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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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Nuclear saber rattling is a time honored Russian tradition.


They love to watch the west **** itself.  Probably 90% of their saber rattling is by design.


The other 10% is questioning whether Putin is all there or if he thinks it's religiously good to cleanse the world in flame or if someone if expanding the definition of "existential threat."


The thing is Putin has used chemical weapons somewhat consistently, which is only really 1 step from tactical nukes, so as much as it's a 70 year taboo to use nukes of ANY sort (even the 0.3 kiloton tactical ones), it's not impossible to see it.


I do hope this narrowing of the scope of the conflict is real and not some fake-out meant to try and get the west to lose interest.


The east and south are where their supply lines work the best, so they can maintain a conventional war there much better/longer without needing to resort of unconventional weapons.


There was a report they are running out of precision guided missiles.  That is somewhat dangerous bc at that point you either have to turn to carpet bombing or up the ante to unconventional weapons.  But if they are focusing their invasion on a more narrow scope that lessens the need for precision weapons and may prevent such possible escalation from occuring.




That's a big one.  2 star.

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44 minutes ago, tshile said:

also fits the narrative that the eastern and coastal areas, where pipeline and natural gas reserve are, is all this was about in the first place


Which. As a side note. If that is all this was ever about… and intelligence services had this dubbed as bat**** crazy putin willing to launch nukes to reclaim USSR borders from forever ago… then that’s a massive failure and putin punked everyone.


Putin’s goal to “demilitarize and de-Natzify Ukraine” while attempting to siege Kyiv and assassinate the President would suggest otherwise.

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39 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

I don’t think that’s all it was ever about.  I think this is Putin moving the goalposts to try and save face.

Sure. Which I also think is possible. 

but this week there’s been some writings about this really being about the pipeline (ukraine charges them tariffs or whatever since it goes through ukraine) and a huge (largest in Europe?) natural gas field that was discovered along the coast. 

29 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

There was a report they are running out of precision guided missiles.  That is somewhat dangerous bc at that point you either have to turn to carpet bombing or up the ante to unconventional weapons

This was the reasoning why he started using hyper-sonic missiles, they ran out of the cheaper guided missiles they were using 

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Putin committed war crimes. He shouldn't be allowed to remain or have parts of Ukraine.  All he will do is regroup and rebuild his army and then invade again in the future. You give him some areas, it will make it easier for the next invasion.  Now, obviously he won't leave; so have to continue the sanctions. Make it so, his own people will remove him.

You are just giving green light for other countries to do it. Big failure of Obama.

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I really doubt his own people will remove him.

Disinformation is huge in Russia so brainwashing is working hard and fast.

Even if some are not backing Putin, most of them are. I don't see or read anything about protests in St Petersburg or Moscow nowadays, so I would believe there's not much of them. Be it because people are scared or they believe the **** they are being served, result is the same.


Just for clarification, here is the tweet from the Russian Embassy in Paris today:

Everything you want to know about Russia's is in. They're depicting themselves as the good guys, and us as the bad guys.


When I watch this, I'm wondering how long are we gonna wait until we kick them out of Ukraine and get rid of those assholes?


Our countries managers have been dealing with autocrats and tyrants for decades like they are their regular car dealer without even wondering about geopolitical stuff and such, bummers. Stop acting like you care, step up on this and try to be anything else than just an economic manager and be a real leader here... Wondering where those Churchill, Roosevelt or De Gaulle type of guys are right now, but they're not confronting Russia.

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Looks like, assuming they aren't feinting, they are narrowing the scope of their op to the more successful fronts.


Their explanation for actions around Kyiv make sense as well, in a covering-our-ass kind of way.  Hard to reinforce the east while the capital is half encircled.  Freeze a large chunk of their army west and you can push in the east/south much more easily.


This may prolong the conflict tho, even as it narrows the scope down.  Gonna be like 2014 but on a wider scope.

