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Convicted felon Donald Trump on Trial (Found guilty on 34 felony counts. 54 criminal count still in the air)

Cooked Crack

Will Trump be convicted in any of his cases?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Trump be convicted in any of his cases?

    • Yes. He's going 4 for 4. (including Georgia)
    • He's going to lose 3
    • Two for sure
    • He's only going to get convicted in one
    • No. He's going to skate

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So infuriating. After he tweeted out "Pence didn't have the courage" as the riot was unfolding, somebody got to Trump and told him he was in deep **** if he didn't issue a follow-up, so he did 10 mins later, calling for peace.


I wish that any of this mattered. The GOP just seems broken.


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All - great posts & comments on this. I wonder how the SS texts fit into this, if at all?

I'm guessing there's more indictments for TFG coming: wire fraud re: fundraising over the stop the steal lies. Anything else on the fed level that's being pursued?

Obviously, GA indictments on the horizon - I'm guessing after TFG court appearance for these charges on Thursday. Maybe Friday to kick off the weekend? 




Edited by EmirOfShmo
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Hahahaha....Dumb ass TFG lawyer on CNN now claiming TFG is being indicted for his 1st amendment rights! bwahahaha...'Simply pause the voting, Pence'. Now he's claiming he was given advice from his lawyers that he can do this. This idiot lawyer spelling out TFG defense - 'criminalizing political speech'...lmao

Edited by EmirOfShmo
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50 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:



Hahahaha....Dumb ass TFG lawyer on CNN now claiming TFG is being indicted for his 1st amendment rights! bwahahaha...'Simply pause the voting, Pence'. Now he's claiming he was given advice from his lawyers that he can do this. This idiot lawyer spelling out TFG defense - 'criminalizing political speech'...lmao


This tracks with something that was posted earlier in this thread...that Trump's plan is basically to try and throw Rudy and Sidney Powell under the bus. Ain't gonna work. There's just too much evidence that he knew very well that the whole thing was BS but went ahead with it anyway.

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4 minutes ago, mistertim said:


This tracks with something that was posted earlier in this thread...that Trump's plan is basically to try and throw Rudy and Sidney Powell under the bus. Ain't gonna work. There's just too much evidence that he knew very well that the whole thing was BS but went ahead with it anyway.

Yep...a former judge on CNN just shot down that type of defense - 1st amendment right. Can't remember exactly what he said, but basically it's a ****ty defense and easily refutable. 

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41 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Yep...a former judge on CNN just shot down that type of defense - 1st amendment right. Can't remember exactly what he said, but basically it's a ****ty defense and easily refutable. 


Yeah, I'm certainly not a lawyer, but that defense sounds super flimsy to me. I don't think the 1st amendment applies when the "speech" used is with the express purpose of committing a crime or encouraging the commission of a crime.


But the evidence appears so strong that they may not really have much else to try as far as defenses. So claim the first amendment and then also try to throw other people under the bus seems to be the overall plan.

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4 minutes ago, Barry.Randolphe said:

so, he's 4/4 with indictments so far....what is he looking at sentence-wise from all this if convicted? 20 years? He essentially should spend the rest of his life behind bars then





Conspiracy to defraud the government is punishable by up to five years in prison. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and obstructing an official proceeding are both punishable by up to 20 years in prison. The civil rights law carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison — unless the crime involves murder, rape or kidnapping (successful or attempted), in which case the maximum punishment is the death penalty. Prosecutors are not arguing that Trump’s actions led to any of the deaths that occurred during or after the Jan. 6 attack.


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Gotta remember he is facing a bunch of cases, and that will effect sentencing too.


You'd expect the first sentence he gets to be on the lighter side (first time offender kinda deal) but as he racks up convictions and becomes a repeat offender, the sentencing will become more severe. The same crime that would net him say, 1 year in prison on trial 1 could net 5 on trial 3.


Even a fluff'd down sentencing in the first conviction sets him up for harsher penalties down the line.

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11 minutes ago, mistertim said:


While that adds up to 55 years (if run consecutively), they would probably run the sentences concurrently.  Plus those are the maxiumums, and under sentencing guidelines he'd never get the maximum.  The unknown factor is timing of convictions.  That is if Trump is convicted in the documents case, then he becomes a known criminal and that would adversely affect (lengthen) the sentence according to the guidelines.  And vice versa if convicted in this case first and then later sentenced in the documents case.  If he gets 10 years, that's life in prison for him.

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30 minutes ago, China said:


While that adds up to 55 years (if run consecutively), they would probably run the sentences concurrently.  Plus those are the maxiumums, and under sentencing guidelines he'd never get the maximum.  The unknown factor is timing of convictions.  That is if Trump is convicted in the documents case, then he becomes a known criminal and that would adversely affect (lengthen) the sentence according to the guidelines.  And vice versa if convicted in this case first and then later sentenced in the documents case.  If he gets 10 years, that's life in prison for him.

And I, for one though accept not the only one, am just fine with this. It will be a glorious day to watch him get taken into custody and hauls his orange, depends wearing ass straight to prison.


But a thought has occurred to me, would he be so ****ing crazy to go along with this knowing full well his dumbass is headed to the brick house? Or would he attempt to run? Or, dare I say it, but off himself because by God he's the only one in control of what happens to him?


I suppose it's a win either direction he goes...because in all 3 scenarios he goes away. I suspect that in that rat trap he calls a brain, he truly does believe he'll get away with it. Let's face it, he's been getting away with crimes all his life.


However,  you have to think that he's at least somewhat aware of how serious these charges are and that attempting to rile up his base is not going to keep his pruned ass out of the slammer.


Just a thought. Feel free to ponder yourselves or eviscerate it as you see fit. Lol.



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5 minutes ago, FrFan said:

I wish he shouldn't be able to run for presidency if convicted and sentenced, unfortunately that's not going to happen.



I think maybe the founders just sort of assumed that no decent citizenry would elect a blatant criminal to the highest office in the land. Oh well.

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1 hour ago, mistertim said:


I think maybe the founders just sort of assumed that no decent citizenry would elect a blatant criminal to the highest office in the land. Oh well.

Could you imagine what our founding fathers would think about this collection of misfits and buffoons we called elected officials?


Not to mention the cultist miscreants that voted for these assclowns, ie MTG. And of course, let's not forget the highly intelligent fan base of the orange ****head who continue to stick their fingers and their ears and stay completely ignorant of the fact that he is truly a criminal. In fact, the ****ing twits are ready to put him right back in the oval office to see what kind of misery he could spread a second time.


Pretty sure our founding fathers would resoundingly say... What. The. ****?!?



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3 hours ago, mistertim said:


I think maybe the founders just sort of assumed that no decent citizenry would elect a blatant criminal to the highest office in the land. Oh well.

They must be rolling in their grave. Sad world we're living in, over here too we're no better.

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4 hours ago, mistertim said:


I think maybe the founders just sort of assumed that no decent citizenry would elect a blatant criminal to the highest office in the land. Oh well.


Founders gave the House to the people and made the Senate to gun check them...


Despite their reservations on whims of the general public it was always up to future generations to find and fill gaps before someone like Trump potentially showed up To exploit them. We still have a duty to do that now that they've been exposed so badly before someone tries again.


George Washington warned of potential dangers of political parties on the way out of office, but fearing the worst and hoping for the best aren't the same thing, imo.

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