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WFT vs Chiefs Prediction Thread: The 'Used To Be's' vs the ' Has Beens '

skins island connection

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The Chiefs allow 7.2 yards on first down.

The Chiefs have allowed over 30 points a game. 


Even if Taylor is throwing it up to himself, we will score 30 points or more.


I'd start AG and McKissic in fantasy.


Their offense is running around playing back yard football like they don't know what to do, which matches up perfect with our defense that does the same.


Washington Red Scandlers 45

The team Tom Brady broke 38


We make 3-3 and frustratingly remain in playoff contention before entering murders row of our schedule. 


I'd take the over on 7 turnovers too. 


Game day threads gonna bit fire. :ols:

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8 hours ago, petey hodge said:

After the game's over, Ron will blame the loss on "two plays" ... again.



oh, and the final score will be

Washington Presidential Commodores  11

Kansas City Chiefs                                       38



Yup. 1) Walking onto the Field 2) Walking Off the Field.

He gets that right

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 Maybe i'm having second thoughts on this game tomorrow.

Things aren't so 'same ol' same ol' ', regarding the league. One or two teams smoking everyone else and being the envy of the other 30 teams isn't happening.

There are plenty of very good teams today, and some of these teams have already whipped KC, so the Chiefs could be held in mediocrity this year, which could make them desperate, and prone to making alot more mistakes which could be beneficial.


If the Chiefs lose tomorrow, it will be splattered all over every sporting talk show and sporting magazine. They know it. Pressure is a mo-fo...

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