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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Yeah, they don't care.

They hate you more than they love their children.

They hate you more than they love their god.

They hate you more than they love their country.

The only thing they love more than hating you is their guns and Donald Trump.


The best thing to do is have a democrat come out and say that they think Roy Moore is perfectly rational in wanting to **** 14 year old kids.

Then they'll change their tune in a heartbeat.




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1 hour ago, visionary said:

Wonder what this is about....





Terrible list, but what can you expect from Trump.  He is catering to his base.  The list is made by asking the Federalist Society and the Family Research Council who they want on it.


Barret is a religious nutter - (google "People of Praise") and she has only been a judge for a few months, total.   


Kavanaugh is an extreme conservative idealogue who packed the courts with conservatives when he worked for the Bush administration, and now that he is a judge himself, he tries to strike down virtually all environmental protection laws.  He's probably twa's favorite judge.  I would bet that he will be the pick.


Newsome just became a judge two months ago.  He is a noted Federalist society politico type, and has a history of published articles trying to reduce civil rights protections.  For example:


"In 2000, Newsom wrote a law review article in which he equated the rationale of Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that affirmed abortion rights, to Dred Scott, the infamous 1857 decision upholding slavery. As Alabama’s solicitor general, he spent much of his time defending the state’s ability to execute people, and in 2005, he expressed regret at the Supreme Court’s ruling that it is unconstitutional to execute juveniles. He also defended, both in court and the press, Alabama’s policy, nearly unique among the states, to not provide legal counsel to death-row prisoners seeking post-conviction relief. When prisoners challenged the policy, Newsom ridiculed them for painting a “gloom and doom” picture of accessing legal services on death row."




Wyrick has been a judge for six months.  He is a young earth creationist who has been called out for literally lying about the facts in court briefs in favor of the death penalty, which he dearly loves.


The only one who doesn't seem horrible is Britt, but that probably is because I can't find out anything much about her. 








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32 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

I loathe Trump and his Administration, I also loathe the GOPers in Congress who are god guns and low taxes and don’t even give a damn about the first one.

They don’t give a damn about any of those things. They pretend to care about God because they have identified  that demographic as easily misled. They care about lowering taxes (for the rich, and anything else that can make the rich slightly more rich) because they want their campaigns financed. The guns thing is great. The NRA finances their campaigns AND gun nuts are easily misled.

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Just now, TheGreatBuzz said:

Kennedy is considered a conservative (though a moderate one), right?  So this wouldn't be a huge change like replacing RBG.  Am I wrong?


Kennedy has been the swing vote on major decisions and less conservative than was expected.

I would call him a classic liberal,others are less generous


65 Percent of Time Justice Kennedy Sided With High Court Liberals


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7 minutes ago, Llevron said:

It's stupid that the qualifier to being conservative in your world is to always agree with the conservative POV. 


Well I would say if he sided with liberals a majority of the time (>50%), that makes him liberal.  


But I honestly would prefer someone who joins either side rather evenly.  That tells me they are being less political and more judging on merit.  I did some light reading on Kennedy.  I don't see any glaring issues with the way he has voted.  

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