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Mod Notice: Temp Ban if Post on Changing the Name. Per New York Times: Dan Syder Agrees to Sell Washingon Commaders for $6B

Reaper Skins

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Just now, SoCalSkins said:

Ron went through hell. I think he should get 2 years. I like him. 


He definitely went through hell and did a good job accordingly.  I'd be cool with him as a coach.  


And while I didn't hate the coach-centric FO model with Dan at the helm because a GM model means Dan becomes the defacto GM.  I do prefer the traditional GM model with a normal owner. 


So for me I'd take Ron the coach but want him out of the FO.  And its not that i think he's done a bad job in the FO.  their drafts have been mostly good.  But IMO they can do better with a top flight GM running personnel.   We've not had that under Dan, ever.

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48 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


He's not.


Still doesn't mean that I'm going to stop hating him.  While he's no longer our problem, he's still done a ****ton of damage to this franchise.  He's cost this franchise SO much and he still gets to walk away with an insane profit despite ruining practically ****ing everything.  And I can't lie, while I'm thrilled that he's relinquishing the grasp of the franchise from his grubby little hands, I'm ****ing pissed that he walks away with a fortune.  He came in, and like i said, RUiNED PRACTICALLY EVERY****INGTHING and he still gets to skate with WAY more money than he had when he came in.  That blows my mind.  I can't think of a single instance in life, ANYWHERE ELSE IN LIFE, where someone comes in, does a ****ing terrible job of running a company or owning a business, sells it and sells it for WAY MORE than they purchased it for.  


He cost this franchise its place as a marquee NFL franchise, one of the crown jewels of the sport...now we're an afterthought, almost to the point where other teams fans feel sorry for us. 


He cost employees their dignity.  


He cost us the name, the logo...I firmly believe if he weren't such a little ****ing prick about the name change back in 2012, 2013, if he'd kept his mouth shut and instead, brokered deals with Native American groups and received their blessing for the name and the logo, we'd still have it.  Hard to say after the 2020 social pressures post-Floyd, but I think we'd have had a better chance of keeping the name and the logo if he hadn't been such a brazen asshole about saying how the name would never change, pissing people off and then playing from behind and hauling Native Americans out at Fed Ex field in some ****ed up dog and pony show.  He wasn't deft about it, he wasn't delicate with an issue that required an immense amount of handling with care.  He was a flippant, childish ****ing douchebag about the whole thing and it cost us the name and logo.


So he's no longer our problem but **** that guy with a rusty screwdriver until the end of time.  There's not a single thing that this team is better for after his ownership except it became more valuable and he had absolutely nothing to do with that...that's just the natural course of NFL teams becoming more valuable over time.  Not even he could **** that one up, but he sure as **** tried.




I'll always hate him no matter what. The bad news is now he's got $6 billion in cold hard cash so he can go after all of his enemies. I would expect a flood of lawsuits for defamation against Bruce Allen, Gruden, Zorn, Shanahan, Bobby Three Sticks, Cousins, Alex Smith, and just about everyone who ever criticized him. He also has a ton of money to hire PIs to dig up dirt on everyone...including the remaining NFL owners.


Snyder is the kind of guy who will sue the 40+ women who accused him of creating a toxic atmosphere.


He'll still be pacing around his opulent office (somewhere) clutching a glass of Crown Royal and muttering about how he will make everyone pay.



Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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I was in 7th grade in 1990 when I first learned what a satellite dish was and that certain establishments could get out of market games. Then I got Sunday Ticket for first time in 1999 and haven’t missed a year since. 

So for the past 33 years I have watched ALMOST every single game we’ve played. Missed less than five over that time in games I “wanted” to see but life got in way. Another handful of late season meaningless games I missed due to lack of interest. 

All in all this accounts for roughly 540 Redskins/Football Team/Commanders games. More than 2/3 of those being Snyder era games; over a period that spanned me personally from age 13 through age 45. 

I’ve taken pride over the years that I was able to still enjoy being a fan despite our utter ineptitude and embarrassment at the top. I truly am as big of a fan now as I was in 1991 or 1999 or 2004. No change. Have the individual seasons been as fun/enjoyable? Of course not. Losing is terrible. Hopelessness in many of those seasons is even worse. But in my own ways and practices I’ve maintained my fandom. 

