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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

Cooked Crack

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30 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Might as well start the thread next Wednesday, the day after the midterms.


At this point, if Trump runs, I don't see him losing the nomination nor the presidential election.

He’s not losing the nomination.

Way to earlier to say who wins presidency; though he would beat Biden or any Dem if they were on the ballot right now.

Garland is mulling whether to create a special council for Trump. He needs to.

Part of the reason Trump is announcing now; he thinks all those investigations will be hold. Can’t investigate a candidate.

Well not this time. He will cry witch-hunt.



Lincoln Project, DNC , etc.  should have ads airing nonstop against Trump.

Edited by 88Comrade2000
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32 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

What a dark day for America if this happens. Possibly, the world, because we will be so busy fighting each other, that a lot of other countries will take advantage and take over places that they want. It might just change into a world war where everyday citizens are fighting against crap countrys like China, Saudis, And Russia. There might be some ethnic cleansing going on. If we survive, it will be world changing. It will ultimately just be sad for everyone. 


I agree

But I don't think it will come to that

Overwhelmingly the one thing that they share is that they're ****ing cowards

Always willing to throw someone else under the bus

Never jumping themselves

So my post was more a "What if?" than a "What will", 'cuz I don't think they have the balls to do anymore than just talk

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How about young people wait until after the election and we actually see how many voted and what the results are, instead of arbitrary lines of young people beforehand as if that means something. 

I mean I’d suggest doing it two elections in a row at a minimum instead of pretending doing it this one time is all that matters (if they even do it, see first paragraph) but I know they don’t have that level of discipline. 

Edited by tshile
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Not down on young people voting 

at all 


down on them showing up once in a blue moon and acting like they matter or the narrative is a false one


youre the least reliable voting bloc in the history of the country.


you’re gonna have to actually change that before you start thumping your chest about how important you are 

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14 minutes ago, tshile said:

Not down on young people voting 

at all 


down on them showing up once in a blue moon and acting like they matter or the narrative is a false one


youre the least reliable voting bloc in the history of the country.


you’re gonna have to actually change that before you start thumping your chest about how important you are 


Hey didn't you usta be young and vote for Republicans? 🤪



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12 minutes ago, tshile said:

Not down on young people voting 

at all 


down on them showing up once in a blue moon and acting like they matter or the narrative is a false one


youre the least reliable voting bloc in the history of the country.


you’re gonna have to actually change that before you start thumping your chest about how important you are 


What a load of baloney! 


If they come out to vote to certify democracy as our system of government over the Fascist Republicans then I posit that they came out to do just that. 


Why more elders aren't coming out to save their Social Security and Medicare is beyond me. I'm certainly concerned since I need every dollar I get in my SS check. 


And what about those Trumpers who readily took their checks during 2020-21 that Republicans to a person voted against, the money pumped into persons and businesses to help during the pandemic? Did these people refuse the money? If Republicans had their way, the financial suffering would have been devastating. 


Vote against every Fascist Republican. If they aren't sounding their voices against Fascism, they are silently complicit.

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Hard to believe this guy is a viable candidate that will get more than a handful of votes, but there are a lot of crazy, stupid people in this country.


Doug Mastriano’s Prophets In Pennsylvania


A shocking weekend with the supporters of the nominee for governor — full of swords, demons, and wild prophecies — shows the theocratic future of the GOP.

LifeGate Church is nestled in a wooded area of Elizabethtown, 6 miles from the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant that partially melted down in 1979, almost rendering this pretty patch of central Pennsylvania along the Susquehanna River a radioactive wasteland. The church was formed in 2010, and now a half-acre of trees behind the building lay on their sides, cut down to make room for an expansion that will include a new youth center.


On an overcast Sunday morning last month, about 80 congregants pulled into the parking lot underneath brilliant orange and yellow foliage and filed in through the church’s red front doors, sharing warm greetings and smiles. I also pulled into the parking lot, glancing in the rearview mirror to see a car pulling in behind me with a sticker on its front windshield declaring, “CRT MARXISM SUCKS.”


I was welcomed by Pastor Don Lamb, a tall, gray-mustachioed man who had recently recovered from a heart attack.Lamb had made it clear before I arrived at LifeGate that he was wary of journalists like me, but that the church would stand by its promise to welcome anybody for Sunday service. 


