some standup comedy. You need it. Not everybody does. You do.

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today was my 25th Birthday.


I hung out with that person again since Friday afternoon till like 6pm tonight. And half of it was nice and the other half was like really bad. I smoked for the first time. And I was high AF I could not even like get my head on the nozzle after 10 hits or lift my arms. Like the first 10 minutes was fine. The other hour and a half I was high was a nightmare. Tripping so bad. Ill assume I'll end up telling you more. I'm never going to smoke again ever. Like it was just bad. Mostly because of her. She turned out to be like ****ing crazy pretty much. Half of me is like clingy still and the other half is like I hope I never see her again really because she got really crazy while high and drunk and liked was really mean and like violent.


Then in the morning when you would think it was gone like she was still being kind of crazy just not as much. Then like 3 hours after we were up she finally like started to be normal again. But by the time she made me dinner idk if she was in a bad mood from being hungover on like no sleep but she was being like nice for 5 minutes then mean for 5 minutes. For like 3 hours.



Idk if this was an awesome birthday. Part of me is saying it was amazing. The other part of me was saying it was scary. It was one hell of a birthday tho.

I feel like im still tripping like i just want it to stop. but its been like almost 20 hours since

I didn't know you like to get wet...

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That's it !!! I'm taking you out of my will. Damn.


Where did you go ?

Damn :(  LOL nowhere special, it was 1:30ish, so we settled for Sonny's BBQ cause the wife could do the drive-thru carry out and get home quicker.

Yup, I walked to the store and have never felt so cold in my life lol. I'm one of those stubborn people who can't be bothered with a case... Lesson learned. Luckily the crack is at the bottom of the phone where the logo is so the thing is still usable because the good Lord knows I can't afford a new one right now, but my plans to trade this thing in for my yearly JUMP upgrade are now out the window.

bro, get a case.  It's saved my phone from disaster a gazillion times.

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Yea I was so high I really could not even lift my arms up. I know I took more than 10 hits. the first 10 minutes were really nice. I felt cool like chilling and floating. And then all of a sudden hit ****ing hit me hard. Like I could not make sense of anything that was going on. I heard words but they had no meaning. I was so high and did not understand what was going on. She was standing up talking and I was like "Stop ****ing with me" I thought that she was saying nonsense as a prank to make me feel like I was tripping harder than I actually was. But apparently I was just tripping so hard that I thought "This high is not possible it has to be a trick" And then I started freaking out because I tried to get her to stop talking and just let me sit and she would not stop talking. Like she was high af also and drunk. But she would not stop talking. I thought that she could not hear me for 5 minutes I thought like I was dreaming or that I was not even real I was like "Why can't she hear me? She didnt even stop talking like omg can she hear me right now do I even exist"? I could not move out of the couch either and it was hard to keep my eyes open. 


So yea the first 10 minutes were chill we were both talking normally or w/e then that happens.


So then she started acting weird. She found an eyelash and said it  landed on her finger and it was mine. And she was like you better blow it off. I was so high I did not even understand what was going on so I was like wtf? And then she raised her voice at me. So I just was like okay and blew. And then she punched me in the jaw hard as hell. And said that was not hard enough like I was not taking this seriously. I didn't understand so I closed my eyes to make it stop and she smacked the **** out of me saying I was disrespecting her and her house and I had to leave if I didn't blow it off her finger. So I finally did it but she hit me again. Then she slapped me again and she said why are you going to sleep when I did this for you. Then she called me a "peeker" and that she said I was going to like try to have sex with her 16 year old daughter (her daughter is 6 months old) and she started yelling at me and saying she could not trust me or anything. I was so confused. She tried to stab me in the face with a pen also. And she started yelling at me asking why I broke everything in the house and she was calling me "Jack" which is her kids fathers name. And she tells me the only reason she is not kicking me out is because she doesn't make descions when she is high.