Over the years in trying to articulate this I think I was labeled by some as a mark or apologist. It was always hard to explain that I wasn’t being fooled or drinking the Kool Aid. I knew what I was being served and who was serving it; I just chose to drink it anyway; occasionally enjoy the taste, and hope it didn’t kill me. Lots of close calls, but I made it. 

I honestly thought it was a game of chicken between me, Snyder, and death. I really did. I really didn’t have much belief he’d ever be out and I knew I’d committed to being in. So I thought death of one of us would be the only way. I’m glad it didn’t come to that. 

I say all of this to express that I’m actually not feeling much “joy” right now. It’s just relief. And a little bit of satisfaction. I’m thrilled for the fan base and I could not care less about any debates of who has been a more hardcore fan over the years— ZERO part of me would look at packed FedEx next year and think “geeze look at all these fair weather fans.” I’ll be thrilled if/when everyone is back. Thrilled. I’ll toast a special drink to those like me who didn’t waver, but that’s more for personal purposes; no judgment at all. 

What great news and that first home game is gonna be LIT. Might have to try and make that trip. 

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11 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


I'll always hate him no matter what. The bad news is now he's got $6 billion in cold hard cash so he can go after all of his enemies. I would expect a flood of lawsuits for defamation against Bruce Allen, Gruden, Zorn, Shanahan, Bobby Three Sticks, Cousins, Alex Smith, and just about everyone who ever criticized him. He also has a ton of money to hire PIs to dig up dirt on everyone...including the remaining NFL owners.


Snyder is the kind of guy who will sue the 40+ women who accused him of creating a toxic atmosphere.


He'll still be pacing around his opulent office (somewhere) clutching a glass of Crown Royal and muttering about how he will make everyone pay.






I also get the vibe as I mentioned before my guess is we are going to get some weird Dan letter to the fans that basically blames Bruce Allen for what happened but he decided to sell because he's the ultimate Commanders fan and always puts the team first. :ols:  


More or less he's collateral damage to what Bruce and others did to the organization.  He will take some fake blame for me -- saying he should have hired better people but they are the ones who screwed it up.


The thing that Dan misses is while the fan base hates Bruce, they hate Dan miles more.  Blaming Bruce has been Dan's ammo on and off through all the scandals, etc.  I'd guess he takes one major swipe as he heads out to say he it was Bruce not him.


Interesting Keim dived a little into Bruce today saying while indeed Bruce wasn't good for that building -- Dan liked to hire people who echoed his style and way or thinking.  Dan liked echo chamber people.

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6 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:




I also get the vibe as I mentioned before my guess is we are going to get some weird Dan letter to the fans that basically blames Bruce Allen for what happened but he decided to sell because he's the ultimate Commanders fan and always puts the team first. :ols:  


More or less he's collateral damage to what Bruce and others did to the organization.  He will take some fake blame for me -- saying he should have hired better people but they are the ones who screwed it up.


The thing that Dan misses is while the fan base hates Bruce, they hate Dan miles more.  Blaming Bruce has been Dan's ammo on and off through all the scandals, etc.  I'd guess he takes one major swipe as he heads out to say he it was Bruce not him.


Interesting Keim dived a little into Bruce today saying while indeed Bruce wasn't good for that building -- Dan liked to hire people who echoed his style and way or thinking.  Dan liked echo chamber people.


I've always said Snyder lived inside a bubble enclosed in an echo chamber in the highest ivory tower, which is guarded by a legion of yes-men. That seclusion from reality and its consequences is what ultimately led to his own demise.

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4 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


I'll always hate him no matter what. The bad news is now he's got $6 billion in cold hard cash so he can go after all of his enemies. I would expect a flood of lawsuits for defamation against Bruce Allen, Gruden, Zorn, Shanahan, Bobby Three Sticks, Cousins, Alex Smith, and just about everyone who ever criticized him. He also has a ton of money to hire PIs to dig up dirt on everyone...including the remaining NFL owners.


Snyder is the kind of guy who will sue the 40+ women who accused him of creating a toxic atmosphere.


He'll still be pacing around his opulent office (somewhere) clutching a glass of Crown Royal and muttering about how he will make everyone pay.