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44 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Putin committed war crimes. He shouldn't be allowed to remain or have parts of Ukraine.  All he will do is regroup and rebuild his army and then invade again in the future. You give him some areas, it will make it easier for the next invasion.  Now, obviously he won't leave; so have to continue the sanctions. Make it so, his own people will remove him.

You are just giving green light for other countries to do it. Big failure of Obama.

Pro tip: When you fault Obama for things for which he's actually to blame, i.e. everything, you're supposed to pronounce it "OH Bommuh". For example:


Hey, Jim Bob, who's responsible for....

COVID? OH Bommuh!

Mosquitoes? OH Bommuh!

Jock itch? OH Bommuh!

Bama losing to Georgia? OH Bommuh!

Wrong prediction from Q? OH Bommuh!

Antifa storming the Capital? OH Bommuh!

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2 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

I don’t think that’s all it was ever about.  I think this is Putin moving the goalposts to try and save face.

In his invasion speech Putin clearly states he wanted a "de-militarized" Ukraine, which isn't going to happen.  Though I have no doubt that he will probably pull a Baghdad Bob spin it that way, citing Ukranian losses.  If Russia can defeat the forces in Mariupol where the Azov battalion has been fighting, thats another win.  Though Putin did not call out any group specifically to my knowledge,  Zelenskyy has actually specifically mentioned Azov in at least once, so if it doesn't get Zelenskyy thats another thing he will have to spin. 

But I think he's up against the wall because his army is facing a possibility of being tactically defeated in the field at least, in some sectors (Kyiv), which would be a disaster.  So it definitely seems like they are setting a justification of a withdrawal of those forces.   Then he would punt the football to Ukraine, challenging them to try to retake lost territory, which would be difficult and slow, and help to shift opinion what some may view as reasonable peace offer. 

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Russian soldiers ran over their commander, apparently blaming him for heavy losses in Ukraine, Western official says


Russian troops ran over their own commander in response to the Ukraine invasion, a Western official said.

The official said it was done as "consequences of the losses they had taken," one report said.

The official said the colonel died, and an earlier report said he was brought to hospital with injured legs.

Russian soldiers ran their commander over in protest of the heavy losses that Russia has suffered during its invasion of Ukraine, a Western official said.

The official was cited by several UK defense writers on Friday afternoon.

It appeared to confirm a previously-reported story about a senior commander run over by a tank.

Larisa Brown, defense editor of The Times of London, tweeted, citing the unnamed official, that the commander "has been killed by one of his own units" and that the colonel "was ran over by his own troops deliberately."

The colonel was named as Colonel Medvechek, commander of 37 Motor Rifle Brigade, by Deborah Haynes, security and defense editor for Sky News, who also cited a Western official.

The earlier report had named him as Colonel Yuri Medvedev, a similar but not identical name,

The official said he was "run over by his soldiers," according to Haynes.





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'CUT OFF HIS EARS' Moment Russian ‘Butcher of Mariupol’ demands to know why his own soldier hasn’t been MUTILATED for wearing uniform wrong


THIS is the horrifying moment the Russian "Butcher of Mariupol" demanded to know why one of his own soldiers hadn't had his ears cut off for wearing the wrong uniform.


Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev appeared to call for the soldier to have his "face messed up" in a chilling intercepted phone call - and urged others to beat him with a bottle for the mistake.


Dubbed the "Butcher of Mariupol", Col Mizintsev is officially known as the director of the Russian National Centre for Defence Management.


Ukraine has alleged that Putin's general was behind both the bombing of a maternity hospital in the city as well as the shelling of a theatre being used as a bomb shelter by up to 1,000 people.


In an audio clip shared by Olexander Scherba, Ukraine's ex-Austrian ambassador, brutal Col Mizintsev can be heard berating a junior officer for not disciplining a private.


The high-ranking military official can be heard saying: "Look at that scum standing there, frowning with his bovine eyes, showing me his unhappy face, his stinking mug.