Lamb then introduced a visitor to the day’s service, Calvin Greiner, a middle-aged white man from over in Lititz who claims to receive prophetic visions from God. Greiner walked to the front of the room carrying a long sword and grabbed hold of the microphone.


“I was instructed years and years ago to make a sword and to put on it specific words,” Greiner said. He recited the sword’s inscription. “Anointed and appointed. Worship. Warfare. Prayer. Intercession by the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “The other side says, The sword of the Lord — my name’s not on here — it’s The sword of the Lord. The sword of the Spirit.”



Doug Mastriano, GOP nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, holds a sword at an event hosted by QAnon conspiracy theorists in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in April 2022.

To better understand Mastriano, I traveled to central Pennsylvania to see the Christian nationalist extremists in his orbit up close. His supporters, some of whom are self-anointed “prophets,” see Mastriano as ordained by God to be governor of the Keystone State at a crucial moment in American history. Along the way, I joined a traveling far-right roadshow and neo-Charismatic Christian revival called the Great ReAwakening, hosted by former Trump national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn and Oklahoma businessman Clay Clark.


It’s a festival of MAGA and QAnon conspiracy theories — about the 2020 election, vaccines, the COVID pandemic, 5G, critical race theory and a globalist cabal of Democratic Satan-worshiping pedophiles — so outlandish that it’d be easy to dismiss as fringe if it weren’t regularly attracting thousands of people. It’s also routinely endorsed by some of the most powerful Republican figures in the country, including Mastriano.


Mastriano was scheduled to speak at this Great ReAwakening in Manheim — organizer Clay Clark said Mastriano’s campaign asked to include him on the speaker list — but he wouldn’t appear until the end of the second day of the conference, after 16-plus hours of songs, baptisms, healing ceremonies and the casting out of demons.

And wild speeches like Polny’s.


“We’re about to witness the Third Seal of Revelation,” Polny told the Great ReAwakening crowd. “The angel of death is coming to visit these people before the end of the year.”


A graphic appeared on the screen...




Click on the link for more craziness


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3 minutes ago, tshile said:

At least I ****ing voted instead of complaining and doing nothing  ;) 


Yeah ya voted for the kinda folks that got us into this situation.  🤪


Sometimes it's better just to do nothing. Imagine if Hitler or Stalin had just stayed home, sent out some angry emails, n got trashed on listerine instead of doing stuff and things. 🤭

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6 hours ago, China said:

Hard to believe this guy is a viable candidate that will get more than a handful of votes, but there are a lot of crazy, stupid people in this country.


Doug Mastriano’s Prophets In Pennsylvania


A shocking weekend with the supporters of the nominee for governor — full of swords, demons, and wild prophecies — shows the theocratic future of the GOP.

LifeGate Church is nestled in a wooded area of Elizabethtown, 6 miles from the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant that partially melted down in 1979, almost rendering this pretty patch of central Pennsylvania along the Susquehanna River a radioactive wasteland. The church was formed in 2010, and now a half-acre of trees behind the building lay on their sides, cut down to make room for an expansion that will include a new youth center.


On an overcast Sunday morning last month, about 80 congregants pulled into the parking lot underneath brilliant orange and yellow foliage and filed in through the church’s red front doors, sharing warm greetings and smiles. I also pulled into the parking lot, glancing in the rearview mirror to see a car pulling in behind me with a sticker on its front windshield declaring, “CRT MARXISM SUCKS.”


I was welcomed by Pastor Don Lamb, a tall, gray-mustachioed man who had recently recovered from a heart attack.Lamb had made it clear before I arrived at LifeGate that he was wary of journalists like me, but that the church would stand by its promise to welcome anybody for Sunday service. 


Lamb then introduced a visitor to the day’s service, Calvin Greiner, a middle-aged white man from over in Lititz who claims to receive prophetic visions from God. Greiner walked to the front of the room carrying a long sword and grabbed hold of the microphone.