Yeah.  He's a petty ****.  I wouldn't be surprised if he goes that route and starts suing people, too.


Here's one thing that I didn't see mentioned about Harris and, in contrast, about Snyder...Harris was a college wrestler.  And it's easy to shoulder shrug that and brush it off, but I do believe that someone who participated in sports at a relatively high level (or excelled at sports at some level) has a better understanding of sports and athletes and life in general than someone who, as far as I can tell, never tried his hand anything in regards to athletics (Snyder).  


Like, I don't think Dan has stopped ever being petty because no one ever beat the **** out of him.  And in sports, on most levels, there's not a lot of room for being someone like Dan Snyder...if Dan Snyder tried any of his **** playing football, he'd get laid out.  If he tried any of his **** playing basketball, he's catching an elbow when the ref isn't looking.  If he tried any of his **** while playing baseball, he's getting a fastball in the ear.  Sports have a way of policing themselves to a certain degree and if you're paying attention, you understand it's a life lesson.  Dan thinks that hotshots act the way he has, putting vanilla ice cream on coaches desks is how people in power get their point across.  That's something out of a movie, no one does that in real life.  And since Dan never played a sport, he's never been on a field where someone else can be the equalizer.  


So Dan never got his bell rung, he never got humbled on a sports field.  He's just acted like a miserable **** his entire business life and throughout the his entire ownership.  No one's ever put him in his place because he's never given anyone the opportunity to do so.


In contrast, I don't think Harris will act in the way that Snyder has because he's probably gotten the **** kicked out of him a few times on the wrestling mat.  And he knows that can happen to him in business, too.  

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40 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


Just having some fun with you. I get you have your feelings on Ron. I am OK either way. I am just euphoric that danny is on his way out. 


I will say it's very unlikely he gets fired midseasaon.That would be the first sign of a bad owner to me. He will be smart to just let everything do what it's gonig to do this first year. As a fan it sucks to have a potential throw away year but virtually critical for a new owner to evaluate his new toy. No need to to make any major changes during that year. Let the staff finish the year and make your changes next offseason.


Should be fun to watch. At least there is legitimate hope now. 

But he could get ahead of the line for EB. If Ron earns an in season firing, he can just promote EB. If EB does a decent job, he would get the permanent gig and the nfl would look favorably on that hiring.


Most in season firings don’t really change anything but we have potential good coach on staff, that could wipe out any negativity of an in season firing.

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18 minutes ago, kleese said:


What great news and that first home game is gonna be LIT. Might have to try and make that trip. 

I'm just a hair younger, been on this site since the Gibbs news broke 19 years ago. I similarly have only missed a few games, DVR'd them typically when my boys would have games. If I knew it would be a blowout, I might score check and not go back to watch... but this was literally only a few times. I watched almost every minute of every blowout loss over the years, saw the name change, the brand total disintegrate, my hometown/team pride evaporate, and barley hung on.. mostly bc I couldn't quit this team. I've traveled to a number of games all over, created memories with my kids, and a few folks on here. 


I really want to make the trip for the opener, see my first game ever in person where Dan Snyder isn't the owner. 

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1 hour ago, kleese said:

I was in 7th grade in 1990 when I first learned what a satellite dish was and that certain establishments could get out of market games. Then I got Sunday Ticket for first time in 1999 and haven’t missed a year since. 

So for the past 33 years I have watched ALMOST every single game we’ve played. Missed less than five over that time in games I “wanted” to see but life got in way. Another handful of late season meaningless games I missed due to lack of interest. 

All in all this accounts for roughly 540 Redskins/Football Team/Commanders games. More than 2/3 of those being Snyder era games; over a period that spanned me personally from age 13 through age 45. 

I’ve taken pride over the years that I was able to still enjoy being a fan despite our utter ineptitude and embarrassment at the top. I truly am as big of a fan now as I was in 1991 or 1999 or 2004. No change. Have the individual seasons been as fun/enjoyable? Of course not. Losing is terrible. Hopelessness in many of those seasons is even worse. But in my own ways and practices I’ve maintained my fandom. 

Over the years in trying to articulate this I think I was labeled by some as a mark or apologist. It was always hard to explain that I wasn’t being fooled or drinking the Kool Aid. I knew what I was being served and who was serving it; I just chose to drink it anyway; occasionally enjoy the taste, and hope it didn’t kill me. Lots of close calls, but I made it. 

