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Nailed it. That **** blew my mind. And they'd fill it to with water and have navel battles. And they'd attach fake wings to criminals and then shoot with a catapult to mimic Greek myths. Then there were animals they actually made extinct because they brought so many there to fight/be killed. Basically if you could think of some sick ****, they did it.

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Nailed it. That **** blew my mind. And they'd fill it to with water and have navel battles. And they'd attach fake wings to criminals and then shoot with a catapult to mimic Greek myths. Then there were animals they actually made extinct because they brought so many there to fight/be killed. Basically if you could think of some sick ****, they did it.

That's crazy man. Just when you think today's times are worst, you hear some sick stuff like this. smh...

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Someone asked me to go to a candlelight vigil. How do I say no? I'm just asking because I mean its a vigil so like its one of those things where you feel forced to say yes or you sound like an asshole. But I am an asshole and would rather play video games or watch tv so I don't want to go because my stuff is more important

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Someone asked me to go to a candlelight vigil. How do I say no? I'm just asking because I mean its a vigil so like its one of those things where you feel forced to say yes or you sound like an asshole. But I am an asshole and would rather play video games or watch tv so I don't want to go because my stuff is more important

Ugh... Just go! You pay your respects, you hang out for awhile with people after... Then you go play your lame video games. lol

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Isn't 50 shades of grey essentially a porn movie?

 yup.. it sounds like it




 The movie and book are about sex. 


yup... that is my understanding.




 What's the appeal?


yu*....  wait.. what???


i don't follow your logic here!  

I am sure there are lots of reasons not to like this book and/or movie... but you have failed to get within 100 miles of any of them :) 

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Yea I want to hang out with people but its a vigil so I assume its like suppose to be respectful and like I'd have to talk about why its so wrong and bad and sad. And I just dont think that would be a good idea for me.

Its probably better if you in particular, dont say anything. Just go there and pay your respects. Thats it

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Isn't 50 shades of grey essentially a porn movie? The movie and book are about sex. What's the appeal?

Women love them some romance novels. While we're deleting our browser history, they're burying their books in the bottom drawer.

Here's a story. My ex and I get in to an argument, I walk out the front door and decide not to leave, but instead to walk around the back of the house to smoke a cig. She turns on a lamp in the bedroom, and I see a perfect silhouette of her. It takes no time for her to break out a book and start going for it, and it was super hot. I let her do it without going back and jumping her bones, because by that point we were nearing quadruple digit sexual encounters with one another. I watched her shadow completely going after it, book in hand, scanning for certain pages...it was AWESOME. Then, I stayed outside, continuing to spy like George McFly in the tree on her, when she DOES IT AGAIN! You crazy little freak! Two times??? Novels?

That **** turned me on so much though. I remember wanting her the most I ever wanted her in the ensuing months. I always wondered if the neighbors caught that same show happening. I never had that lamp on without other lights on at the same time, because they'd cancel out the silhouette. Ain't tryin to have no creeps like me watching in on my action.

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Its probably better if you in particular, dont say anything. Just go there and pay your respects. Thats it

He probably has a list of ice breakers/jokes ready.  


Moco be like, "Stop me if you've heard this one.  The kid from Six Sense who see's dead people, Bigfoot and a Rabbi walk into a bar........."



Seriously Moco, go there, pay your respects like stated above, don't talk unless spoken too (except when offering initial condolences) and be supportive.  Hang out a bit, then leave.  Compassion and respect and support for others during a time of need goes a long way when talking about character.  Good building block to start with broski.

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That's crazy man. Just when you think today's times are worst, you hear some sick stuff like this. smh...

Yeah, the show is definitely worth a watch. Looking up the next showing now, there's only one more: tonight/tomorrow morning, Friday 2/13 at 2:30AM. NOVA on PBS (which is believe is channel 26 for everyone.) Definitely worth a DVRing and a watch during some down time. The show NOVA is worth a DVR, period. Almost always interesting

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Idk who I would even pay my respects to. I know that religion is not allowed in this thread so I wont say more than this, I do sympathize with muslims and think they are being thrown under the bus. So its not like I disagree with the vigil its just for the 3 UNC muslim students that were shot this week. Like no one here even knows those students, I don't know those students and I think death is bad but people get shot everyday if you spend time paying respects to people who die then you're going to be paying respects for the rest of your life 24/7. I just don't think its something that I want or need to go. Either one of two things are going to happen either a bunch of people are going to be shouting stupid things like #Muslimlivesmatter or a bunch of rednecks (A lot of people here dont like muslims) are going to be calling the crowd terrorist lovers. I just dont think the vigil is going to be a good idea.


I didn't go to my grandmothers funeral I probably wont go to someones vigil that I did not know


I'm a piece of **** about certain things and I'm a piece of **** for this so yea Im just accepting it.

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He probably has a list of ice breakers/jokes ready.

Moco be like, "Stop me if you've heard this one. The kid from Six Sense who see's dead people, Bigfoot and a Rabbi walk into a bar........."

Use his glasses and be like "I can tell you exactly what was happening to them when they died. My glasses can detect their innermost thoughts"

Yeah.... none of that ****

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I didn't go to my grandmothers funeral I probably wont go to someones vigil that I did not know


I'm a piece of **** about certain things and I'm a piece of **** for this so yea Im just accepting it.

nah, you're not.  I thought it was a friend/acquaintance that lost someone.  I read through too fast, busy at work today.  Still, could be a good way to mix it up with the person that invited you.  


But I get your stance on not going.

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It didn't ruin it for me or anything. But all of those movies Remember the Titans especially, are chock full of innacuracies.

Doesn't take away from them being great movies or anything though.



They depicted Alexandria,  Virginia as some kind of backwards rural town.  That bothered me.

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