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CBS: U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank


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Mania, in the several forms that trump manifests it, is not the same as stamina. His near constant cognitive soup of dementia, memory issues, ignorance, every form of dishonesty known to man, distorted perception, axis two disorders (plural), the fascist nature of his political views, and his numerous, severe, character issues and lifelong history of legal issues ought to be a constant drum beat dominating all professional media coverage.


It should also be the major focus, in a negative and activating sense, of all the dem haters (or dem "dislikers" if some prefer) and of those who still want to use the label of Republican or conservative but aren't trump supporters.


Biden's degree of legit memory issues and the absolute  non issue of his lifelong history of verbal gaffes should be way way way below all of Trump's issues in any decent, rational, intelligent ranking of concerns. 


Similarly, to that same dem-disliking or hating population, the concern for our country and our society at large should be heavily focused on correcting and dissociating from the sewer that the GOP has become and not the standard issues typically applied to the Dems.


You got a peeping Tom on the block and you got a serial rapist on the block. How about correctly choosing which should be your priority concern.


Apply your actions to that priority or continue to conduct your political life as things haven't come to the point where right leaning folks need to adjust, like kinzinger or liz cheney or joe Walsh have.


Or continue to  make a joke out of your perhaps otherwise ok intellect and "character."


(Upon finishing I thought oboy, you just went off topic again after saying you wouldn't and asking others no to. 😬 . But I dunno. Part of the topic really is about how parts of this "special" council "report" is being used by many as an attack on Biden's qualifications to remain in office and being used in a general way regarding suitability. So I'm just going to suggest we play it by ear at this point and see how the thread goes. Feel free, especially the op,  to post your input on what's appropriate for this topic.)

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Did anybody read the NYT story?


The story is how based on poll's that voters care more about Biden's age than Trump's.  The quoted part then is one reason why voters might be more concerned about Biden's age than Trump's.  It is a little frustrating in that they are covering the horse race component of the story and not trying to address which one is having more age related issues, but it isn't also like the NYT is saying that Trump's age doesn't matter and Biden's does (which is at least what is suggested by the tweet and subsequent post).


The story is that polls show that voters care more about Biden's age than Trump's.  Why?

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3 hours ago, PeterMP said:


The story is that polls show that voters care more about Biden's age than Trump's.  Why?


Maybe because Biden doesn't have all the other negatives Trump does?  

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3 hours ago, PeterMP said:

The story is that polls show that voters care more about Biden's age than Trump's.  Why?


26 minutes ago, Larry said:


Maybe because Biden doesn't have all the other negatives Trump does?  



To me, Larry's answer hits closer to what the polls are showing.


We should assume that 50% of the people polled are Republicans or Independents who lean republican. They are probably overwhelmingly going to say Biden's age is a concern for them for two basic reasons: 1) he's a Democrat whose age has been falsely demonized in right-wing media outlets (and I have proof that they use doctored video to do just that, especially on Hannity), and 2) they don't really have much else to criticize him on outside of maybe the border.


Contrast that to Democrats and Independents who lean democratic...they have an absolute smorgasbord of things about Trump that should literally scare the ever-loving **** out of them...by comparison, his age is way down the list of things to worry about should he become president again. 


It's almost like a woman who goes on two blind dates...after the first date, she tells her friend "I don't think I'll go out with him again...his breath smelled bad." After the second date, she tells her friend "I don't think I'll be going out with him again...he kept telling me I was fat, kicked a puppy after we left the restaurant, then said he'd kill my entire family if I didn't sleep with him. And his breath smelled bad, too."


If her friend was the NY Times: "So, you're saying that the 2nd guy's breath wasn't as much of a concern as the first guy's breath? Is it because he was better looking or was funnier or something?"


Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:




To me, Larry's answer hits closer to what the polls are showing.