I honestly thought it was a game of chicken between me, Snyder, and death. I really did. I really didn’t have much belief he’d ever be out and I knew I’d committed to being in. So I thought death of one of us would be the only way. I’m glad it didn’t come to that. 

I say all of this to express that I’m actually not feeling much “joy” right now. It’s just relief. And a little bit of satisfaction. I’m thrilled for the fan base and I could not care less about any debates of who has been a more hardcore fan over the years— ZERO part of me would look at packed FedEx next year and think “geeze look at all these fair weather fans.” I’ll be thrilled if/when everyone is back. Thrilled. I’ll toast a special drink to those like me who didn’t waver, but that’s more for personal purposes; no judgment at all. 

What great news and that first home game is gonna be LIT. Might have to try and make that trip. 


Good post.  I think its perfectly on point for people to be fans in whatever ways pleases them.  For me its beyond relief.  It's joy.


When Gibbs came back I had to be their game 1.  Feeling the same about the first game -- post Dan.  So like you, i want to be there.


Especially in recent years I tried not to resign myself in thinking we are stuck with him.   And I absolutely thought no SBs coming in his tenure unless we got incredibly lucky and found an Aaron Rodgers type in the draft.


Dan tested this fan base in ways that the typical fan base never experiences.  Heck I recall some posters (not you) on and off over the years said the fans were the problem.  Somehow we were weaker than other fan bases who apparently could endure sports pain better than us.   I used to think, and still do those posts were ridiculous.  what other fan base has been tested this way? 


An ex-Giants GM in his book, took a page to dedicate to the passion of the Redskins fan base.  He talked about them playing a meaningless game, early in the Snyder tenure, and the stadium was packed and was loud.


I love that Harris-Rales has seen the before and after like most of us here have and supposedly are committed to bringing that old magic back. 

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18 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

But he could get ahead of the line for EB. If Ron earns an in season firing, he can just promote EB. If EB does a decent job, he would get the permanent gig and the nfl would look favorably on that hiring.


Most in season firings don’t really change anything but we have potential good coach on staff, that could wipe out any negativity of an in season firing.



Hmm, Wonder who hired said staff? And the players that you have mandated win a PO game, which assumes you beleive the roster is good enough, who built that roster? LOL  


I am done here. Was not interested in a big back and forth. Like I said was just haveing a little fun. We will see one way or the other very soon - thankfully!  


Oh and **** dan snyder! 🙂 

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Snyder will manage to throw away the money he has after the loans and judgments are paid off. Bank on it.


I've enjoyed laughing at his horribleness, but I am ready to turn the page and start dealing with this as an actual football team again. For those here who are too young to have been able to do that, it's awesome.

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46 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


I've always said Snyder lived inside a bubble enclosed in an echo chamber in the highest ivory tower, which is guarded by a legion of yes-men. That seclusion from reality and its consequences is what ultimately led to his own demise.


Sheehan the other day recounted his story about how Dan and Bruce were shocked after deciding to finally poll their popularity with fans and found that they were hated but he suspects they still dimissed it as being really about losing, not the fans true feelings about them.


Keim who rarely does any flame throwing had the funny story about writing years back that the team has some issues with fans, losing on sales-attendance and Bruce called him pissed about it saying it was nonsense.  And Chris Russell said Bruce once asked a team of radio hosts for feedback about what they are hearing as to the fans take about the team-FO and Russell laid it on what he's hearing and Bruce got pissed at Russell for sharing the negativity and after that they sort of become press enemies. 


Bruce as I and others said at the time was the perfect storm IMO to finish Dan off because he apparently fed Dan's delusions because he saw it the same way.   I recall one of the stories back then talked about Bruce and Dan would often cap the day together and have a drink -- hearing how arrogant both Bruce-Dan, I bet they just laughed about how smarter they were than everyone else.  


I find it ironic that Dan after hitting the iceberg blames it all on Bruce.  But like Sheehan said yesterday arguing with another caller about this -- who hired Bruce?  And as Keim said today, Dan liked to hire people who thought like him, Allen among them.



