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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

Cooked Crack

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10 hours ago, Bang said:

My wife gave me a sweatshirt with an F-18 Hornet on it, and the word Hornet is spelled out with a flag motif.

I definitely feel self conscious wearing it because I think you're right,, typically that is part of their uniform.



100% understand this.  Being in TX, I like to dress in contradictions sometimes - camo mask or USA hat with decidedly non-rural, trendy* clothes.


I recommend a tie-dye or rainbow mask with your sweatshirt.  :)



*trendy for this area anyway, lol

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“Sense of Entitlement”: Rioters Faced Few Consequences Invading State Capitols. No Wonder They Turned to the U.S. Capitol Next.


In a year in which state governments around the country have become flashpoints for conservative anger about the coronavirus lockdown and Trump’s electoral defeat, it was right-wing activists — some of them armed, nearly all of them white — who forced their way into state capitols in Idaho, Michigan and Oregon. Each instance was an opportunity for local and national law enforcement officials to school themselves in ways to prevent angry mobs from threatening the nation’s lawmakers.


But it was Trump supporters who did the learning. That it was possible — even easy — to breach the seats of government to intimidate lawmakers. That police would not meet them with the same level of force they deployed against Black Lives Matter protesters. That they could find sympathizers on the inside who might help them.


And they learned that criminal charges, as well as efforts to make the buildings more secure, were unlikely to follow their incursions. In the three cases, police made only a handful of arrests.

The failure to stop state capitol invasions is especially chilling after the attack on the U.S. Capitol...


“Eventually, you get to the point of entitlement where you can get away with anything and there will never be any accountability,” the Idaho House minority leader, Ilana Rubel, a Democrat, said. “I don’t know that (Bedke) was wrong under the circumstances, but it adds up to creating a sense of entitlement.”


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9 hours ago, skinny21 said:

100% understand this.  Being in TX, I like to dress in contradictions sometimes - camo mask or USA hat with decidedly non-rural, trendy* clothes.


I recommend a tie-dye or rainbow mask with your sweatshirt.  :)



*trendy for this area anyway, lol

i should note, i have not stopped wearing it. i work with the F18 program and am damned proud of it. I figure if anyone ever does give me any guff over it, I can maybe show them their preconception is incorrect. I do hate that my own flag has been co-opted like this, because the preconception exists with me, too. 



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14 minutes ago, Bang said:

i should note, i have not stopped wearing it. i work with the F18 program and am damned proud of it. I figure if anyone ever does give me any guff over it, I can maybe show them their preconception is incorrect. I do hate that my own flag has been co-opted like this, because the preconception exists with me, too. 




This is something that pisses me off no end, the way that the flag itself has been co-opted by the trogs. Hell, even I do that, I see someone flaggin it up and my default setting is to automatically assume they are some kind of ignorant jackwad.



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6 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


This is something that pisses me off no end, the way that the flag itself has been co-opted by the trogs. Hell, even I do that, I see someone flaggin it up and my default setting is to automatically assume they are some kind of ignorant jackwad.



I have actually asked people if they had all those flags on their car on September 10, 2001.  Of course, their bewildered look is their answer. 

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26 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


This is something that pisses me off no end, the way that the flag itself has been co-opted by the trogs. Hell, even I do that, I see someone flaggin it up and my default setting is to automatically assume they are some kind of ignorant jackwad.



yeah. If you just keep remembering that this specific group of people were talking about is just projecting all their own shortcomings one everyone else, their behavior becomes understandable. 

they aren’t patriots broadcasting their love for their country


They’re decisively anti-American and trying to cover up for it by accusing everyone else of needing some more patriotism in their life. 

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

yeah. If you just keep remembering that this specific group of people were talking about is just projecting all their own shortcomings one everyone else, their behavior becomes understandable. 

they aren’t patriots broadcasting their love for their country


They’re decisively anti-American and trying to cover up for it by accusing everyone else of needing some more patriotism in their life. 

That's it.

Here in France the only ones that carry flags are those that are 3rd or 4th generation immigrants (Mind you 1st and 2nd don't do it, they see themselves as french).

We just don't do that. But that's still our flag.


That's how most people operate, if you need to show it, that's because you've got a problem with it.

Just like ****'s length....

