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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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2 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

You all realize if Biden is +4 nationally it's a dead heat with the electoral college.  DeSantis +2 nationally means DeSantis wins the electoral college.


Yeah and Hillary was on track to be in the White House in 2016. Polls mean next to nothing imo.


We shall see 

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1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

You all realize if Biden is +4 nationally it's a dead heat with the electoral college.  DeSantis +2 nationally means DeSantis wins the electoral college.

Not really. National polls mean little since the ec is what matters. 

you’d have to look at individual states. 

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7 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:


Why would the federal government get involved in how principals are hired?  Does the GOP in general think that's a good idea?


If some school district wants to make the hiring of the principals a direct election, they can.

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On 6/23/2023 at 2:41 PM, tshile said:

I’m in complete agreement with you @PeterMP


but from what I’ve seen - the visibility is clearly different in liberal areas and it seems obvious to me why that is. 

but generally I’m more in favor of looking for productive solutions as opposed to demonizing or using them as a political talking point. 

for all the negatives of the visibility, those same places have the positives like treating drug addiction as a health and wellness issue not a criminal issue. When someone does wind up in the criminal justice system sentences usually lean towards treatment and expungement of the arrest or other “first time offender” style programs. They have more needle exchanges or other similar things proven to help. They’ve even opened up drugs to legalization (beyond marijuana) and I’m for that. 

but sometimes it seems like people are talking past each other. In my mind, DeSantis comments align with what I see when it comes to the visibility and public use of it. But that’s different than the rest of it.

that said, I have no reason to believe DeSantis has any motive other than taking shots at liberal policies. 

Well. I sort of broke it into two different categories. I don’t give a **** - I can walk by people shooting up and not care. I didn’t feel unsafe. I even said I’d love to live there with my wife, I think we’d have a great time. 

but no way in hell do I want my kids walking by it on their way to the grocery store in the nicest and most well kept areas of the city - like I did for a week. It was easy to figure out which spots were for it. They’re sitting right there in plain site. But it’s not like I changed my routes once I figured it out, again it doesn’t bother me. 

but it is gross and disgusting and I don’t personally think it’s a good idea. I don’t want to claim it leads to bigger issues, as I said I never felt unsafe, but it seems to me that would be a reasonable outcome to predict generally speaking. 

but yeah the only druggies I am on guard around are meth heads, and I guess heroin/crack heads cause they tend to steal things but it’s not like I have them in my house. But methheads can be unpredictably violent and for the dumbest of reasons 

Your hypothesis that what you observed was due to lax enforcement is a gross oversimplification. I'd bet it's one reason, but certainly not the only one and probably not the most important reason you see this.


Looked at broadly, there isn't that big a difference in using between rural and urban areas. However, what you observed was a result of the mixture of greater availability of services/healthcare in urban areas, more population density that provides more anonymity and hence greater opportunities for ways to support their habit, and the presence of more people who are more affluent to panhandle from in a relatively small area.


It's also a function of the lack of density and visibility of the homeless in rural areas. They're there; you're just not seeing them because they're tucked away in the woods somewhere. When you do see them, you're likely to only see a few, again due to lower population density. Just like the addicts in the urban areas, rural addicts are getting high in front of their tents or whatever.


As you said, though, it's great fodder for the moronic GOP base to distract them from the fact that they're living in a ****hole just like the immigrants at whom they look down their noses. Personally, I'd love to see an urban Mayor start bundling up busloads of the homeless that originated in rural areas and sending them back from whence they came. I'm sure they'd love the influx of loved ones they haven't seen in a while.

Edited by The Sisko
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2 hours ago, tomwvr said:

I like Scott and am intrigued by Ramaswamy, but I think it will end up be DeSantis.

It'll be interesting to see the dynamics at the GOP debates. Christie appears to be the only one who one can say with confidence will attack Trump. But where do the others put their line of fire towards? Does Trump even show up?


Jonah Goldberg wrote a column about a month ago which summarizes the problem. The operative excerpt:


The point isn’t that Haley and all the others, save for Chris Christie, former New Jersey governor, who relishes a fight, are cowards for not going after Trump. They’d all throw the kitchen sink at Trump if they thought it would work. But after years of institutionalized cowardice with regard to Trump, the Republican Party now has a sizable number of voters who like the worst stuff about Trump. They want the entertainment; the policy stuff is incidental. They enjoy watching Trump take the low road, and even those voters who might wince at some of Trump’s antics still recoil at anyone making hay of it. Voter miseducation is real.


