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And for *that* reason, I'm out.

86 Snyder

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16 minutes ago, zskins said:

So who are you going to be rooting for now? Cowboys?


I'll root against the NFC East, Baltimore, and the Patriots. Outside of that, I'm just going to enjoy good games -  I don't see the point in picking a new team that I don't have roots with.

Edited by Recovering_Spaz
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I honestly don’t blame anyone for leaving this **** sandwich. This organization is an embarrassment on and off the field and I’m starting to question my morals for supporting this dumpster fire. I feel that I’ve somewhat lowered my standards by supporting Dan Snyder’s circus of fail. Everything this franchise does is low class, everything. 


There’s no hope. None, zilch, nada. We have no quarterback, no talented players (except Terry) clueless coaches, and worst of all, that five foot sack of excrement is still there sitting in his high chair as the stepford wife spoon feeds him gruel. 


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1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

root for the worst outcome for Dan Snyder every time. Otherwise just enjoy great football games and great players. It’s an amazing sport and there is plenty to enjoy without having a particular rooting interest 


That is what I do. I watch the team and the players and their effort. Don't give a **** about Dan. One day he will fall in the hole he has been digging for himself. Until then I enjoy watching the bad and the good every Sunday. I was a football fan first and Redskins fan later. So I watch other games all day long. Can't take the football out of me on Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays. :)


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Guys who are leaving Football Team behind, I’d roll with the bills or cardinals. Looking like they are gonna be the leaders for the next several years! You could actually root for both since afc nfc y’all. 

1 hour ago, Stone Cold said:

If we continue on our current trajectory, we’ll be one of the youngest teams in th nfl for the next few years.  The seeds have to grow.  Y’all crazy impatient.  I mean….all we all asked for was someone to come in and do what Ron’s doin.  We made a playoff appearance by accident last season.  We didn’t just need a new roof and siding.  We needed a total demolition and foundational rebuild.  It is happening.  With each season passed and the overall talent and speed being improved, the trenches being sured up.  

RR isn’t putting lipstick on a pig.  He’s balls deep in a rebuild and hitting more than he’s missing.  

What position do you think is taken care of? What evidence? Just because we have young scrubs doesn’t mean we don’t have scrubs….

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2 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

We were there.





Watching this video... I became emotional at the end when they flashed 21... then the band started Hail to the Redskins.

As I looked in the stadium and heard those words from Coach Gibbs, and hearing Sean say that he's happy that he got his chance to play for the Redskins.  It smacked me that this team we spend 3 hours a week struggling to watch is in no way the great team that I remember.

I'm with the others...  The Redskins (and Sean) are forever gone.


I hope they choose an absurd name like the Washington Presidential Commodores and change their colors to Pink and Purple, so it will make an easier break for me.


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Well, remember Dan drove away ES's papa.   He rarely posts.


If I wanted to switch fandoms; I would've done it when the Panthers started.  I decided it would be cool to follow a team from it's birth and they became my second team. I even have photos of the  Panthers stadium under construction. I lived in Charlotte for second half of 1995.  I realized you can't really follow 2 teams and gave up the Panthers after about 3 years.


Now, after the Skins are out of it and usually it's early; I root for the non NFC East team that has suffering fans.   I really hope the Bills win it this year, my pick. Especially, because I think there's a strong chance their owner moves them when he doesn't get a new stadium.


I know Dan will do more ****ty things like the Sean Taylor # retirement fiasco because he doesn't care. Anything he does, will be to distract from the latest misdeed.


I just realized, there's one way for Dan to get his stadium. Partner with a casino and have the first NFL CasinoStadium.  Those gamblers will flock to Dannyworld to gamble, not caring about the actual team that plays at Dannyworld.  You can bet on NFL games from you stadium seat.   The $$$$$$$$$$ will come rolling into Dan.  

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7 hours ago, Stone Cold said:

my theory on fandom:  you follow a team you’re born into.  (Me)

you’re a latent fan that decides to follow the league and cheer for a successful team.

those are really the only true fans in my book.  
If you find yourself team changing…you’re a fan of something other than the team

That is horse****.  Born into LOL Be a man and stop letting yourself get abused by Snyder.  You don’t have to take this **** if you don’t want to. You can root for whoever the **** you want to. Screw Snyder and this rag tag organization. 

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6 hours ago, mh86 said:

I heard it makes you more of a fan if you tell people they aren’t true fans.


Sir...you taste of America



6 hours ago, zskins said:

Can't take the football out of me on Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays. :)


What...you mean like...spend an autumn Sunday sober? :table2:



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7 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:


You're 100% correct and I truly dont want think about him defiling Gibbs.  God help us all.

Oh, prepare yourself, because this ass clown will most certainly come up with the most angering, cringe worthy “tribute” to Coach Gibbs when the unfortunate time comes. It’s what he is, what he does, it’s in his ****ty DNA. As much as we loved ST21, the ire for him completely botching the Saint Joe tribute will be infinitely greater.  

7 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:


Edited by Catatonic
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7 hours ago, Stone Cold said:

didn’t come here to pick a fight with anyone.  Apologies if I offended you.  Now go watch the Steelers.


I had no issue with your post.  Probably shouldn't open it up again but I can see why you would say what you did.  If you are sticking with this dumpster fire then I do believe you are a better fan than say me. I still watch, I haven't completely bailed, but I only half root.  The long TD pass that gave them the lead, I literally had no reaction.  I'm numb.  But if you still have the passion I admire that.  



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To the OP -- that was a well written take on another embarrassing (understatement) situation that will be added to the almost incalculable amount of bad decisions made by this organization over that past 20+ years.  This exemplifies how years and years of mis-management, awful decisions, treating people that work for you and fans like ****, and lying will lead you to a place where you're capable of doing something like this.  I don't think Dan has the capacity to understand how bad this move was because he is in the self created blackhole of his hubris and ego.  Even with new people like Jason Wright as team president supposedly running things, and the "culture change" with Ron at the helm,....it can't be stopped.  The coming name change won't help either.  I refused to watch one second of that jersey retirement, I just couldn't do it.  Sean was a special player for the organization and meant a lot to the fanbase.  For it to be distilled down to a semi-haphazardly thrown together ceremony in a half-full stadium, in an attempt to deflect from another on-going (and serious) controversy, during another run away failure of a season is beyond sad.

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Everyone has their breaking point, and I totally understand. 


I'm pretty close, myself, though it isn't any one thing for me. The Redskins are gone, and whatever this thing is that's supposed to replace it, it's not finding a place in my heart. I'm still paying attention, for now, but I don't know for how much longer.

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23 minutes ago, LetThePointsSoar said:

@86 Snyder thank you for putting my feelings into words. I am not sure I'm strong enough to truly quit, but Snyder desecrating the memories of Sean is an absolute, disgusting new low. Even for this organization.  And that's saying something. 




Truly quit is a difficult thing to define.  I watch the whole league and always have, so I'll no doubt continue to see games.  Probably even cone here from time to time.  Its the passion and energy thats dead for me.  After yesterday its no longer apathy.  Its active disdain.  They way I'm used to feeling about Dallas.


23 minutes ago, profusion said:

Everyone has their breaking point, and I totally understand. 


I'm pretty close, myself, though it isn't any one thing for me. The Redskins are gone, and whatever this thing is that's supposed to replace it, it's not finding a place in my heart. I'm still paying attention, for now, but I don't know for how much longer.


Really well said.  The Redskins are gone and when the new crappy name gets announced, they'll slip away even further into the past.  There's nothing left for us here.  It's just...gone.

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