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The Everything 118th Congress Thread


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1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:


The number of those voters are shrinking.

I keep seeing that. But as of right now they are in control of a branch of government. I’m really interested in seeing the 2024 election play out to see if this is totally true. People have to get out and vote. A lot of people run their mouths and then don’t show up when it comes time. I don’t want the narrative to be that this is in the bag.


Hillary had it in the bag until she didn’t. Damn shame. Also, those still voting R right now and propping Trump up are always going to be there voting R. 

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11 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

I keep seeing that. But as of right now they are in control of a branch of government. I’m really interested in seeing the 2024 election play out to see if this is totally true. People have to get out and vote. A lot of people run their mouths and then don’t show up when it comes time. I don’t want the narrative to be that this is in the bag.


Hillary had it in the bag until she didn’t. Damn shame. Also, those still voting R right now and propping Trump up are always going to be there voting R. 


It's true that the Republican Party is now the Fascist Party and they tend to vote lockstep. However, if TFG is their candidate, they are in big trouble this time for various reasons. Plus the House is a mess with a bare majority and they don't control the Senate.


1. The rise of the youth vote. They are skewing progressive voters more in tune with the Democrats than Republicans. 

2. Covid took out a lot of their voters because they refused common sense prophylactics and died.

3. Independents are discussed by TFG and his minions and as we saw in 2020 and 2022 elections they voted for a Democrat or didn't vote. Although their numbers are growing because they left either Democrat or Republican parties. 

4. I don't trust polls.

5. Comey's letter to Congress about Hillary tanked her win. We all know it. As soon as I heard about it, I knew it was all over. I still voted for her. Wore her t shirt under a zipped hoodie and everything. And she still won the popular vote by 3 million. Biden won by 7 million. The gap will be greater in 2024. We the People don't want a fascist government. 

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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@LadySkinsFan thank you or your post, but I do understand all of these points. I just really really need to see it on a larger scale. We’ve seen it happen in some smaller elections so far, but I do wonder if people are voting because it’s on their mind currently, or if in a little more than a year are they going to lack the passion to get out and vote. 

We can speculate that x, y, or z will happen, but we need to see it in practice. People have to vote. They have to maintain this passion now and forever. 

People tend to be really passionate in the moment only to be lackadaisical about the same thing in the future. 

As for D. And Hillary. I still stand by what I say. She had it until she didn’t. Anything can change between now and then.

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You’re thinking he’s freezing, but some turtles are just slower than others. Give the reptile a little bit of time to get his heart rate going so he can answer.


 What’s with this world today and wanting everything right away? I blame McDonald’s for people’s impatience and for feeding a disgusting slob enough that he didn’t starve to death and became president.


 Screw you McDonald’s!!! I’m on the hate train today!!! Choo Choo mother****ers!!! I’m coming through!!!!

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1 minute ago, @DCGoldPants said:

Get the **** out of here. This guy probably agrees Donny is 215lbs. 


That post sounds like Trump type excuses. McConnell is suffering from small strokes. It's different from when I get an aphasia spell, Moscow Mitch is out of it. Goodness knows how often this happens when he's not in public. He's defective and needs to go.

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7 hours ago, ixcuincle said:

We need term limits these bamas McConnell and Feinstein are not fit for public office they should have retired decades ago 


That's not a term limit, that's a health level requirement, which Id rather support as part of election and reelection process (I'm not ready to kick someone out of office midterm over cognitive health reasons).


I truly want to believe Mitch isn't holding out to prevent a situation where the democratic governor of his state appoints someone to flip his seat. 


Can she do that? This could get brutal to watch as this gets worse if that's the case.  I'd rather make a deal not to fill his seat until an election to fill it then wait until the most powerful republican in the senate locks up one day and doesn't come out of it.


That is a level of hyper partisanship that we should all be ashamed to allow happen, we need to be better then this for our own sake.


I also refuse to root for cancer, it's killed too many people I know including family members. To each their own, but count me out.



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18 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:


“You know that it’s bad when the secretaries or three major branches of the Armed Forces are publicly calling you out. Senator Tuberville bit off way more than he could chew — and American voters will make him pay for it. “


He’s a Senator from Alabama. No they won’t.

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6 hours ago, Ball Security said:

“You know that it’s bad when the secretaries or three major branches of the Armed Forces are publicly calling you out. Senator Tuberville bit off way more than he could chew — and American voters will make him pay for it. “


He’s a Senator from Alabama. No they won’t.


Yeah, this will easily get spun as an example of librul wokism taking complete control of our nation's defense forces so vote Republican if you don't want to get invaded by European NAMBLA Pedos who will outlaw religion and send Christians to deprogramming camps.

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On 8/31/2023 at 8:30 PM, Renegade7 said:

Can she do that? This could get brutal to watch as this gets worse if that's the case.  I'd rather make a deal not to fill his seat until an election to fill it then wait until the most powerful republican in the senate locks up one day and doesn't come out of it.


Why extend a courtesy that he wouldn't?


Chickens are coming home to roost for him as far as I'm concerned. A few months or years of suffering for him at the end of his life are really nothing compared to decades of trying to stack the deck against social progress for an entire country. 


The only people I sort of feel bad for are family members who have to watch him go through this, and even then not really. I would bet a decent number of them don't even like him. His wife is just as crooked as he is. 

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