I’m not saying all of Trump’s most loyal voters are bad or deplorable people. But what a lot of them want from politics is bad and deplorable. Tim Scott is too good for these voters because he’s a good guy.




Goldberg is trying to be too kind. I used to recoil at the "deplorables" label, but if that's in fact what these people want, the shoe fits.

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13 hours ago, PeterMP said:

Why would the federal government get involved in how principals are hired?  Does the GOP in general think that's a good idea?

Yes, they do. For a few reasons, but the 2 biggest I can think of are:


1. Governor Sweatervest in VA. Youngkin won the governorship on, mostly, telling suburban parents (especially suburban moms) that they're the smartest and most specialist people in the whole world and know more about how kids learn and what they should learn than people who do it for a living. And that kids, even high school kids preparing for college or the work force, shouldn't have to ever be exposed to the ideas that like, racism exists or gay people exist. Also did you hear the story about how some school in another state is letting kids **** in litterboxes because they think they're cats?! (And it's totally wasn't one school putting buckets full of litter in classrooms in case there's an active ****ing shooter and some 6 year old needs to pee out of fear. No sir, shut up!)


2. Republicans HATE public education. Have ever since desegregation. It's a huge part of their push for private and especially religious schools over the years, because then taxpayer money can finally be used for discrimination again. The poors, the minorities, the kids who need IEPs, etc., are just a drain on the resources of our precious White Christian children who need to be in schools separated from those types. So getting some Moms for Insanity types elected as principals is a great way to ensure that local public education sucks. Get some "everything I don't like is grooming and CRT" type as principal and you can torpedo the entire curriculum from the inside and prove to everyone else how right you are about schools being awful. You know the Republican way: intentionally sabotage government services to prove government services are bad.


And we'll see how things play out in the next couple year, but if a bunch of wealthy, educated swing voters in a swing state like VA can be fooled into voting for the party that wants to destroy education because they somehow were convinced that that will make education better? If that works, why wouldn't you take it nationwide?

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14 hours ago, PeterMP said:


Why would the federal government get involved in how principals are hired?  Does the GOP in general think that's a good idea?


If some school district wants to make the hiring of the principals a direct election, they can.

When your base consists of the undereducated and there aren't enough of them to win, undereducating more people is almost a requirement.  It's already hard to find people willing to teach, this would crash the entire system.  Can you imagine the competing curriculums that would surface?

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14 hours ago, PeterMP said:

Does the GOP in general think that's a good idea?

Just observing that "what does the GOP think" seems to depend on how you measure it. 

I suspect that if you take a survey, very few Republicans would tell a pollster that they support disenfranchising black voters. But when the legislature draws districts, 100% of them vote for it. 

Does "the GOP in general" support banning abortions for 12 year old rape victims?  Do you want the "polling" answer, or the "legislating" answer?  

How about "closing the gun show loophole"?  

"Shrinking the deficit"?


There seems to be a large disparity between "what they want, when they're not in power", and "what they want, the instant that they have the ability to get it". 

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14 hours ago, PeterMP said:


Why would the federal government get involved in how principals are hired?  Does the GOP in general think that's a good idea?


If some school district wants to make the hiring of the principals a direct election, they can.

I’m not convinced it’s a serious legislative item. 

I think what’s happening is they’ve lost the battle on general public and policy stuff - but recognize that acceptance and tolerance of policies people don’t agree with is not uniform.


What people accept as a general public thing may (and I think is) different than what they’ll accept in a public school (for example.)


I know of people that don’t hate gay or trans peopele as a general statement, but certainly are against the role schools have started playing in the “debate.”


seems to me it’s just playing to those people. Trying to earn their support by saying they draw the line at schools, etc. 

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"Man of the Decade" 🤣


Totally phony made up award by the Oakland County Republican Party. Trump even claims it's the second time he's received the award.


Article from 2013 makes no mention of any such award.





Also is Meatball Ron wearing a vintage Jiffy Lube uniform there? 

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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