We should assume that 50% of the people polled are Republicans or Independents who lean republican. They are probably overwhelmingly going to say Biden's age is a concern for them for two basic reasons: 1) he's a Democrat whose age has been falsely demonized in right-wing media outlets (and I have proof that they use doctored video to do just that, especially on Hannity), and 2) they don't really have much else to criticize him on outside of maybe the border.


Contrast that to Democrats and Independents who lean democratic...they have an absolute smorgasbord of things about Trump that should literally scare the ever-loving **** out of them...by comparison, his age is way down the list of things to worry about should he become president again. 


It's almost like a woman who goes on two blind dates...after the first date, she tells her friend "I don't think I'll go out with him again...his breath smelled bad." After the second date, she tells her friend "I don't think I'll be going out with him again...he kept telling me I was fat, kicked a puppy after we left the restaurant, then said he'd kill my entire family if I didn't sleep with him. And his breath smelled bad, too."


If her friend was the NY Times: "So, you're saying that the 2nd guy's breath wasn't as much of a concern as the first guy's breath? Is it because he was better looking or was funnier or something?"


As a non-Republican-leaning independent, I celebrate Trump's age.  Mother****er's gonna die soon and the world will be a better place for it.

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1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:




To me, Larry's answer hits closer to what the polls are showing.


We should assume that 50% of the people polled are Republicans or Independents who lean republican. They are probably overwhelmingly going to say Biden's age is a concern for them for two basic reasons: 1) he's a Democrat whose age has been falsely demonized in right-wing media outlets (and I have proof that they use doctored video to do just that, especially on Hannity), and 2) they don't really have much else to criticize him on outside of maybe the border.


Contrast that to Democrats and Independents who lean democratic...they have an absolute smorgasbord of things about Trump that should literally scare the ever-loving **** out of them...by comparison, his age is way down the list of things to worry about should he become president again. 


It's almost like a woman who goes on two blind dates...after the first date, she tells her friend "I don't think I'll go out with him again...his breath smelled bad." After the second date, she tells her friend "I don't think I'll be going out with him again...he kept telling me I was fat, kicked a puppy after we left the restaurant, then said he'd kill my entire family if I didn't sleep with him. And his breath smelled bad, too."


If her friend was the NY Times: "So, you're saying that the 2nd guy's breath wasn't as much of a concern as the first guy's breath? Is it because he was better looking or was funnier or something?"


The poll specifically asked about age, so it wasn't give a list where the person just left something out.


And they have party break down/who you voted for in 2020.  54% of people that voted for Biden somewhat or strongly agree that Biden's age is a concern.  So even people the majority of the people that voted for Biden are concerned about his age.


For Trump for people that voted for him, it is only 19%. 


That doesn't seem to be consistent with your story.



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Based on the polls, the better answer appears to be that Trump supporters are delusional about any Trump weakness and most of them don't recognize any weakness in Trump.

Edited by PeterMP
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12 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


The poll specifically asked about age, so it wasn't give a list where the person just left something out.


And they have party break down/who you voted for in 2020.  54% of people that voted for Biden somewhat or strongly agree that Biden's age is a concern.  So even people the majority of the people that voted for Biden are concerned about his age.


For Trump for people that voted for him, it is only 19%. 


That doesn't seem to be consistent with your story.




1) The people who are being polled have their own individual, internal list...they don't have to be given one.


2) "Is age a concern" is the same as saying in my example "Did the way his breath smelled have an effect on your date"...


3) Did the poll ask where age landed on their list of concerns for both? If the answer is "No" then it was asking about age concerns in a vacuum to people who were answering outside that vacuum.


4) The percentages you listed line up with what I said in my post, I'm not sure if you caught that or not.



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6 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


1) The people who are being polled have their own individual, internal list...they don't have to be given one.


2) "Is age a concern" is the same as saying in my example "Did the way his breath smelled have an effect on your date"...


3) Did the poll ask where age landed on their list of concerns for both? If the answer is "No" then it was asking about age concerns in a vacuum to people who were answering outside that vacuum.


