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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

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'Drowning Our Democracy': US Billionaires Have Pumped Nearly $900,000,000 Into Midterms


"Billionaires represent 0.000002% of the American population, but they're responsible for 7.4% of all political donations so far this cycle," according to Americans for Tax Fairness.

With under a week until the U.S. midterm elections, Americans for Tax Fairness revealed Thursday that billionaires have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into campaigns this cycle, largely to benefit Republican candidates.


"A torrent of billionaire cash is drowning our democracy," declared Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF). "Money talks when it comes to influencing candidates and winning elections, and the loudest voices by far are billionaires pushing for lower taxes so they can accumulate even greater wealth and have even more power and influence."


"If we are going to have an economy that works for everyone, billionaires need to start paying their fair share," Clemente added. "And if we are going to have a democracy that works for everyone, we need to greatly curb the influence of billionaire money in our politics."


Based on an analysis of Federal Election Commission (FEC) data from Open Secrets, ATF found that through the end of September, "465 American billionaires have pumped over $881 million into federal midterm races," with the top 20 donor households giving 73% of the contributions, or collectively more than $643 million.


Putting that into a national context, ATF tweeted that "billionaires represent 0.000002% of the American population, but they're responsible for 7.4% of all political donations so far this cycle."



Click on the link for the full article

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Oh my gosh!!! As a whitey, that commercial opened my brown eye! I didn’t realize I have been discriminated against! 

oh my! I feel so disenfranchised and my white feelings are hurt. Oh how could the libruls do this to me?

thankfully I have two other eyes that are hazel and I can see straight. Phew! That was Close. I felt like the libs believed I was a second class citizen there for a moment. 

oh my gosh, they are just looking for fairness, that was close!


 Pray for me, I might survive!


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31 minutes ago, EmirOfShmo said:



Every single Republican in Congress voted to dismantle and cut Social Security, for six straight years under Obama.  


They were called the federal budgets, written by Paul Ryan.  


And every single one of them made the following changes to Social Security, as a hallmark feature.  


1)  Immediately wipe away the Social Security trust fund, and pretend that the US Treasury bonds which it's currently invested in, don't exist.  

2)  Immediately convert Social Security from an entity which keeps it's own books, into a "general revenue" fund.  (Thus making Social Security part of the federal deficit, which it has never contributed to in it's existence.)  

3)  Convert Social Security from a defined benefit program (where, every year, it spends whatever it costs, to pay the benefits it has promised) to a federal line-item allocation (where, every year, it spends however much money Congress chooses to give it that year, and if that's not enough then *shrug* gee, that's the budget.)  

4)  Convert it from a program where the federal government pays the citizen his promised amount, to one where the government pays each state, and the state decides what to do.  

5)  And, pay exactly the same dollar amount, every year going forward.  Every year, the number of people receiving Social Security goes up.  But under the Ryan budgets, every year, the amount of money paid to that ever-growing pool, stays the same.  
(What happens to the amount of money each retiree gets, every year, when the same amount of money gets divided up among a larger number of people?  Any clues?)  


(At present, every year, Social Security has to spend around 8% more, every year, just to keep the benefits the same.  The Ryan budgets pretend that well, if we simply spend the same as last year, they we aren't cutting SS.  We're simply not giving it enough money to keep the benefits the same.)  


And, while the Ryan budgets keep the total dollars spent the same every year, the revenues brought in go up every year.  (Because of population growth, and wage growth.)  The Ryan budgets feature, as a fundamental part of their budget, converting Social Security back into a federal program that takes in more money than it pays out.  (They just don't take that surplus and invest it in t-bills any more.  They take the money, spend it somewhere else, and there's no "IOU" to ever put it back into SS.)  In fact, one of the major talking points of the is that, if you keep SS taxes the same, but cut the benefits by 8% a year, for 35 straight years, you will have paid off the entire federal debt.  (Including the massive tax cut on the rich, which the Ryan budgets hand out, in Year One.)  


And I will point out - During Obama, as I recall, every single Republican in Congress voted for this proposal.  Every single year.  


They knew Obama would veto it.  But they proudly voted for it.  




No, a GOP majority will absolutely not vote for a bill that explicitly states "cut the social security check of everybody in America by 10%, effective immediately".  


But they've been trying dozens of ways they can change the rules, to make it so they can produce that result, without them actually, personally, voting to do it, themselves.  


From "Oh, let's just shut down the government and refuse to fund it, unless somebody else reduces the deficit, subject to our demand that they cannot touch taxes or the military.  But hey, we aren't demanding anything in particular be cut."  To "Oh, let's just give the states an amount that we know in advance won't be enough to cover existing benefits, and pretend that gee, the states did it."  "Gee, it's not our fault that Granny's check got 10% smaller this month.  We budgeted the same amount as last year."  