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That's where I live right there. Have a regular where I work who had the American flag painted all over his truck. Folks driving around with not 1 but two good sized American flags in the back of their trucks.  A few still flying the American flag on one side and Trump 2020 on the other.  Have that on the street I Iive on as well. Guy across the street even lit his Trump flag up. 2 places down the street have their 3x5 flags mounted to their houses flying 24/7. No lights on them of course. Told my wife I'm tired of these people coopting the flag so I fly 4 small ones in the front yard.  ;) (That'll learn -em). 

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2 hours ago, Bang said:

i should note, i have not stopped wearing it. i work with the F18 program and am damned proud of it. I figure if anyone ever does give me any guff over it, I can maybe show them their preconception is incorrect. I do hate that my own flag has been co-opted like this, because the preconception exists with me, too. 




2 hours ago, LD0506 said:


This is something that pisses me off no end, the way that the flag itself has been co-opted by the trogs. Hell, even I do that, I see someone flaggin it up and my default setting is to automatically assume they are some kind of ignorant jackwad.




I put up the flag outside our front door on most holidays. We have a holder that angles off the house.  It looks beautiful flying over the front porch.  I also put it up the day after Joe Biden was confirmed as winner of the 2020 election.  And on Inauguration Day. And on the days after Trump was impeached - the first and second times. Days that are good for America.

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13 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:






Good article.  I wish Farrow had asked about the megaphone she was carrying.  That points to a premeditation that she otherwise tries to downplay. 


She's wanted by the FBI and is in hiding.  I'll be waiting to hear news of her arrest.

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'He invited us': Accused Capitol rioters blame Trump in novel legal defense


Emanuel Jackson, a 20-year-old Washington area man, was caught on video using a metal bat to strike the protective shields wielded by police officers as they tried to fend off rioters storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.


Jackson, awaiting trial in federal court on assault charges, is now adopting a novel legal defense: seeking to pin the blame on Donald Trump, citing the former president’s remarks at a “Stop the Steal” rally shortly before the Capitol siege.


Trump told the crowd to “fight like hell,” said “we will not take it anymore” and repeated his false claims that the election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud. Trump exhorted his followers to go to the Capitol. The ensuing rampage interrupted the congressional certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory, sent lawmakers into hiding and left five people dead including a police officer.


Jackson’s lawyer, Brandi Harden, wrote in a Jan. 22 court filing that “the nature and circumstances of this offense must be viewed through the lens of an event inspired by the President of the United States.”


The Capitol siege, Harden added, “appears to have been spontaneous and sparked by the statements made during the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally.” Harden argued that Jackson should be released while awaiting trial. A judge on Jan. 22 denied the request.


At least six of the 170 people charged in connection with the Capitol siege have tried to shift at least some of the blame onto Trump as they defend themselves in court or in the court of public opinion.


Other defendants to take this route include Jacob Chansley, who donned a horned headdress and face paint during the attack, and Dominic Pezzola, a member of the Proud Boys right-wing extremist group who is accused of shattering a window in the Capitol with a stolen police shield so rioters could enter.


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Thinking back over the last 50 years, 100 years even, all the groups that had  legitimate grievances with the government and intelligence agencies, whether race-based, sex-based, sexual-preference based.  All legitimate groups of people that were treated as 2nd or even 3rd class citizens.  I must have missed the part where their solution was to storm the  capitol building to overthrow the government.  Fast forward to 2021, and you have a group consisting mostly of middle-aged white guys who probably couldn't name any actual grievance other than what they have been spoon-fed by right-wing media for the last four years, and in no time they are ready to murder elected officials and overthrow a free & fair election because of why, exactly?

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18 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Fast forward to 2021, and you have a group consisting mostly of middle-aged white guys who probably couldn't name any actual grievance other than what they have been spoon-fed by right-wing media for the last four years, and in no time they are ready to murder elected officials and overthrow a free & fair election because of why, exactly?


