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She is the only option atm but she is nice looking like she is someone who usually I would not even bother talking to because I would not want to waste anyones time I would just say oh yea she looks good but im not really good looking enough for her


But also she is not Hot enough that like its obviously a robbery that Im walking into where like I get shot for my wallet or something


if that makes sense


Solid solid 8.5


Compared to like the 3.5 and 4s that Ive been lucky enough to get.

Do you think the Adderall will be out of your system by then?


lmao that made me laugh


i hope so

Oh also she is 20 with a 1 year old I think I should put that out there

Ill be 25 in 9 days or 10 or something on the 21st

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Solid 8.5 (im taking your word for it) and not very bright

Using Tinder (or a site to hook up)

Do I need to tell you why this seems fishy?

I guess I should, but I really shouldn't, so I probably won't

Im just going to say this and leave it here. Maybe it will sink in. Maybe it will continue to not revister for you.

Good. Looking. Women. With. A. Good. Head. On. Their. Shoulders. Do. Not. Need. Nor. Do. They. Want. To. Look. For. Sex. Online.

She is:

a) Married/In a relationship, possibly with kids, and chose you, because you are a step down (several probably), and outkicking your coverage, so she knows you'll be a good boy and not try to step out of line. You consider it a miracle that you're able to even be allowed in her figurative orbit. She knows this, and knows that you are 100% under her control.

B) She is bat **** crazy. Despite her looks, her craziness is a gargantuan turnoff, and no dude thats fresh wants a damn thing to do with her. But she's lonely, and craves some sex/attention..... So she turns to you, because she proba lg figures that a 24 year old guy willing to drive 40 miles for sex is too stupid to realize that she is a ticking timebomb

c) She's got some physical deformity that she's ashamed of, that has affected her relationships, so she looks online instead

d) She's bloody crucifix crazy, and is looking to sacrifice you to her deity, and we will never hear from you again (may not be such a bad idea)

e) she's a prostitute

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Sinister I understand what you're saying. thats why I said something about not sure if it was going to be a Robbery or something. But the skype thing made me a little less nervous.


I KNOW that it is a bad idea to do it. I understand that. Its just like the angel and devil on your shoulder right now. Head says no dick says yes. I'm not so dense that I don't understand.


I know that possibility of


A) Set up

B) she is crazy


D) Just likes to mess with people


I know that.


But am I really that ugly that there is not even a chance, that she just thinks I'm good looking and not several steps down? I mean this is how it went


Messaging for a few days a lot. Didn't want to give me her phone number at first. I suggested that we skype then so that "We could both see each other so she would not be nervous or w/e (I started to think she was a catfish because she had a few red flags come up and there was no way I was going to talk to her if she did not get skype) So we vid skyped for like an hour and a half and just she blazed and I was smoking my Hookah and were were talking and shooting the **** and making jokes and she thought I was funny I guess. (surprise someone does) And she told me to come over and I was like I would another time but not tonight so she was like okay tomorrow then and gave me her # and then after she was like "For real tomorrow come over"


Yes I know that there are tons of red flags yes I know red flags everywhere in what I just said. 

Maybe Ill send Stroker a pic or something since I said its a Dick V head thing. And he can inform you guys if she is worth it or not

I wish I cared as much about school as I did about these stupid issues I have. Failed a quiz today in my Civil Rights class. It was worth 5% of the grade. Forgot to do the reading. Didn't know any of the 10 questions. Just wrote for the 1st question "Racism is bad" and left everything else blank.

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It all makes sense now I finally Understand. Thanks Braveonthewarpath93


I say personal stuff


You guys give me advice and roast me


I respond to what you're saying with more personal stuff


I give you more roasting material


I get roasted again


Rinse and repeat



So I just need to stop posting this stuff. I understand now

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Im having 2nd thoughts now because of the distance. Like I thought oh its Arkansas 40 miles can be done in 45 minutes.

But my GPS says its a 1 hour and 18 minute drive


I need to look at the picture again to decide this

How sure are you that this will lead to smashing?

She could just want to make you dinner and talk about her kid lol

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Moco you are a combination of the UPS guy in Mad TV, and Chris Crocker right now. Why are you psyching yourself out? Jesus Christ man. She smokes weed? Uhh, how about ask her for a hit? Wait 'til you get some while you're high. Every piece of advice you'll get has been repeated to you. You sound exactly like you did at square one. It gets to a point where I feel like I should be charging you for the time I've put in to helping you fall in love over Skype. Glad that's where all of us pitching in to help has gotten you. Hey man, your call for tomorrow. Just practice some basic Krav Maga before you go. Memorize the exits to her place. This counts widows, doggy doors, and weak looking walls.

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It all makes sense now I finally Understand. Thanks Braveonthewarpath93

I say personal stuff

You guys give me advice and roast me

I respond to what you're saying with more personal stuff

I give you more roasting material

I get roasted again

Rinse and repeat

So I just need to stop posting this stuff. I understand now

This will last for like a week, tops.

You say you realize the red flags are there yet you are willing to go through with it. Dont you realize that people have died over stuff like this?

And on top of it, you are driving ridiculous distances for some. Just find a "Massage parlor" if its that serious


And I will roast anyone for anything, at any time. That is my personality. Me, chew, taze, doc, kosher, stroker, goon, springfield, etc.

You can get it at anytime

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I was just thinking about it for the last 20 minutes. I can't do it. She's too bad. Something is seriously wrong. 


Only 2 things can happen here


I hit it and go crazy because she so bad and I become a serial murderer who cuts eyes out of pictures when she moves on and gets over whatever she is trying to rebound off of


I drive there and she laughs at me and it was a trap



Its a lose lose.


Can't do it

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