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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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55 minutes ago, zCommander said:


I hope it works out this time and that you are right. Trump going against another female candidate. Hate to see him win again...cringing thought indeed. 


They now know how to deal with him. Harris' "I know about people like him" (not direct quote) and can neutralize him, in ads and on a debate stage if it comes to that. If he tries the stalking that he did to Hillary, Harris will turn on him and call him out. Besides, he'll stalk like the old man he is. Predator to mock and call out. He can't deal with that.

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10 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

No, it isn’t.


A liar, known for lying, lied about getting shot while people actually got shot and died around him so he could sell sneakers...again. This sums up Trump perfectly, needs to be a thing.



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39 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



She's terrible at this. Answers like that make her look unprepared to ever be in a position of authority again. I hope that he does? 


Competent advisors would have told her to stay out of sight from the moment she ended her campaign through the election, if she wanted a chance to do something in the future as a Republican. 

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46 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

He wasn't shot, can we make fun of him for real now? Some users wanted to chastize me for calling him out for lying, I think this is great ammo for the Dems. They should use it.


He was shot at.  He was a few inches from being killed.  It makes little difference if it was shrapnel that cut him, or a being grazed by a bullet.  Indeed the FBI has said they aren't sure which it is.  Since the FBI has not made a definitive statement about what cut him, that means its just as likely to be shrapnel as a bullet.  Touching this topic will only make democrats look petty.  Let the absurdity of the on-again off-again maxi-pad ear bandages speak for themselves.

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On the other hand having no children of my own would probably force this introvert to branch out and finally meet new singles to avoid paying higher taxes. Always got to think of the positives. :)

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18 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

I am a childless adult male in my near 40s. I'm single with no spouse or significant other.


Life sucks but I wouldn't want to pay more taxes because of my grave misfortune.




I've long said we should be giving a tax break for not having children. We're far less burden on society.  Encourage less procreation. 

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2 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

He has an unusually large amount of skeletons for someone who has only been working in government for 19 months. 


Skeletons in the closet, bones in the couch cushions...right now the only real downside of the Vance pick is that it gives Trump's ego a built in scapegoat if somehow Harris manages to pull this off.

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59 minutes ago, Jabbyrwock said:


He was shot at.  He was a few inches from being killed.  It makes little difference if it was shrapnel that cut him, or a being grazed by a bullet.  Indeed the FBI has said they aren't sure which it is.  Since the FBI has not made a definitive statement about what cut him, that means its just as likely to be shrapnel as a bullet.  Touching this topic will only make democrats look petty.  Let the absurdity of the on-again off-again maxi-pad ear bandages speak for themselves.


When he is campaigning on getting shot, it matters. When he is fundraising on getting his ear blown off, it matters. When he is blaming the other side for trying to have him killed, it matters. Pointing out his exaggerated wound (you can clearly see his ear now, its an obvious lie) would only further expose his own pettiness. I'm not saying Kamala has to come out and say it, but I see no reason why we have to pretend he was actually shot.


Anyways, Dems always complain about Trump being held to a different standard and being able to get away with everything. Yeah, its because we hold him to a different standard and let him get away with everything.

Edited by Simmsy
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5 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


When he is campaigning on getting shot, it matters. When he is fundraising on getting his ear blown off, it matters. When he is blaming the other side for trying to have him killed, it matters. Pointing out his exaggerated wound (you can clearly see his ear now, its an obvious lie) would only further expose his own pettiness. I'm not saying Kamala has to come out and say it, but I see no reason why we have to pretend he was actually shot.


Anyways, Dems always complain about Trump being held to a different standard and being able to get away with everything. Yeah, its because we hold him to a different standard and let him get away with everything.


I think the Dems using it as a campaign message could cause more harm than good, even though I agree with you. Thankfully, knowing how our society now works and especially how the social media biosphere works, they won't need to. Kamala and her campaign team would be better served staying out of that convo but not doing anything to squelch it, either. Besides, Trump gives her just a gargantuan amount of stuff to hammer him on, so she can play it safe here.

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50 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I've long said we should be giving a tax break for not having children. We're far less burden on society.  Encourage less procreation. 


There shouldn't be more than about 100 million humans on the planet anyway. 




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24 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


When he is campaigning on getting shot, it matters. When he is fundraising on getting his ear blown off, it matters. When he is blaming the other side for trying to have him killed, it matters. Pointing out his exaggerated wound (you can clearly see his ear now, its an obvious lie) would only further expose his own pettiness. I'm not saying Kamala has to come out and say it, but I see no reason why we have to pretend he was actually shot.


Anyways, Dems always complain about Trump being held to a different standard and being able to get away with everything. Yeah, its because we hold him to a different standard and let him get away with everything.


He was shot at, he can campaign on it if he wants.  I haven't seen any fundraising from his campaign on the "ear blown off" narrative (a lot of that was spawned from fake facebook accounts), nor have I seen him blame democrats after the details of the shooter came out...just an amorphous "they" during the convention.  Having said that, I don't pay attention to the Trump sphere, so maybe he is fundraising on it and blaming democrats.  It would be great if you sourced those claims (I imagine they are in "Truth" posts, or some such).  As for pretending whether he was shot or not, I again say the answer is "we don't know".  The FBI has made no definitive claim.


Also, I don't know about you but I certainly don't have enough experience to determine the difference between how it feels to have my ear grazed by a bullet vs grazed by shrapnel carried by the bullet.  Much less tell the difference in feeling between the two through a haze of shock.  All I know is if I was shot at and felt something hit my ear at velocity causing it to bleed, I'd be running with "I got grazed by a bullet" as well.


Now, has he milked it for all its worth after the shooting.  Yes.  That I agree with.  The bandage and such is absurd.  No need to call it out at all tho, just makes you look petty.  Sometimes the best messaging is to sit back and let the other side punch themselves in the face.

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I agree with @Jabbyrwock


and would generalize it to say - spend your time campaigning about you, your plans, the future you want, and overall having a positive message


let the dem surrogates make the rounds talking about how bad Trump is. Let Trump embarrass himself regularly. Let Republicans be the doom and gloom party. 

people need something positive to glom onto right now. Be that. 

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