12 minutes ago, goskins10 said:





Hmm, Wonder who hired said staff? And the players that you have mandated win a PO game, which assumes you beleive the roster is good enough, who built that roster? LOL  



Exactly.  It's obvious as heck that it was Rivera's relationship with Andy Reid that made that happen.

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39 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Yeah.  He's a petty ****.  I wouldn't be surprised if he goes that route and starts suing people, too.


Here's one thing that I didn't see mentioned about Harris and, in contrast, about Snyder...Harris was a college wrestler.  And it's easy to shoulder shrug that and brush it off, but I do believe that someone who participated in sports at a relatively high level (or excelled at sports at some level) has a better understanding of sports and athletes and life in general than someone who, as far as I can tell, never tried his hand anything in regards to athletics (Snyder).  


Like, I don't think Dan has stopped ever being petty because no one ever beat the **** out of him.  And in sports, on most levels, there's not a lot of room for being someone like Dan Snyder...if Dan Snyder tried any of his **** playing football, he'd get laid out.  If he tried any of his **** playing basketball, he's catching an elbow when the ref isn't looking.  If he tried any of his **** while playing baseball, he's getting a fastball in the ear.  Sports have a way of policing themselves to a certain degree and if you're paying attention, you understand it's a life lesson.  Dan thinks that hotshots act the way he has, putting vanilla ice cream on coaches desks is how people in power get their point across.  That's something out of a movie, no one does that in real life.  And since Dan never played a sport, he's never been on a field where someone else can be the equalizer.  


So Dan never got his bell rung, he never got humbled on a sports field.  He's just acted like a miserable **** his entire business life and throughout the his entire ownership.  No one's ever put him in his place because he's never given anyone the opportunity to do so.


In contrast, I don't think Harris will act in the way that Snyder has because he's probably gotten the **** kicked out of him a few times on the wrestling mat.  And he knows that can happen to him in business, too.  


That's a great theory, I like it. I also think Harris won't be a jock-sniffing brown-noser like Snyder because he has been an athlete before. He probably won't make a draft pick based on whether he went to his kid's school or not (like Snyder did with Haskins).


Plus, I heard Harris went to the Wharton School of Business. Snyder? He dropped out of college after one year with no further business education.

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1 minute ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


That's a great theory, I like it. I also think Harris won't be a jock-sniffing brown-noser like Snyder because he has been an athlete before. He probably won't make a draft pick based on whether he went to his kid's school or not (like Snyder did with Haskins).


Plus, I heard Harris went to the Wharton School of Business. Snyder? He dropped out of college after one year with no further business education.


I don't think we have to guess that much about Harris. He's got a track record as a sports owner. He hires proven people to run his teams, espouses analytics, and is willing to make bold moves and stick with them in furtherance of a long-term plan.


I'm excited at the possibility and am willing to live with a transition period.

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8 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


That's a great theory, I like it. I also think Harris won't be a jock-sniffing brown-noser like Snyder because he has been an athlete before. He probably won't make a draft pick based on whether he went to his kid's school or not (like Snyder did with Haskins).


Plus, I heard Harris went to the Wharton School of Business. Snyder? He dropped out of college after one year with no further business education.


That's it.  That's exactly right.

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Wright and company laying it on thick, sales rep hitting twitter minutes after the sale annoucement.  Looks like its working to some extent because I see some announced purchases.


Now, its come to our job fair.


What next, team sponsored merchandise about Dan selling?




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5 minutes ago, NoVaSkins21 said:

If I'm Jason Wright, I'm not sitting too easy right now.  

He refuses to tweet or anything. He knows the fans are after him. He is trying to convince the new group otherwise. After this initial celebration we need to get fire Jason Wright trending on Twitter along with another topic that shall not be spoken here in this thread. 

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Just now, SoCalSkins said:

He refuses to tweet or anything. He knows the fans are after him. He is trying to convince the new group otherwise. After this initial celebration we need to get fire Jason Wright trending on Twitter along with another topic that shall not be spoken here in this thread. 

Dead man walking. 100%.

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9 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Wright and company laying it on thick, sales rep hitting twitter minutes after the sale annoucement.  Looks like its working to some extent because I see some announced purchases.

They’ve unquestionably had very difficult circumstances to operate in, but Wright and company have still operated like amateur hour.


First appointment needs to be a senior exec in that role. 

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