You tell me:



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A Pennsylvania Mother’s Path to Insurrection


Before the pandemic, Rachel Powell, a forty-year-old mother of eight from western Pennsylvania, sold cheese and yogurt at local farmers’ markets and used Facebook mostly to discuss yoga, organic food, and her children’s baseball games. But, last year, Powell began to post more frequently, embracing more extreme political views. Her interests grew to include conspiracy theories about covid-19 and the results of the Presidential election, filtered through such figures as Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and the Infowars founder Alex Jones. On May 3, 2020, Powell wrote on Facebook, “One good thing about this whole CV crisis is that I suddenly feel very patriotic.” Expressing outrage at the restrictions that accompanied the pandemic, she wrote, “It isn’t to late to wake up, say no, and restore freedoms.” Several days later, she posted a distraught seven-minute video, shot outside a local gym that had been closed. “Police need to see there’s people that are citizens that are not afraid of you guys showing up in your masks. We’re going to be here banded together, and we’re not afraid of you,” she said. “Maybe they should be a little bit afraid.”


On January 6th, during the storming of the United States Capitol, Powell made good on that threat. Videos show her, wearing a pink hat and sunglasses, using a battering ram to smash a window and a bullhorn to issue orders. “People should probably coördinate together if you’re going to take this building,” she called out, leaning through a shattered window and addressing a group of rioters already inside. “We got another window to break to make in-and-out easy.”


In recent weeks, as journalists and law-enforcement officials tried to identify participants in the assault, she came to be known as “Bullhorn Lady” and “Pink Hat Lady.” She appeared on an F.B.I. “Wanted” poster, was featured in cable-television news segments, and became an obsessive focus of crowdsourced investigative efforts by laypeople and experts. Forrest Rogers, a German-American business consultant who is part of a Twitter group called the Deep State Dogs, recently identified Powell and reported her name to the F.B.I. She is now being sought by law enforcement.

In her first public comments since the riot, Powell acknowledged her role in the events at the Capitol. During a two-hour telephone interview, she claimed that her conduct had been spontaneous, contrary to widespread speculation that she had acted in coördination with an organized group. “I was not part of a plot—organized, whatever,” Powell, who was speaking from an undisclosed location, told me. “I have no military background. . . . I’m a mom with eight kids. That’s it. I work. And I garden. And raise chickens. And sell cheese at a farmers’ market.” During the interview, she reviewed photographs and videos of the Bullhorn Lady, acknowledging that many of the images showed her, and offered detailed descriptions of the skirmishes they depicted. She declined to comment on some of her conduct—including smashing windows and shouting orders to fellow-rioters—that could carry criminal charges. “Listen, if somebody doesn’t help and direct people, then do more people die?” she said. “That’s all I’m going to say about that. I can’t say anymore. I need to talk to an attorney.”


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Capitol Rioters May Be Ready to Start Snitching on Each Other


At least three Capitol rioters have agreed to be charged by an information instead of a grand jury indictment, suggesting they plan to take plea deals.


As thousands of MAGA supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, some insurrectionists urged their fellow rioters to “hold the line” against law enforcement defending the beacon of democracy.

“Listen, guys, they only got so much mace. And we got all these patriots. We’re not running out. They’re going to run out,” Mathew Capsel, who was captured on video assaulting several National Guard members during the insurrection, said in a TikTok video. “Hold the line. Don’t run.”

Marine veteran Hector Vargas Santos posted a similar message on Facebook: “WE THE PEOPLE TOOK OVER THE U.S. CAPITOL. #HOLDTHELINE.”


Now, it appears several rioters are abandoning the group’s original rallying cry to never give up—potentially opting for plea agreements with prosecutors to save their own skin.


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2 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

Thinking back over the last 50 years, 100 years even, all the groups that had  legitimate grievances with the government and intelligence agencies, whether race-based, sex-based, sexual-preference based.  All legitimate groups of people that were treated as 2nd or even 3rd class citizens.  I must have missed the part where their solution was to storm the  capitol building to overthrow the government.  Fast forward to 2021, and you have a group consisting mostly of middle-aged white guys who probably couldn't name any actual grievance other than what they have been spoon-fed by right-wing media for the last four years, and in no time they are ready to murder elected officials and overthrow a free & fair election because of why, exactly?


Bear in mind, there's a LOT of people out there who honestly believe that the only demographic group that gets discriminated against in the US today, is white Christian males.  


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4 minutes ago, Larry said:


Bear in mind, there's a LOT of people out there who honestly believe that the only demographic group that gets discriminated against in the US today, is white Christian males.  


When you've been the oppressor your whole life, equality feels like oppression.

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