So anyway it finally ends at 5am I go to sleep. I wake up at 9am and she is on the floor. And like she wakes up and i'm scared as hell. I asked "Have you came down now how are you feeling" and she was like yea. So I thought everything was normal. But then I mentioned like "Why did you ay I'm a liar and try to kick me out" and she started talking crazy again about how she thinks i've been lying to her. its like wtf we have only hung out twice and like you smoked and drank 8 hours ago how are you even trashed still? How is that even possible. And she was trying to justify her actions. Then she would say sorry and I would say its okay don't worry and make a joke about it and then she would like try to ****ing justify it again. then 5 minutes later say sorry about everything then I say something and 5 minutes later she is trying to justify it again.


So around 1pm we leave the house to go out and by this point she is like normal again and actually feels bad but also she can't stop laughing at all in the car. I felt like she was high again or something like she was laughing for no reason. But I mean at least she was not mean. Then we shopped for a lil bit and that was fine. Then we when back and she made me dinner and it was good but by the end of dinner idk if she was grumpy from being hung over and only getting like 3 hours of sleep ontop of having a baby but she started to drop hints. like she would say oh we're friends but then also start sentences with like "i dont want to hurt your feelings" or "Don't force anything or you might break the friendship" but like i wasen't even talking about that stuff I was just saying like thanks for dinner it was like she was not the same person that I was hanging with before we smoked that night or the same person from last week.


Like I got there at 3pm and for like 7 hours we talked and it was awesome then we smoked and she was like just ****ing a crazy person just like trying to punch me and stuff and then even the next day she was like angry for a lot of it. Then she calms down for a few hours then she was getting like passive aggressive again.


I'm a broken pathetic person so I'd say about 20% of me wants to see her again. But 80% of me just hopes that I don't ever go back and see her again because something was seriously wrong with her.

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Damn :(  LOL nowhere special, it was 1:30ish, so we settled for Sonny's BBQ cause the wife could do the drive-thru carry out and get home quicker.

bro, get a case.  It's saved my phone from disaster a gazillion times.


I've been here for over a decade and never had Sonny's... is it better than Sticky Fingers, Smokey Bones, or even Friday's Jack Daniels (Haven't been to a Friday's except one time in about 15 years) ?


Preach on about the case man. My wife has a decent one, but she is actually pretty careful with her phone. Me on the other hand...ehh, I have left it on the roof of the car, left it in my lap and got out of the car, dropped it several times (including my last phone). I got the one called defender or something like that. 2 years old and it really does look brand new when I take it out of the case. Best 50 bucks spent to protect an investment that I know I am clumsy with. The irony here is that my wife is clumsy about everything else.

Holy **** Moco, girl is a major headcase. She's perfect.


He said they were clicking and it was so easy to talk to her.


Don't be so quick to push the dump button.

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Birthday boy turning **** into amateur hour up here.  Can't even handle a little herb.  Although, 10 hits is way too much, should have started at like 3 max.


Happy birthday you crazy dude.


Give up the whacked out chick.  Find someone who isn't a head case with major baggage.

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I've been here for over a decade and never had Sonny's... is it better than Sticky Fingers, Smokey Bones, or even Friday's Jack Daniels (Haven't been to a Friday's except one time in about 15 years) ?


Preach on about the case man. My wife has a decent one, but she is actually pretty careful with her phone. Me on the other hand...ehh, I have left it on the roof of the car, left it in my lap and got out of the car, dropped it several times (including my last phone). I got the one called defender or something like that. 2 years old and it really does look brand new when I take it out of the case. Best 50 bucks spent to protect an investment that I know I am clumsy with. The irony here is that my wife is clumsy about everything else.



I prefer Sticky Fingers, that's what I actually wanted.  But it's still really good, plus they serve fried okra.  R&R BBQ is one of the best places, I've heard they actually do everything fresh on site.  Now that is word of mouth, I have no actual proof.  But I've eaten there and it falls off the bone.  




Yeah, cases, cases cases.  I've watched my phone go sailing up in the air 6 feet, land on the corner, crack!  just the protective case, phone perfect.  I've upgraded to better cases than that one, but still, cases save your life.  No way in hell I'll not have one.

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