“I was instructed years and years ago to make a sword and to put on it specific words,” Greiner said. He recited the sword’s inscription. “Anointed and appointed. Worship. Warfare. Prayer. Intercession by the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “The other side says, The sword of the Lord — my name’s not on here — it’s The sword of the Lord. The sword of the Spirit.”



Doug Mastriano, GOP nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, holds a sword at an event hosted by QAnon conspiracy theorists in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in April 2022.

To better understand Mastriano, I traveled to central Pennsylvania to see the Christian nationalist extremists in his orbit up close. His supporters, some of whom are self-anointed “prophets,” see Mastriano as ordained by God to be governor of the Keystone State at a crucial moment in American history. Along the way, I joined a traveling far-right roadshow and neo-Charismatic Christian revival called the Great ReAwakening, hosted by former Trump national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn and Oklahoma businessman Clay Clark.


It’s a festival of MAGA and QAnon conspiracy theories — about the 2020 election, vaccines, the COVID pandemic, 5G, critical race theory and a globalist cabal of Democratic Satan-worshiping pedophiles — so outlandish that it’d be easy to dismiss as fringe if it weren’t regularly attracting thousands of people. It’s also routinely endorsed by some of the most powerful Republican figures in the country, including Mastriano.


Mastriano was scheduled to speak at this Great ReAwakening in Manheim — organizer Clay Clark said Mastriano’s campaign asked to include him on the speaker list — but he wouldn’t appear until the end of the second day of the conference, after 16-plus hours of songs, baptisms, healing ceremonies and the casting out of demons.

And wild speeches like Polny’s.


“We’re about to witness the Third Seal of Revelation,” Polny told the Great ReAwakening crowd. “The angel of death is coming to visit these people before the end of the year.”


A graphic appeared on the screen...




Click on the link for more craziness


Why is Michelle Obama on there while Barrack gets off scot free 🧐

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13 hours ago, Dan T. said:

New Fetterman ad. Youngsters may not get the reference.

 Oh, and stay for the very end - past the graphic…

the fact that the remaining coke mysteriously stays at the top of the bottle when he’s done drinking and brings it down is hilarious 😂 


Otherwise I liked it

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12 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



The number of young voters doubled from 2016 to 2018, and then increased another 11 percentage points between 2018 and 2020. Sounds like they were doing exactly what you wanted them to do.



are you talking about registrations or votes? And what you said may be technically accurate but the point your making isn’t, according to the charts I found. Over the long haul it’s not all that different and hardly the best in recent years. 2004 and 2012 were higher even if the “increase” from 2014 to 2016 was high (and an increase that matches the long term pattern of the 4 v 2 year election cycles…..)

I have seen the reports about massive registration numbers over the recent years but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s votes that matter. 

Edited by tshile
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also my point was they are the least reliable and least important voting bloc, and that these “don’t let anyone say we don’t vote” posts are utter silliness. And if the charts I’m seeing are correct - even on their best elections they’re still the lowest turnout demo and there significantly far away from the next lowest group. 

What I said was do it more than once but I guess what I should have said was, why don’t you start by doing it at least once. 


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It should also be noted that we have a trend of population getting older and lower birth rates etc. it is not enough to make up the % of turnout within that demo, they need to do better than that because the total number of people in the demo is and will continue to decline. 


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16 minutes ago, tshile said:


are you talking about registrations or votes? And what you said may be technically accurate but the point your making isn’t, according to the charts I found. Over the long haul it’s not all that different and hardly the best in recent years. 2004 and 2012 were higher even if the “increase” from 2014 to 2016 was high (and an increase that matches the long term pattern of the 4 v 2 year election cycles…..)

I have seen the reports about massive registration numbers over the recent years but that doesn’t mean anything. It’s votes that matter. 

I’m talking votes. And the “young voters” that doubled between 2016-2018 were 18-24. In 2020, 50% of the 18-29 group voted.

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38 minutes ago, tshile said:

It should also be noted that we have a trend of population getting older and lower birth rates etc. it is not enough to make up the % of turnout within that demo, they need to do better than that because the total number of people in the demo is and will continue to decline. 



Actually I may have ****ed up a bit lol...I think what I read compared 2014 midterm voting numbers to 2018 midterm voting numbers, not 2016 presidential voting numbers to the 2018 midterm voting numbers.



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