4) The percentages you listed line up with what I said in my post, I'm not sure if you caught that or not.




Didn't read the poll even after I gave you the link did you?


We went from bash the NYT based on a tweet that quotes a couple of lines from a story to let's make up some result from the poll and keep arguing that point after somebody else says it isn't consistent with the poll without even looking at the poll.

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20 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


Didn't read the poll even after I gave you the link did you?


We went from bash the NYT based on a tweet that quotes a couple of lines from a story to let's make up some result from the poll and keep arguing that point after somebody else says it isn't consistent with the poll without even looking at the poll.


I responded to your words in your post. I didn't need to read an article to see what you said.



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11 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


I responded to your words in your post. I didn't need to read an article to see what you said.




But my post was in response to your post, and my whole point from the beginning is that people are commenting on something without reading it.  I didn't cite everything in the poll.  If you want to talk about what a poll means or an article says, then you should read the article/poll.


And you are trying to explain why people might say things about Trump/Biden's age without even looking at the poll.


And your post doesn't line up with the % I laid out because your explanation doesn't explain why Trump supporters would report a low %.  If you think that Trump didn't incite insurrection, wasn't a bad President in the first place, didn't commit rape, don't think his Presidential records thing is an issue, you can still think his age is the problem.  If you don't mind being called fat etc., you can still not want to go on a 2nd date because you think his breath stunk.  But that isn't what the poll shows as my previous post pointed out.


Going further into the poll, there's further data that says you analogy is wrong.  59% of people that voted for Biden say Trump is too old.  So in your analogy, the people that aren't going on the 2nd date with the guy because he called him fat etc, when asked how was his breath (which the poll is doing) is saying it is bad.  The girl wasn't asked to give a list of reasons why they aren't going on a 2nd date and just didn't get to his breath was bad.  They are being specifically asked is the breath bad, and the people that didn't even want to go on a first date are saying yes the breath is bad.  (And that % is pretty much the same percent as Biden voters worried about Biden's age.  The thing that stands out is the lack of Trump supporters concern about Trump.  People that wanted the first date appear to be lined up for a 2nd date without being concerned about the bad breath.).

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The poll has about 40%+ support for either candidate.  If I were to take a guess about why about 71% says age is an issue for Biden but only 39% for Trump, I think almost all Trump supporters would have age as an issue for Biden and age as not an issue for Trump.  You would have some Biden supporters who would have age as an issue for both (but choosing Biden for other reasons).  Then you have the 80 is the new 60 crowd, who doesn't view age as an issue for either.  I tend to think it's a sign of Trump supporters being a lot more enthusiastic in their support of Trump vs Biden supporters in their support of Biden.  Which may actually be a bigger hurdle for Dems to overcome than Biden's age.  I think Dems have to hope once the general election cycle starts and Trump is fully at center stage, the small sliver of the electorate who are undecided (really?  still undecided?) or lukewarm to apathetic about supporting Biden realize or remember that Trump is unacceptable.

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1 hour ago, PeterMP said:


But my post was in response to your post, and my whole point from the beginning is that people are commenting on something without reading it.  I didn't cite everything in the poll.  If you want to talk about what a poll means or an article says, then you should read the article/poll.


And you are trying to explain why people might say things about Trump/Biden's age without even looking at the poll.


And your post doesn't line up with the % I laid out because your explanation doesn't explain why Trump supporters would report a low %.  If you think that Trump didn't incite insurrection, wasn't a bad President in the first place, didn't commit rape, don't think his Presidential records thing is an issue, you can still think his age is the problem.  If you don't mind being called fat etc., you can still not want to go on a 2nd date because you think his breath stunk.  But that isn't what the poll shows as my previous post pointed out.