"Why is he still serving? And why should I have to waste my time with your scum? If you're the head of a unit, then step up to the plate.  


"Why is his face not mutilated yet? Why hasn't anyone cut off his ears? Why isn't this moron limping yet?


"At night, when he walks out, unknown assailants jump him. Just jump him over and over, beating him in the face with a bottle and then pouring another litre into it."


Click on the link for the full article and audio

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Kremlin TV Descends Into Screaming Match Over Putin’s War Failures


As Russia’s war against Ukraine enters its second month, the grim picture of destruction and suffering is breaking through on state-controlled television. Before the invasion, military experts predicted a rapid takeover of Russia’s peaceful neighbor in a matter of minutes. Now that the reality is starting to set in, they’re grimly surmising that it will take several decades to subdue freedom-loving Ukraine.


State TV’s talking heads have tried in vain to paint a rosy picture of the Kremlin’s invasion, but the cracks are starting to show. On Thursday, with screens depicting dramatic images of demolished Mariupol flashing behind them, hosts of the state television show 60 Minutes, Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov, tried to point out the “positives.” They noted that Russia promised to pay compensation to some Ukrainians from the “affected” territories—10,000 rubles each, amounting to a mere $100 dollars.


To make matters worse, Ukrainians forcefully deported to Russia might end up in places like the Russian island of Sakhalin in the Pacific, with freezing cold temperatures and stark landscapes. After discussing news reports about ongoing relocations, Evgeny Popov helpfully pointed out: “But in Sakhalin, the salaries are the highest in the country!”


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US volunteers reach the frontline of the war in Ukraine


US volunteers have been seen in video footage from the frontlines in Ukraine, suggesting that the international legion fighting alongside the Ukrainian army is playing an increasingly active role.


Two video clips featuring US fighters appeared on Twitter on Thursday: one showing an American in combat gear posing in front of the burnt remains of what he said was a Russian tank.


The first video was posted by James Vasquez, a US army veteran and building contractor from Connecticut, who, according to his Twitter feed, arrived in Poland on 15 March and crossed into Ukraine the next day, bringing with him several surveillance drones. He was sent to the frontlines from Lviv on 18 March.


“I kind of feel like I’m on an awesome very dangerous vacation,” he said. And in another tweet: “When I need to amp myself up for battle, I just think about the most punchable face on the planet … Tucker Carlson.”


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France, Turkey and Greece (would could have expected that!) are planning on a massive scale humanitarian expedition to remove every remaining citizen in Marioupol that wants to flee.


Seems like a gutfull move, with some huge NATO implication here as I doubt we would conduct that without any military to protect them.

That's the recipe for a Russian or Tchetchen mistakes that could have huge implication as Putin will probably never allow it and we're still gonna do it, and someone will think it's fun to bomb them.


Still good to see that we're gonna do something else than just standing on our couch and watching news feed on TV.

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Kremlin official says West has declared 'total war' on Russia


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday took aim at the sanctions the United States and other countries have imposed on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine, saying he believes that the West has declared "total war" on Russia.


Lavrov made his comments during a meeting in which he described actions that Western nations have taken in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine as "a real hybrid war," adding that "total war was declared on us," The Associated Press reported.


Lavrov also said that he believes the West has a goal "to destroy, break, annihilate, strangle the Russian economy, and Russia on the whole," according to the AP.


He then warned that Russia does have allies.


"We have many friends, allies, partners in the world, a huge number of associations in which Russia is working with countries of all continents, and we will continue to do so," Lavrov reportedly said.


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1 hour ago, China said:


"We have many friends, allies, partners in the world, a huge number of associations in which Russia is working with countries of all continents, and we will continue to do so," Lavrov reportedly said.


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I have many friends. So many. Some people say I have more friends than anybody else ever.  All over the world. People love me. They say I’m the best at friendship. 

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