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Dang son! She's bad in THAT way? That's right, an 8.5. Bro...lol. How about you take what you can get? You HAVE to fall for her? You're on the wrong website being such a sap. Either go for the experience, or stay home and make a new gameplan. You have to change your approach bro. You're the 0-16 Lions. Dan Snyder would hire you as OC. It's THAT BAD. Are you just never going to go to parties or bars? That's out of the question? On Friday (Cryday), take a few shots in your dorm/apartment, slick back your hair, leave the twin Hubbles behind, and walk around areas where there are parties. You're a new man. Your name isn't Moco anymore, it's Chaz...Chaz Presley. Yes, Elvis is your great grandfather. You'll be swimmin in it bro.

Jk about the Elvis part, just frickin make a gameplan Joe Gibbs style. Dwell on changes you need to make to feel confident in your own skin. You don't even need a complete overhaul, be who you've been all along, just don't look on Tinder for love.

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So the gist I get is MoCo is Tinder hunting again, long drive, she's dumb, and he's scared ?


I told him this a long time ago...if you can't get it on a big college campus on the regular. It's him, not them.


When I was in college getting it wasn't a problem, trying to find time was the problem.

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Hopefully its not D.

Would be a shame to see an episode of Forensic Files like 5 years from now where a guy is found dead and butt nekked in the woods with his socks on and go "Hmm, that dude looks familiar"

They'd be able to identify his body with leftover scraps of flannel and 1 huge eyeglass lens.

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I can imagine him going to some place in Arkansas, as the GPS tells him where to go.  It says to make a right (wrong) turn.  Suddenly, the asphalt disappears and the road turns to dirt.  The road suddenly gets narrower and the brush gets thicker, until he arrives.  There's a lone single wide trailer that isn't well lit. Moco gets out of the car.  Approaches the door.  The door opens and....



















If you really want to hook up with this "stranger" I'd suggest you ask her to meet you at a hotel halfway between where both of you live and don't tell her your real name. Use the old, "I'm a college student and don't have enough gas money" to drive all that way.

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I can imagine him going to some place in Arkansas, as the GPS tells him where to go.  It says to make a right (wrong) turn.  Suddenly, the asphalt disappears and the road turns to dirt.  The road suddenly gets narrower and the brush gets thicker, until he arrives.  There's a lone single wide trailer that isn't well lit. Moco gets out of the car.  Approaches the door.  The door opens and....




If you really want to hook up with this "stranger" I'd suggest you ask her to meet you at a hotel halfway between where both of you live and don't tell her your real name. Use the old, "I'm a college student and don't have enough gas money" to drive all that way.

His name is Chaz Presley Esquire.  

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Moco, ask to meet her at a neutral place first. 


Tinder is weird based on your location. My friends who use tinder in NoVA hook up with chicks who really do have their **** together. Usually young professional hotties who don't have time for boyfriends. I'm 99% sure that's not the case in Arkansas.

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You must plow through restroom visits as well.


Yes :|


Who came up with the premise of Valentine's Day? Seriously? Dude needed to invent a holiday in order to get some.


We have one.

It's march 14th.



one year i got chicken. **** that.

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I would hate for this to be true...





This Crazy 'Simpsons' Theory Actually Makes A Lot Of Sense

The Huffington Post  |  By Bill Bradley




There's a "Simpsons" theory making its way around the Internet, and, if true, it would completely change everything you thought you knew about the show. The theory is that Homer Simpson has actually been in a coma for most of the series. Yes, it sounds hard to believe, but there is actually a lot of evidence.

The theory

According to redditor Hardtopickaname, it all starts in the 1992 episode "Homer the Heretic." During a conversation with God, Homer inquires about the meaning of life. Homer is insistent that he can't wait until he's dead to find out, and God says, "You can't wait six months?"





Isn't there a "Steak & a BJ day?" Ive heard of it, but my wife doesn't celebrate it :(


Some people call it Friday.

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Yay me.


My wife does not like Valentines day. She thinks it is stupid...who am I to disagree ?


She doesn't like flowers either.


Damn, I'm so lucky.


Honestly, we spoil each other all the time, so for us it is just another day. We also think it is absurd the amount of hoops that people go through for this fake holiday. Besides, after X-mas...I don't have many good ideas left 7 weeks later (  I am very particular when it comes to giving gifts). Thankfully her birthday is in June.

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Yay me.


My wife does not like Valentines day. She thinks it is stupid...who am I to disagree ?


She doesn't like flowers either.


Damn, I'm so lucky.


Honestly, we spoil each other all the time, so for us it is just another day. We also think it is absurd the amount of hoops that people go through for this fake holiday. Besides, after X-mas...I don't have many good ideas left 7 weeks later (  I am very particular when it comes to giving gifts). Thankfully her birthday is in June.

Same with us, we hate the day, always have since we started dating in high school.  Now, we like it for Tazette, cause she's little, so we enjoy giving her gifts and candy and of course, any gift/cards she makes us at school.  


But in general, we don't acknowledge it with each other.  Her birthday was yesterday, so another reason not to celebrate it since we do the birthday thing.  

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My wife is the same, Kosher. We'll probably just chill and either get takeout or cook a nice meal. We buy each other stuff all the time so doing it for a holiday just seems forced to us.


My plan is to cook for her/us and force her to pretend to sing karaoke with me for an hour or so. Singing and my wife = horrible.

Thinking of going to buy a Pictionary set-up or something. I have apples to apples, which is equally funny.


Steak, asparagus, mashed potatoes, a salad, some light dessert. No surprises which I like too.

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Same with us, we hate the day, always have since we started dating in high school.  Now, we like it for Tazette, cause she's little, so we enjoy giving her gifts and candy and of course, any gift/cards she makes us at school.  


But in general, we don't acknowledge it with each other.  Her birthday was yesterday, so another reason not to celebrate it since we do the birthday thing.  

Yeah, mine was Wednesday, so we go out to eat once this week to cover both.  (HB to Mrs. Taze!)

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