Going further into the poll, there's further data that says you analogy is wrong.  59% of people that voted for Biden say Trump is too old.  So in your analogy, the people that aren't going on the 2nd date with the guy because he called him fat etc, when asked how was his breath (which the poll is doing) is saying it is bad.  The girl wasn't asked to give a list of reasons why they aren't going on a 2nd date and just didn't get to his breath was bad.  They are being specifically asked is the breath bad, and the people that didn't even want to go on a first date are saying yes the breath is bad.  (And that % is pretty much the same percent as Biden voters worried about Biden's age.  The thing that stands out is the lack of Trump supporters concern about Trump.  People that wanted the first date appear to be lined up for a 2nd date without being concerned about the bad breath.).


This is what you originally said that I originally responded to:


"The story is that polls show that voters care more about Biden's age than Trump's.  Why?"


Larry gave an answer that I thought had some merit. So  combined that sentence with his answer, and went further into it.


Your follow-up response to me paraphrased and summarized what you felt the poll said. I responded to what you felt the poll said.


In no way in your responses to me did you ever try and make the point about "commenting on something without reading it." Well, other than when you ended up saying "You didn't read the article, did you?"...which, since I was responding to your words and your thoughts, I didn't need to...unless you had mischaracterized what the article said. I assumed you didn't. And if you notice, that's why I asked questions in two of my four bullet points...because you didn't mention the things I was talking about and I wasn't going to speak about something I did not have enough info on yet.


And the poll didn't say anything that you didn't say. The poll didn't give any analysis, it just gave raw numbers.


And the % absolutely line up with what I said...because I said Trump's age would be so far down Trump's list of "**** To Be Concerned About" that a large part of ALL voters wouldn't let it register as something they thought of for him. I guarantee that far FAR more Trump voters are concerned about his indictments and trials than his age...hell, the poll screams it out loud. Plus, I'm not sure exactly how me saying Trump's age doesn't register as a concern due it part to all his issues, and you saying "Only 16% of Republican voters think Trump's age is a concern," are at all opposite of each other. They damn near line up.


As I said and will say again: if the question about age is asked in a vacuum--which it was--and the people who answer are answering outside of that vacuum--which they were--then yeah, you will get lower percentage of voters concerned about his age due to that long list of concerns and baggage the dude has. And that absolutely has an effect on how people both interpret and answer a question like that.


That poll tries weakly to tell respondents "Forget everything else and just think of this one thing I'm about to ask you"--in other words, to respond to this question and that question in a vacuum. Trust me, that hardly ever works. You can get it to work if the person is being questioned in person and the person asking the questions takes great pains to tell the respondent to only think of this one thing--and even then you have to ask them to do that numerous times for each "question in a vacuum" in order to guarantee good data. And, yes, I have 20 years of experience in both formulating questionnaires and analyzing data from various types of usability testing and user research to back up my claims. Polls are not very different, at all. I've even helped some survey companies improve the manner and structure of their surveys to get higher quality feedback. I know what I'm talking about.


EDIT: and this is what the poll said when asking the question about age:


"Next, regardless of who you support for president, tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements."


Anyone here really think Trump supporters are gonna just put their minds into a place where they do not support the man...because the poll asked them to?


And just a reminder, this poll is just from like 6 swing states, it's not a national poll. It's definitely not a representative poll for the U.S. population. It might be for those few states, but that's it. As a barometer for only the swing states, it may have been conducted accurately (representative polling, when done right, can be extremely accurate). And the results from a representative poll done nationally may not be significantly different.


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39 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


This is what you originally said that I originally responded to:


"The story is that polls show that voters care more about Biden's age than Trump's.  Why?"


I started my first post with "Did anybody read the NYT story?"


And the rest of my post wasn't a summation of the story.  It was a description of how the tweet was misrepresenting the story.  


The point of my initial post was that people were commenting on NYT they hadn't even actually read.  Which lead to people just commenting on a poll/story that they hadn't looked at.


(I also think you are still misrepresenting the poll.  And the easy answer is that Trump supporters are delusional and aren't concerned about anything related to Trump in terms of his ability to be President.  That they think Trump is great and most have no concerns about him being President again.  But that's not worth my time.)


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