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Can You See Your Fandom Ending at Some Point???


Do you see yourself at some point ending being a Commanders fan???  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you see yourself at some pointing ending being a Commanders fan???

    • Yes, and I'll pick another team to be fan of (and never come back, not even for replacement DC franchise)
    • Yes, and I'll pick another team to be fan of (Open to coming back)
    • Yes, but won't pick another team to be fan of (Open to Coming Back)
    • Yes, but won't pick another team to be fan of (Never Coming Back)
    • No, fan for life, even if they move to another TV market, like London or St. Louis
    • No, but if they leave DC market I'll be fan of another team (and become fan of new DC football team if DC gets one)
    • No, but if they leave DC market I won't pick a new team (will be fan of new DC football team if DC get's one)
    • No, but if they leave DC market I'll pick new team and not be fan of a replacement DC franchise
    • No, if they leave I'm not picking new team nor being fan of new DC team if DC gets one
    • I don't know
    • It's too late, I'm already gone...
    • Yes, and let's be clear, if I'm only coming back for a new DC franchise, that means I'll NEVER be Commanders fan again once I'm gone (I'm never coming back)

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58 minutes ago, Inigo Montoya said:

I watch every minute of every weeks game. It’s just what I do, what I’ve always done. And I really really don’t know how to change it. But I know it makes me miserable. 
I recently quit drinking, feel the best I’ve felt in years… maybe turning 40 has me thinking about how I invest my time 17 Sunday’s a year. It’s completely joyless, it ruins my day, my interactions with people for the rest of the day. I need someone to men in black zap my memory and make me a chiefs fan (live in MO)

This is 100% how it is for me too 😢

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I root for the home teams

grew up in the dc area born at holly cross hospital almost 56 years ago.

i will root for the redskins until i die, i cant call them the new name. What i truly hope

for is the nfl moves this ****ty team and gives us a new expansion team that gets called the washington americans and they go back to the old indian logo ( i can dream cant I)

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Redskins lifer. Been to 2 Super Bowls. Just moved to Hilton Head Island. Jacksonville is just 2 1/2 hours away. They’ve got cool uniforms, and Trevor is dreamy!


I gave up my season tickets 12 years ago, because I could not, in good conscious, give Dan Snyder any more of my hard earned dollars. He has almost killed my, live for every Sunday, fanhood.


I do reserve the right to come back if someone stuffs Snyder into a cannon, and fires him into the middle of the Pacific Ocean…preferably amongst a slew of ravenous sharks.

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Been a fan since 1991. Got to witness that phenomenal season, so it's incredibly tough to find myself abandoning Washington. However, if the team were sold and moved, I would likely start following my son's favorite team, the Lions. I do to a certain degree now, but at that point I'd be all in. 

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I think I answered this similar question in the "Do you really even care" thread but I will summarize here:


I don't think I will ever stop being a fan of the team, but similarly to the other teams I root for (NorCal/Sacramento guy) The Oakland A's & Sacramento Kings, San Jose Sharks.....3 of the 4 teams I invest my time in are mediocre most seasons (all for different reasons) and while it doesn't take away my fandom of the teams specifically, it makes me less interested in following the entire league(s).  

Next to March/April, October should be the most exciting month of sports,  NFL is a month in and the level of play is improving, MLB post-season,  NBA/NHL regular season starting.  Really, for sports fans you have some of everything going on.  But it is hard for me to take enjoyment in the league overall when season after season the team I root for has zero stakes in anything.   Maybe I was just spoiled as a kid because I got to live through some of the better eras of the franchises I rooted for, but my excitement for watching what else is going on in all these leagues is just at it's lowest point in years.  Part of it might be also because I am in my early 40's now, I have kids, one hitting pre-teen years soon, so I am dedicating more of my free time to their needs and stuff, but up until recently I was never a "watch my team and then move on for the day" guy......

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After the Nationals won the World Series in 2019, my relationship with sports fandom completely changed. I reached a level of catharsis that is truly transcendent and I feel like I am "fulfilled" as a sports fan in a way I'm not in any other facet of my life. 


So, like...I will always follow this team but more like a civic institution and less like a football team.

Edited by thebluefood
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On 10/10/2022 at 1:09 PM, Long n Left said:


I do reserve the right to come back if someone stuffs Snyder into a cannon, and fires him into the middle of the Pacific Ocean…preferably amongst a slew of ravenous sharks.


What a cruel thing to do....







...to the sharks. 🤪

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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Ironically, maybe the only thing keeping the team in DC today (along with the lucrative league-wide TV deal) is those idiotic visiting team takeovers. Without that, the team might already be gone.

It is an embarrassing shame what has become of this once-proud franchise.

Edited by studzmckenzie
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I will always be a fan and follow the team, but like the last 20  years, I don't live and die with results.  It's a combination of getting older (57) and the Snyder effect.  Now if we ever became a good team again, the emotion would probably come back.


I will say lurking here, keeps my fandom in tact.

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On 10/10/2022 at 9:48 AM, CommanderInTheRye said:

Even stars eventually die but some are oh so beautiful when they do...


A lot of things in this universe look way better from 6500 light years away while up close its just fiery burning and death (e.g. stars collapsing, accretion disks, my ex-wife).   Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're in the up close and personal distance with your fandom, so probably more fiery burning than beautiful when it goes.

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36 minutes ago, Jabbyrwock said:


A lot of things in this universe look way better from 6500 light years away while up close its just fiery burning and death (e.g. stars collapsing, accretion disks, my ex-wife).   Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're in the up close and personal distance with your fandom, so probably more fiery burning than beautiful when it goes.


Well said.


Some things are meant to be seen from a distance to truly be appreciated.


Take mount Rushmore. From a certain distance the image resolves perfectly but get too close and as our perspective changes we begin to see imperfections and distortions, we can't quite grasp the whole anymore.


So I guess the quantum mechanics moral to my story is-- don't look at things too closely because at some point you'll find nothing there at all.






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54 minutes ago, Ghost of said:

It's already gone. I'm here for the atmosphere and the attitude.


I think personal and social things destroyed it, I got too busy and I also despised Jay Gruden and his forever-tenure was where I truly came to grasp the futility.

Geez dude. You're an ancient here just like me. I lost interest after the 2017 season when Snyder basically picked up Smith to replace Cousins. I had been slowly getting apathetic for years but that kind of did it for me. Not that I thought Cousins was a super hero, but he's the best we had since the early 90s. Also, I even mentioned on this board years ago that I couldn't be a fan of this team if the name changed so, despite Snyder's incompetence, I don't think I could follow the Commanders even if they were good and the front office was competent. It was always going to be Redskins for me. So yeah, I visit here but haven't followed this team for over four years.

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I’m super close, I was almost gone to the point of figuring out did I want to be a fan of a team close, or a team I can travel to in a nice area/ area I like to visit once or twice a season and have a great time (Jacksonville, Miami, Indy) but I only root for DC teams so I didn’t pull the trigger. 

I still watch but get little pleasure out of it, I usually bet against them, and while I think they will always occupy a spot on my TV son sundays it’s not the main screen. I love football and will always watch on Sunday but nowadays it’s redzone or the best game in at the time. 

Even if they started winning I still don’t think it would be good enough for me, because it won’t be the same as the Redskins winning, it will be the stupid Commanders and won’t feel right. I haven’t bought merch since the name change and Don’t intend to. I haven’t been to a home game in 6 years (was going to at least 3-4 a year) and don’t intend to. But I just can’t pull the trigger on leaving for good, mostly because as I mentioned earlier my entire sports fandom is all DC. 

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