Edited by Larry
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I'm torn


Caught between my better half that genuinely wants a better world and brighter future


And my darker self that kinda wants to see this horror come to pass just so that those responsible can face the retribution they deserve


The angel that longs for that inclusive Star Trekky future where we move forward together


The devil that believes these ****ing inbreds should be drawing lots in the cold to decide which one of their kids to eat


The intellectual me that knows we have to acknowledge our past to have a future


The visceral me that is rooting for the ZA 



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10 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

I'm torn


Caught between my better half that genuinely wants a better world and brighter future


And my darker self that kinda wants to see this horror come to pass just so that those responsible can face the retribution they deserve


The angel that longs for that inclusive Star Trekky future where we move forward together


The devil that believes these ****ing inbreds should be drawing lots in the cold to decide which one of their kids to eat


The intellectual me that knows we have to acknowledge our past to have a future


The visceral me that is rooting for the ZA 



You don't  want racists to win because once in power, they would make sure they don't leave. They have openly said that.


Sadly, the fascists will be more than happy Tuesday.

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I don’t think the GOOP wants to get rid of SS on their watch to save money, they just want to get rid of it while a Dem is President, so they will be blamed and can say that a Democrat took away your SS. Most people don’t follow Congress and how they rule, so it’s easy to attribute blame.


When the Count of Mostly Crisco was elected, the GOOP had full control for 2 years. They didn’t get rid of SS, even though they were given an opportunity to do so. They are just trying to make the other party look bad at the peoples expense. I find it disgusting

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4 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

You don't  want racists to win because once in power, they would make sure they don't leave. They have openly said that.


Sadly, the fascists will be more than happy Tuesday.


Yanno, I find it funny (odd funny, not ha-ha funny) that so many seem to assume that IF evil seizes power that's it, everyone will just throw up their hands and accept it.


They won't

MILLIONS of people won't

Vast numbers of people that never knew they could fight, they could bleed and even die for a cause will discover that within themselves.

Uncountable numbers of peaceful, everyday, docile people that would have gladly chosen to just live out their lives simply will find that they are actually werewolves, willing to spill blood and howl at the moon

Yes, I get it, I know exactly what the morlocks plan and what they want. I really do. 

The reality is that getting from their greasy little masturbatory fantasies to making those things manifest won't be possible, much less easy

Yeah, they'll have their little parades and rallies and outfit themselves with snazzy uniforms in black and silver with lightning bolts and all that other juvenile ****, but that's not going to get them to the finish line.

Grandmas will be handing out poisoned muffins

Little girls will be stabbing them in the heart

School teachers will be laying landmines

Teenagers will be sniping them from the roadside

They will quickly come to see everyone as an enemy, because everyone not wearing their snazzy uniforms (and a few that do) will BE the enemy

If they could genuinely see the future they'd cut their own throats, because what's coming for them won't be that kind

Their blind lack of comprehension keeps them from seeing that their "victory" just draws the lines clearly, makes them and theirs easier to see and target

The dark, greedy, grasping monstrosity of their intentions guarantees that they will receive no mercy once the **** goes down.



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The young are our future! Meaning that they were born and raised with the rights they had their entire lives and now they've lost some and are likely to lose more if Fascism is the political system going forward. Especially women's bodily autonomy. It's not like us women's rights and gay/lesbian marchers of the late 60s, 70s, and beyond who fought for our rights to see them vanish.



Edited by LadySkinsFan
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1 hour ago, LD0506 said:


Yanno, I find it funny (odd funny, not ha-ha funny) that so many seem to assume that IF evil seizes power that's it, everyone will just throw up their hands and accept it.


They won't

MILLIONS of people won't

Vast numbers of people that never knew they could fight, they could bleed and even die for a cause will discover that within themselves.

Uncountable numbers of peaceful, everyday, docile people that would have gladly chosen to just live out their lives simply will find that they are actually werewolves, willing to spill blood and howl at the moon

Yes, I get it, I know exactly what the morlocks plan and what they want. I really do. 

The reality is that getting from their greasy little masturbatory fantasies to making those things manifest won't be possible, much less easy

Yeah, they'll have their little parades and rallies and outfit themselves with snazzy uniforms in black and silver with lightning bolts and all that other juvenile ****, but that's not going to get them to the finish line.

Grandmas will be handing out poisoned muffins

Little girls will be stabbing them in the heart

School teachers will be laying landmines

Teenagers will be sniping them from the roadside

They will quickly come to see everyone as an enemy, because everyone not wearing their snazzy uniforms (and a few that do) will BE the enemy

If they could genuinely see the future they'd cut their own throats, because what's coming for them won't be that kind

Their blind lack of comprehension keeps them from seeing that their "victory" just draws the lines clearly, makes them and theirs easier to see and target

The dark, greedy, grasping monstrosity of their intentions guarantees that they will receive no mercy once the **** goes down.



What a dark day for America if this happens. Possibly, the world, because we will be so busy fighting each other, that a lot of other countries will take advantage and take over places that they want. It might just change into a world war where everyday citizens are fighting against crap countrys like China, Saudis, And Russia. There might be some ethnic cleansing going on. If we survive, it will be world changing. It will ultimately just be sad for everyone. 

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2 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

It’s almost time to open the Election 2024 thread. Trump looking to announce on 11/14.

Might as well start the thread next Wednesday, the day after the midterms.


At this point, if Trump runs, I don't see him losing the nomination nor the presidential election.

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